Tuesday, January 16, 2018

The Sky

After our friend, Karen Howard, moved to the North Carolina mountains, she said one of the things she missed the most about living in Florida was the fluffy, white clouds, ever present throughout the year. Now I have a better understanding of how she felt.

There is no escaping the sky when you are living this high off of the ground with abundant glass. Because our high rise was the first to be built in this area of downtown, there are few impediments to the view. From what I've gathered, views are both highly prized, and highly protected here. And what is there to see? Having lived here for more than five months now, I've learned that there is a lot to see. Whereas in the summer months, your eyes are drawn to the activity on the water below, in the winter, it is all about sky watching. Will it rain? Will there be fog? Will that yellow circle on my phone, indicating a sunny day, really happen? If so, will there actually be a sunrise or sunset? What about the moon and stars? Will I ever see them again? Of course I will, but not very often this time of year.

Let's take a look at what the sky has looked like for the last few days as I travel about the city. Bruce was gone most of last week, leaving me looking for things to do. I believe it was Thursday that there was a break in the weather and I took the Canada Line to Richmond. Fabricana, baby! When there is a little blue in the sky, I have to get out to keep my sanity! Having said that, I'm actually doing much better than I expected, but I will say it is a heck of a lot easier to get around when it is dry. I can't get enough of seeing the mountains wherever I go. The fog--not nearly so much.
If I happen to be looking in the right direction, every evening, around dusk, I could photograph the multitude of crows flying east towards Burnaby to roost.
This is but a small sample. How many do this nightly? Here's how many!

Friday was as wet as it gets, however, on Saturday, although dreary, for the most part, the rain held off. After Bruce caught up with his email, and I did the laundry, we had a little adventure. While not very pretty, it was at least very interesting. Before we go any further, in order for the adventure to make sense, let us look at the map of Metro Vancouver again, albeit a wrinkled version from my backpack.
Ever since I heard the name of a city called Coquitlam, I've wanted to go there because I just love saying that name. Rather than use the car, let's take the Sky Train, shall we? "Anything for you honey", was his reply. Bruce was all in as long as we took the Canada Line to Waterfront Station, rather than walking there. Sold! From Waterfront Station, we took the Expo Line, which on the map is shown in dark blue. Because the scenery was all brand new, I was delighted to take it all around the curve until it hooks up with the Millennium Line, picture in yellow, where we changed trains to continue traveling East.
Now that is what you call a leaden sky! The bridge crosses the Fraser River which we've talked about before. Basically most of the blue you see in the above map that isn't the ocean! Our destination:
That is one way to spell it, and here's another.
Here's a simple history of the area that is brief, but fascinating. Who knew that the British feared that what we now call British Columbia might join the United States rather than Canada? I can imagine that this area is quite pretty when there is a little contrast to be had.
Mountains!! They are everywhere. Bruce is cavalier about the mountains, whereas I cannot get enough of them. We took a bathroom break in the nearby mall, roamed around looking at both the people and the shops. I will say there was a crazy long line waiting at the McDonalds counter. And the Apple store, that was packed too. Maybe you find the layers of fog interesting?
Can you believe that gloomy sky? One of Bruce's colleagues asked him how I was doing with the gloom and he responded, "surprisingly well for a Florida gal." He did NOT mean that I like it because I'd be lying if I said I did, however, I do kind of like that you never know what the sky will be like from one day to the next.

On the Millennium Line, there is a cool little seat that I snagged for a short part of our journey back into the city. While there is no driver on the Skytrain, there is a little alcove where the driver's seat would traditionally be located.
At Commercial and Broadway we changed trains, after walking across the street on an elevated walkway, back to the Expo Line. As we were coming into the station I said to Bruce....I think I see a tiny bit of a sunset. I did not see that coming!
Apparently Commercial Drive is a cool place to explore so that may be next on my agenda when the weather is better.
I've got my fingers crossed that the forecast of ten straight rain days will not come to fruition. We decided to walk home, getting off at the Chinatown/Stadium exit, because the temperature was mild. I so love this little alleyway.
It wasn't long after we arrived home that fog, once again, began rolling in.
See what I mean....the sky provides endless entertainment in every direction.
Sunday was meant to live up to its' name...Sunny! There was great anticipation, however,  it began super foggy, cleared up as fast as it came on, and well we did get some sun. Enough that this photographer and model took to Granville street for a photo shoot.
Returning to the condo it was light filled, that is until Bruce closed some of the blinds while I was taking Baxter downstairs. Within about twenty minutes, we were in a fog white-out once again and the remainder of the day was drab as can be. One thing in our favor is the temperatures have been what they call mild, hovering around the low 40's most every day. I'm glad because it doesn't take nearly as long to get dressed before going out! There seems to be a huge difference between the 30's and 40's, something I'm all for. While this is not my most glamorous post during our stay here in Vancouver, in the future, I'll be glad that I have the full picture of our experience.

Will the dreary skies once again lead to snow? Only time will tell.

yours truly,


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