Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Heatwave Continues

To the best of my knowledge, I've never had a door slammed in my face before, that is until two days ago. Wow, it was really something, especially because it was a 96 year old woman slamming a heavy front door. Say what?

Our landscape committee, filled with volunteers, works very hard to keep our "village" looking good. In fact, should you drive in here, off crazy busy Michigan Street, you would be tempted to not believe how quiet and peaceful it is, under the giant oak canopy. That said, every now and again, the landscape beds are due for a refresh and now is the time for ours. One of the things that Ann has complained to me about, time and time again, is that the committee once removed a tree she had planted without telling her. Well, little Missy here thought it wise to let her know that the work was to begin in the next couple of days. My plan backfired big time with her shouting at me...."why did you tell me if I can't do anything about it?" I guess she's got a good point, but my motives were pure. I'll let her simmer down for a bit before I go back over because, having the door slammed in your face once is one thing, twice, well, I'm not ready for that!

It is still blazing hot, in fact, I saw the temperature reached 100 degrees yesterday. With the absence of clouds, we've not had much of a sunset for weeks, until, my goodness, what a surprise last night!
Bruce has been keeping very busy with his various volunteer projects, but he set Friday aside for me;  we went to New Smyrna Beach with an umbrella and high hopes. My first disappointment was the cost to drive on the beach. Twenty dollars my friends. We were totally shocked, thinking perhaps we could park the car and walk onto the beach. That would be fifteen dollars. We drove. After the beaches in Vancouver, while pretty, the sand is coarse and those logs on the beach. Remember them? Our second disappointment was that the beach had tons of seaweed.
Is there anyone who wants to put their chair into big globs of seaweed? Not me, but what are you going to do?
Apparently there were some strong winds overnight, pushing more than typical amounts of seaweed onto the beach. The water, on the other hand, was a pleasant surprise, warm enough to swim if you weren't afraid of rip currents!
While I did go all of the way in, mostly I sat in the warm shallow water along the shore. I asked Bruce to take my picture, and while I am was mostly pleased with the results, had I known that my old lady arms would show so prominently, I might have sat with my hands in my lap!
On the other hand, I am glad to be alive, so arms be damned!

Can you just feel the impending heat in this sunrise photograph?
When it gets so hot, folks take to the water, especially on a holiday weekend. We spent hours at the pool along with many of the other residents. I don't mind sharing the pool one bit, especially since I am not having to take care of it!
We finally had a cookout at the pool, with Bruce fixing hamburgers and hot dogs. I'd made some potato salad, corn on the cob, and an orzo salad. Dave and Michelle joined the fun. Another resident helped Bruce with the grill, of which there are two.
The orzo salad is made with fresh spinach and grape tomatoes which looks like Christmas in the summer.
Then you zest two lemons, followed by the hot orzo which essentially softens the spinach. Finish  with a drizzle of olive oil and salt and pepper and you have a fine salad that is cool and refreshing.

Following church, we went to Houston's, or make that Hillstone these days, although they have not totally gotten rid of their former name.
I've probably told you this before, but if not, the reason they changed the name is because if you have a certain number of restaurants you have to put the calorie count on the menu. Rather than doing that, they changed the name of a batch of their restaurants. We still call it Houston's. Our gift card is now depleted, so it may be a while before we return but it IS so good.
Sunday night we watched the Memorial Day concert on PBS. Anyone else see it? I'm pretty sure it is being re-run all week long, and I highly recommend seeing it if you have not. My nose continues to run and all the crying I did during the show did not help one bit. I thought of our brother Pat serving in Viet Nam, Bruce's Uncle dying in WW11, and others who have bravely served our country. Really, really good.
So, I have found my "Dale and Jackie" here at Lake Pineloch Village. Not formally a guerrilla gardener, Bill has transformed a plot of land, near the front of the property, into something of a showplace with all manner of terrific plants. One plant we've been watching closely is this Voodoo Lily.
If you can imagine, this is the flower portion of the plant. Checking on it this morning, I discovered the big head in the middle has turned black with the next expected phase a big stalk coming out of the middle! Stay tuned for more.

