Wednesday, May 15, 2024

This House on Campbell Street..... just too good to be true. 

Of course, my mantra has always been "if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is." That said, there are exceptions to every rule and I am hoping this God-send is one of them! There is just so much to cover, again where to begin? How about a Robin's nest in our front tree?

One must look carefully to spot the Robin on her nest, but after watching this bird fly in and out of the tree, I doubled my efforts to find it. Our bluebirds may be still tenants on Warren Drive, we are unsure, but there appear to soon be new hatchlings for us to ogle! Speaking of nests, the neighbors we have met have been exceptional and it goes without saying that I am loving the presence of children playing in the back yard next door. To date I can only remember the young boy's name, Jude who is nine. Well, the high winds in the recent huge storm knocked off plenty of blossoms in their, I believe it is called a Snowball tree because, well, the flowers are the shape and color of a snowball.

The ground was covered with tiny white petals and when I expressed interest Jude invited me over to see the nest they found that his Dad had replaced in the tree. Oh my goodness, you have to know I was freaking out. Hard to photograph, but here it is nonetheless.

We shall see what happens next!

There is so much to like about the house including one thing I have already mentioned, and I suspect will come up time and time again, is the light.

It is just fantastic at all times of the day and what I have discovered is that there is good reason for my claim. Or maybe I should say there seems to be something that is aiding in that and it is these huge junipers planted on either side of the house.

The above photograph doesn't exactly do them justice but there are lots of them and all are very, very tall. Not as tall as the 100 foot Magnolia in the back yard, but tall all the same. Thus there is no harsh light to be found in this sweet house of many small rooms. Bruce and I are traipsing down the hall, up and down the stairs and don't mind it one bit! For the worriers amongst you, we hang on tight! 

Mr. Vespasian received his mail on the amazing porch, however, he was special and apparently we are not. At least not yet anyway! A notice was placed in the box saying we needed to put a mailbox out by the street and you know Mr. Johnny-on-the spot was all over that! 

There is plenty to say about our activities however, today let us turn our attention to a walk I took just this morning under grey and threatening skies. First off, across the street, as in catty-corner to our yard, there is a small bed and breakfast called Angel's Landing. Her gardens are wonderful, filled with bird feeders and just yesterday I spotted this fellow as well.

Speaking of bird feeders, we have not put ours up yet as we are still trying to figure out the best location. I will say that their is a cacophony of bird calls from morning to night here. So much so that last night at eight o'clock I had to shut the front door in order to hear the television! It is fantastic and so unexpected.

Back to my walk, everything is insanely green. Green everywhere!

I just started wandering the streets to see what I could see and it was good. Lots of lovely homes,

and more green.

Mostly the streets are at a gentle slope, but not all of them! I am doing pretty good for a Florida gal! 

Vegetable gardens, along with flowering bushes.

The word verdant comes to mind. 

On one of the streets, the name of which I have since forgotten,  I looked up and saw both the courthouse and a tree filled with white blossoms.

Once I actually walked down that street my heart leapt at the beautiful sight of a Dogwood tree laden with flowers.

Continuing the green theme, well seriously it is everywhere, so expect more.

Looking up that street,

the fog was visible on the next level of mountain. Or at least that is what I'm calling it knowing no better way to put it.

Through the magic of AI on my iPhone, I now know this is a European Pear tree.

Of course I will forget that information just as quickly as I received it! Not a clue as to what these flowering trees are, but there are a lot of them to be found on the streets I traversed.

Perhaps you have noticed the flag still hanging at our home on Campbell Street? It was one of the things he left and it just seems to fit, so for now it will remain. 

In front of one place that appears to be maybe some apartments? The streets are filled with absolutely every house looking different than the next.

Some much better than others, a fact that would bother some folk,s but it does not bother me in the least because, in my view, it adds to the character, as long as it is not too extreme. One thing that definitely bothers some here is the lack of zoning laws. I read a piece in the paper the other day that said North Carolina was founded for personal freedom and they still take that very seriously more than 200 years later. Below is an example of when I said extreme!