Finally we've had some visitors.
Can you see Mama down below? That topiary stubbornly refuses to improve, so I've got another one for a replacement. Hopefully, with some better sunlight, it will improve. Time to beg some soil from the landscapers!!

your friend,


p.s. While the heat is intense, it is no comparison to the agony folks are feeling in the Midwest, what with tornadoes and floods. 😢

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Nothing But Blue Skies

Indeed, we are having nothing but blue skies, for now, and the foreseeable future. Strange actually because it is time for rain, however, after the mega storms of a week or so ago, it has been dry as a bone. Not that I'm complaining mind you because the even better news is that the humidity, despite the extreme temperatures, has been very low. As I type there is 38% humidity, and yes, I checked it twice.

But, for several of those days, I remained indoors, nursing a cold. I know, "what a wuss", right? Seriously for two solid days I could not stop blowing my nose until Monday morning when it became more like a dripping faucet. I missed all sorts of good stuff, yet in these days of everyone being so germ conscious, I decided to keep it to myself. Saturday was even Bruce's birthday, and he went cakeless, if you can imagine. He spent the morning fishing, followed by the afternoon at the pool with David. What did I do except feel sorry for myself? Watched golf, that on Saturday night looked as if the outcome was set in stone, until that is until Brooks Koepka began making bogeys. Sports are great, providing real drama.

Before crawling into bed on Saturday night, I forced myself to rally when I saw this beautiful sight out the window.
Anymore it seems as if every huge moon has a name attached to it, but what this one was called is a mystery to me. Big and beautiful is what I called it. Even sent Connie a text to encourage her to look out the window. When it begins shimmering on the lake, well, it is just fantastic.

Another thing I did was read through a magazine that I have no idea where it came from. Published by Life magazine, it goes through the 1960's through words and pictures, and what it convinced me is that the more things change, the more they stay the same.
And even though I lived through those years, a good deal of it I'd forgotten, such as how long and awful the Vietnam war was. My brother Pat enlisted, serving as a Green Beret there, however, he never much talked about his experiences, and if he did, I was still a silly teenager who probably didn't register what he was saying. The Civil Rights movement, assassinations, protests, love-ins, all documented through photographs. The words below, spoken by President Johnson, well, they ring true today as well.
Back to the weather report, this link is flat out incredible. (apologies for the format!)
During my days as an outdoor vendor I thought I'd experienced everything, but I thought wrong! Our friends, Sandy and Dave, drove over to Naples during that invasion and had to stop four times to clean their windshield! Thankfully, they seem to have gone away as quickly as they came.

Speaking of bugs, here's something new I learned the other day. While out on my bike ride, I went to examine the Willow tree, knocked down during the big windstorm,
when one of the landscape people pointed out the large number of Mud Daubers in the gaping hole, gathering mud for nests. I'd just a soon they didn't find our porch as those nests can become messy.

Things are segueing very nicely in this post because following the above, I can tell you about a new addition to our porch, thanks to Matt and Tom. For Mother's Day they sent a bonsai tree, or did I already tell you that? Anyway, the glazed container was in pieces, and do I mean pieces. Late Monday afternoon the new pot and soil arrived, with Bruce having the honor of re-potting.
There are four holes in the bottom that you run wires up into the pot and basically tie the tree down, presumably to restrict the roots? All new to us, and we are so hopeful that we can be good caretakers of this beautiful gift. In more porch news, I about lost my mind when some Black Capped Chickadees came to the feeder!!!   Sadly they have not returned, but it was fun while it lasted.

Oh my, oh my, oh my! Watching one otter is fun, but watching five, what can I say?
I just wish they would do this in the afternoon when I would have better light to show them off!! While I was roaming the shoreline, in a first for me, I came across a cat fight in the late morning!!! It began with one stalking the other...
and I would show you the fight if I could, but they were going at it so fast, my shots did not turn out. Plus they were SO loud! Back to that beautiful moon above, I suggested to Bruce that he go out and have a look because it was magnificent especially once it was dark. Returning, immediately he spoke glowingly about the orchestra of night sounds. Frogs, insects, and frankly others we could not identify. Even more remarkable to me was that on the next night I went gazing and it was quiet as could be. When I worked in the hospital the folks in the emergency room always joked about the effect of a full moon on people. Maybe it happens to animals too?

We have a new duckling that I was finally able to get a good shot of how they travel with their Mama, under the protection of her tail. :)
After well over a year, I am finally traveling again with an odometer. My previous one quit working and I was too lazy to go to the bike store to get a new one. I complained often. Finally. Bruce kept the old one on because, well, I hated to lose my mileage, inaccurate as it is.
For one reason or another, I never mentioned that we returned to Wild Florida about two weeks ago to see the animal park. You may recall we went there for the airboat ride, but only had time to skim the animal side. Both of us were mightily impressed with the personnel, the exhibits, the animals, well, everything. This Chinese squirrel...need I say more?
This was the absolute best!
Watching that baby was fantastic.

Another shot that I never got around to posting is this one,
taken in one of the few remaining areas of Orlando proper, with cows. Judge Road to be exact on the way to the airport.

As I gaze out my window at the shimmering lake, rustling leaves, ducks floating and of course, nothing but a blue sky, well, life is good.

your friend,


p.s. not to mention that I now have a lightening fast computer to write this on!!

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Long Beach, CA

To tell you the truth, we did more sitting around than anything. If you've learned anything about me, at least from my writing, it is that I am not much of a sitter, preferring to keep on moving. Alas, it was not meant to be. That said we did do a few things that may or may not interest you.

Let's see what you think, shall we?

Friday evening, the sun finally made a very brief appearance before dropping into the Pacific Ocean. The beach down the street from Hank's place is so wide and as I mentioned folks behind me in this photo were playing dodgeball.
Lowrider! You have to wonder what makes a person want to turn their car into something like this.

Saturday morning we took a walk soon after eating breakfast at Long Beach Cafe which looked promising but failed to deliver despite being open for more than 30 years. Nancy pointed out another place, however Bruce was skeptical of a place connected to a Travel Lodge. We sure learned that we were mistaken as one of the highlights of the trip was eating at this place.
Not only did Bruce and I eat breakfast there on Sunday morning, we returned for lunch with Nancy. Then we went back on Monday morning because it was that good. No wonder there was a line. Generally I think eating breakfast out is not worth the money, obviously, I'm talking about when you have a choice. The usual breakfast items are so easy to fix and inexpensive, I prefer eating out a later times of the day. Well, let me tell you, this place was worth every penny! The grilled rosemary bread was delicious as was everything else. As it was across the street from our hotel, it became the easy choice.

Across the street in another direction was a restaurant that we didn't try but wish we'd had time to because, well, who wouldn't want to eat under a bougainvillea canopy?
What would a Camera Crazy post be without a bird shot?
And no post about California would be complete without mention of their fantastic succulents that are HUGE...
and bloom too. Not that I'd ever seen that before but now I have.
Isn't that neat? Sadly, when we returned, that amazing Corn plant bloom had faded and I tell you, I miss it.

Saturday morning we walked over to the Shoreline Village which turned out to be mostly for folks like us...tourists.
That said, there are multiple marinas surround the place, including the Queen Mary dock which we did not visit but it is seen in the background in the photo below.
Maybe it was because of what we doing later in the day, but watching this ceremony was very moving. Following the flag ceremony, the boat went out to scatter the remains on the water.
Don't get me wrong, there is a lot of great things to see in Long Beach, it was just that we weren't in the mood for much of it. This was super cool on top of an apartment building:
Sunday was gloomy in the morning so after our breakfast at the Breakfast Bar, Bruce drove us over to 4th Street to an area called Retro Road.
Definitely up my alley, right? Unfortunately, perhaps because it was Mother's Day, many of the shops were closed, however we did manage to see some neat stuff, including these:
Yes, those are refrigerator doors to dressing rooms! We passed a roller skating shop,
still decorated for Easter. A sad reminder of why Orlando is now famous for more than Walt Disney World.
Probably hard to make out, on the bottom right of the colorful sign is a notation that the mural is in honor of Pulse and the 2015 Paris tragedy. A look inside a shop that is hard to define as they have fresh flowers,
a reading area,
clothing both new and used as well as a barber and metal working shop, with brick walls and a vaulted wooden ceiling. Very attractive place that we merely browsed because none of us was really in the mood for much of anything. Aside from the Breakfast Bar that is!