I am pretty sure the above is empty, or so one would hope. It makes for an interesting photography though.

My walk took me by the library which is two blocks from the house. As to the missing letter on the sign, I suspect it is on order.

Just across the street from the library is the Senior Center which we may or may not visit! We are most definitely seniors though so why not?

The longer we have been here, the more I think that while Murphy might not be the prettiest town out there, Blue Ridge, GA comes to mind, however, it is a good place to live. While on my walk, a woman stopped and asked if I were okay, or had I broken down and was looking for help? I explained that I was new to the neighborhood and just doing some exploring. Have a good day she called after giving me directions back to my street. 

That's the way it is. Most all the folks we meet are nice. It is quiet, small, and peaceful. 

I'm pretty sure this is a neighborhood cat and by that I mean you might find it on your street or the next. 

Does this look like the same cat to you? Two streets from the above, I saw it walking on the sidewalk across the street from us.

Maybe, maybe not?

For someone who said they did not know where to start I sure took off running, didn't I? The courts were wet this morning so Bruce went to help with the cooking for tomorrow's Soul Table. Thus, I sat down in our new little office and took off typing like nobodies business. I hope you enjoyed seeing the neighborhood and I promise to next show you more of the house on Campbell Street that we are already in love with.

How could we not be?

your friend,


Thursday, May 9, 2024

Suddenly it is May

 My word, I have no idea where to start. 

Firstly, there are a lot of birds in our new yard, so much so that their songs fill the air from morning until night. And here's something--last night was our first one in the house on Campbell Street and it was one to remember because storms raged throughout the night, including a tornado in the next town! Fortunately we had no damage but others are without power or water along with downed trees/limbs. 

We closed on the house last Friday, the 3rd of May at a downtown law office. We met our realtor Donna there and David Cowan, the attorney who is in practice with his dad. It was all so easy and sweet if you want to know how it is in a small town.

The transaction was complete when he had his assistant come in the room with a check for $50 as a thank you for using their services. Unreal! Immediately we drove the two blocks where Donna took our first photo, probably soon to be many photos, on the front steps. Looked okay on a tiny phone, but not so much in this space but you get the idea!

As is our wont, we immediately went to work, moving things trip by trip from the cottage.

We both agreed that we have accumulated more than we thought! Our time at the cottage was so special that I have to admit, more than once I was teary eyed while packing. We just so love Laura and John and the family. The deer!   

I was really feeling nostalgic when the closet, once packed looked like this. Those would be my pickleball shoes that we left there because I participated in ladies doubles yesterday, late morning when it was hot as the dickens. Let's just say that Lori and I improved with each successive game! 

I still have the refrigerator to clean at the cottage, but for the most part we are moved out. Bittersweet would be a good way to describe our feelings right about now. 
Last Saturday it was raining, but still our friends Cobby and Diane met us with their truck at the nearby antique marketplace to transport the dresser we bought to use as a buffet. Bruce worried like mad that the raindrops would damage it, but all's well that ends well.

I may have mentioned that the living room at the cottage looked like a lamp store? Or did I? Anyway we had seven lamps clustered on the floor, mostly bought at TJ Maxx or Homegoods, and above are two of them. Generally,as you well know, I am more of a colored lamp person, but we bought what we could find. I've yet to even show you how pretty that drive to Cleveland, TN was. Hopefully I will get there once we are more settled.

It must have been Friday after the closing that we went straight to Walmart for any number of things.

Excuse me a moment, I must go down to the basement to get something out of the dryer as it keeps reminding me to do so. Amazing that I can hear it in the new office upstairs but it has been relentless. 

The fact that I typed the above sentence is almost unimaginable, or so I would have thought a year ago! The porch cushions were in there for drying after last night's monsoon. The big rugs we bought are now drenched! Hank came over Sunday afternoon for a visit, bringing us a housewarming gift of an azalea. Unlike the azaleas at home, here they are absolutely laden with blooms unlike anything I have seen outside of Vancouver. He is doing so well here and is brimming with enthusiasm for this little town he's called home for two years now.