We were staying in what they call the art district of downtown Long Beach characterized by many murals.
Had it been sunnier, I'm sure I would have explored more but it wasn't and it was chilly besides. Not unlike most cities where it is warmer than others, there is a fair share of homeless folks, however, I'm not sure I've ever seen anyone with more stuff than this fellow rides around with.
We all wished we'd gone home on Sunday morning but we didn't so we spent most all the rest of Sunday sitting in the hotel lobby. Fortunately I had a pretty good book with me...The Art Forger that I finished. I know it sounds weird and that's because it WAS!

Monday morning, before heading to LAX, on the 405 freeway, I might add, we dropped Nancy off at the Long Beach Airport which is about as small as can be.
It is from this airport that Hank both gives flying lessons, and is a private co-pilot; the impetus for their move from Beverly Hills to Long Beach. After years of fighting the traffic, sometimes more than a two hour journey, the new place is about a twenty minute ride in the worst of traffic.

Well, you already know how frustrating the trip home was but what I didn't show you is who was waiting for the plane with us. He looks like he has no interest in the flight ahead, right?
Got to be very hard to fit a 7' body into an airplane seat even if it is in first class!

Well, today is Bruce's birthday and I bet you can guess where he is right about now....yes, he's fishing and has already sent me a photo of a four pounder he caught and released. With the success he's been having I called him "my magic man." Course, that's true every day as far as I'm concerned.

I, on the other hand have a bit of a cold and just hope he doesn't get it as well. It's a beautiful morning, I think I'll go outside for a walk......

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

The Memorial

I think Carol would have reacted the same as I, however, I suspect her complaints would have been even louder. I can't say as there was much good during our trip, and when I arose from my airplane seat arriving in Orlando last night, or really nearly one in the morning of today, and my foot stuck to the ground because someone left a huge wad of gum on the floor, I had had enough. So ready to get back to our little sanctuary by the lake. The flight attendant handed me a piece of tissue, as if that would have done any good. Fortunately I then stepped on a piece of cellophane that stuck to the wad, thus I could leave the plane. That sort of thing I can't keep to myself and fussed a bit, however, Carol, most likely would have fussed a lot! During the gathering several of her friends remarked that we looked similar and had many of the same hand gestures, and while that may be true, I probably might describe myself as Carol-light. Not nearly as beautiful or talented, we were, after all, only eighteen months apart, so there are bound to be similarities.
Nancy brought photographs that I'd not seen in ages, and it was interesting to me that our personalities already come through. I'm the one with the kerchief looking somewhat meek, whereas Carol is the one on the left already commanding attention with her big smile. Taken during the one short year we lived in Buffalo, NY, Nancy is in our Mother's arms, and Lisa is yet to be born.

Before we left I visited Monica for a tune up as I wanted to look my best for Carol. Had I not, and she was still alive, I suspect a scolding might have been given.
And no, it is not all cut off, just a few inches along with some serious thinning out.

We left Orlando late Friday morning, arriving in LA around 1. By the time we got our rental car and were on our way, traffic was brutal. During our trip in March we got around using the Pacific Coast Highway, moving from one little town to another as we made our way to Long Beach. Really, no problem and a good way to see what the area looks like. This time it was a completely different story with us hitting every single red light along the way! As we learned late on a Friday afternoon, there is no good way of getting around as the freeway is just the same. Los Angeles has a glamorous reputation, however, it doesn't really look a whole lot different than home. That is if you don't count the insane gasoline prices, or the recreational marijuana billboard.
Nancy, having landed at Long Beach airport hours before, waited patiently for us to arrive as we were sharing a room. The weather remained gloomy, as did our mood, however, when we finally arrived, after dropping off our bags we went to see Hank. Who should greet us, but Astro.
Nearly ten years ago, while staying with us in Orlando, Carol and Hank fell in love with Baxter and then and there, decided to get a Yorkie when they returned to California. As only our sister would do, she decided he was destined for stardom, hiring an agent who spoke at the memorial. Turns out Astro never became as big a star as she'd envisioned but, that agent became a long time friend who loved Carol very much. We also met Hank's son who we'd not seen since he was a child in Melbourne. Now living in Montana, he's enjoying life there. Although I didn't expect much in the way of a sunset, I walked to the beach anyway, seeing large groups of people playing dodgeball which I'm sure will be coming to fields soon all over the country. What starts in California, more often than not, spreads nationwide. I also checked out the venue, situated across the street from the beach, and beside the oldest gay bar in Southern California.
Who knows how they came up with the name Belmont Shores Chalet because that turquoise building looks nothing like one, inside or out! I'll show you a few photos from our morning in another post, but this post is about the event, so let's go there, shall we? You know all those photos I'd culled? They were left on Hank's kitchen table because Terylann, who put the event together, had more than enough, both in frames, and on the table.
In an amazing connection, Linda, pictured here with Lisa, not only knew Lisa from high school, but also lived next door to Hank and Carol years ago in Melbourne. I don't think Lisa had seen her for at least forty five years, so they had loads of fun catching up.
Never was I so happy as when Linda produced a letter Carol had written to her on May 11, 1995, 25 years to the day of the event.  She mentioned her burgeoning art career, Hank's job, both at TRW and the flying lessons he was giving. And still does for that matter even though he is soon to be 78! After being married to Carol for all of these years, I'd never once met his sister who lives in San Diego, but now I have met Missie and what a classy lady she is.
Bruce and the three Price sisters mingled with the guests, introducing ourselves, and discovering how they knew Carol. Loads of them were art connections, either collectors, or fellow artists.
A recurring them amongst many was that they didn't even know that Carol had cancer because she refused to say the word. Even more didn't know that she was dying, only that she wasn't herself. A few did though, including Nada, a collector and friend of many years who told some funny stories about Carol.
We'd met Nada and Max at Carol's bedside two months ago, learning how much Carol meant to them. I mention this because they had flown down from their home, one of three, on the Puget Sound just to see her. In their own plane, of course. That said, they are a dear couple that are crazy wealthy from owning a software development company. Their paths crossed while Carol was teaching art at the Palos Verdes Art Center many years ago, and I dare say, all parties were the better for it.

Hank opened things up, using the theme of things you might not know about Carol. Indeed. Bruce, Nancy, and I, had some laughs about this because some of the things he said were so improbable that we wondered, "is he talking about our sister?" Like that she played and coached soccer while they lived in Germany as newlyweds. Carol? Soccer? And the backpacking story? Can that one be true? Now the one about her being a fast driver, we could buy into that one!

The letter I mentioned above? Although I had not planned anything to say, once I read these words that she'd penned so long ago, "Anything you want is yours if you go for it.", I knew I had a lead in that I thought I could use without sobbing. That was Carol in a nutshell. She would try most anything, perhaps even soccer, although we are still finding that one hard to imagine. :) As such, maybe about five or so years ago, she decided to relaunch her modeling and acting career, hiring a photographer to do a head shot for castings. She sent me a bunch to choose a favorite and was I ever thrilled when this appeared after the event began. I so love this one of Carol.
It was in an acting class that she meant this beautiful young woman, Clare, who worked as a back up singer for Tina Turner, and most recently, Taylor Swift. Cher, too. Her tribute to Carol was so heartfelt, well, I don't know what else to say,
except that once we were home, Hank showed us a video Clare had made the day before for Carol's birthday, when she sings, If We Never Meet Again, and I loved this pretty girl even more. Today, when I had the nerve, I've searched for it and learned all manner of artists have sung it, including this old video by a very young Dolly Parton.   Warning.....tear alert!!

So, those were all wonderful, but the icing on the cake was Gregg, Carol's friend and agent, not to be confused with Astro's agent. He also told some funny stories, and then he called up Dave and together they presented,
Hank with a wonderful surprise. Apparently, he and others got together to fund an annual drama scholarship in her name.
And, of course, I'm crying all over again at the mention of this.

And then it was all over. The actors, artists, collectors, friends, and family left with their memories, while Bruce and Hank walked some flowers back to the house that she loved, but never really got to enjoy.
Carol was many things over the course of her 63 years, a teacher, visual artist, model, actress, interior designer, writer, sister, friend to many, loving Aunt and wife. But a soccer coach? Now that is just too much!

your friend,


Kernel Panic Loop