Tomorrow will be a hard day for him as it would have been Carol's birthday, although as the years pass it becomes easier.

Bruce had a fellow come change the locks on Monday,

and while he was still here, the furniture arrived, minus the dining room, which is still in transit.

Before they walked in the living room looked like this:

After delivery it looked like this:

Can you even believe that Japanese Maple out front? It is glorious and a haven for birds.

Now we were ready for company! Mark and Mary Beth arrived, followed soon thereafter by John and Laura. Bruce insisted John try out his new chairs! which are in what we are calling the parlor, adjacent to the living room. Lots and lots of small rooms my friends.

We have been absolutely saved by the previous owners who have left all manner of small tables. Seriously, maybe ten? We did pay for them, but we very much got more than we paid for. The little table between the chairs has a cupboard and a marble top. Perfect! While Bruce was touring John and Laura, Mark and Mary Beth rested in the new "thrones" after just returning from five weeks away the night before. It was very sweet of them to make that effort! 

I'm giving advance warning that their will undoubtedly be plenty of house photos in the near future and that is because it seems as if the light is very nice inside.

I was a little leery of the size of the kitchen, but I've cooked dinner two nights now and it is working just fine. I figured if I could prepare meals at a picnic table I could do so most anywhere. Plus, the refrigerator is nearly new and takes magnets! Hurray! Art work was also left in every room.

We are leaving the cottage just when the irises are blooming alongside the front steps.

And for the first time ever, there were Rose-Breasted Grosbeak at the feeder.  In spite of one not looking like the others, it is the female version that has the brown coloring. 

Honestly I was flabbergasted because before last week I'd never seen one in my life! During our time away in Florida, most of my small birds took off to parts unknown. It was a sad moment when Bruce put the screen back up! When I got up to check on the dryer, passing through the long hallway,  I could see birds on the front porch! Where the feeders will go here is ytbd. One thing is with the super old glass, I won't be taking photos through the window because it is, while crystal clear, a bit wavy.

The good news is we have peonies! Two bushes. Along with a lilac tree, hydrangeas, hostas, and a whole host of goodies that I know nothing about, including the fact that the peonies are SO fragrant. 

Slightly droopy after the storm, but still hanging in there! We have met most of the neighbors and the first thing each and every one of them have said is how much they love the neighborhood. 

Bruce is already a regular at Lowes where he bought the lumber to make the shelf that is holding all manner of shop supplies. 

The car this trip was about two-thirds full of tools and that brings me much joy to see him in his element once more. Seven years ago when he divested himself of so many tools in order for us to move to Vancouver it was painful so all these years later we are in the process of healing that wound. Speaking of wounds, Bruce is suffering from an seeming out of the clear blue, onset of carpal tunnel syndrome which has made some of what we've been doing very painful indeed. He left me to either walk home or get a ride yesterday in order to go to the doctor in nearby Blairsville, hoping to get some relief. They ordered a nerve conduction procedure which does not thrill him in the least. We shall see what comes next! Turns out Linda drove me home with Nancy accompanying us to see the house. After the tour you can probably already guess where we spent our time visiting. If you assumed I meant the porch you did good.

A few other things worth noting: both of us are going to probably be losing weight what with all of the steps needed to navigate the house between all three levels. For those worried, both of us are being very mindful of our limitations and are keeping safety at the forefront of our minds. Were we crazy to do this at our age? Maybe but so far it has been fun! Secondly it cannot be stated often enough how grateful we are for both the opportunity to own this historic house AND how clean and tidy they left everything!! When Linda was here yesterday, as she cleans houses when not playing pickleball, she remarked on how perfect they left everything. We agree! Plus, they left us this gorgeous tree!

Just when you thought I had fallen off the face of the earth, here I am, once again sitting at my iMac, using fantastic wifi, I might add, writing stories about life whatever it may bring. So far so good!!

I remain,

your friend, 


This House on Campbell Street.....