Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Miscellany Tuesday

Good morning all! While I've a few more photographs from the camping trip, I will warn you up front that there will be lots of meandering today.

Bruce mixed it up a little this year as to where he put the skeleton, our lone Halloween decoration.

Say hello to the Hunter Moon from last week! I say our lone decoration because I happened to drive by a house that goes all out and probably has been featured in Camera Crazy in the past. What they have done this year is so mind boggling it took me four photographs to get it all in. It does make a person wonder, if the outside looks like this, what could the inside of the house look like.

Here's the rest of the front yard if you can call it that.

The driveway has more,

with the ladder there, does that mean they aren't finished with that clown house? Finally, adjacent to the front door they've done this.

It also begs the question, where does one store all of this? Seriously unbelievable in person.

As a cleanser, after all that craziness, let's take a look at this beautiful sunrise from a few days ago. For months during the summer, the sky was blah, but now, oh my goodness!

How did we get so lucky to have such an outstanding view from nearly every window? 

Before beginning this post, I spent some time on the phone with the office of my first orthopedist. Complaining bitterly I was. In the last week a bill, dated 5/10 for $129.00, came in the mail. Ordinarily I pay any bill as soon as it comes, but this one just rubbed me the wrong way. Rummaging around in my blog I re-read the posts from that time period and I just got madder and madder thinking how he ignored all of my complaints, brushing them aside, and telling me to "push through the pain." Had he actually listened to me and wondered why it hurt me so much, perhaps he would have discovered that I needed something else aside from platitudes. After discovering that Dr. Patel had to re-break my wrist during surgery because it had not healed correctly, I somewhat felt vindicated, however, that does nothing to change my outcome, does it? My wrist will never be right again. Remember how excited I was to be going back to wearing my watch again? Because my wrist is no longer flat, no matter how tight the watch is, it slides off to the side making it difficult to be very functional. Sigh....

Back to the camping trip, we began our drive home by heading straight into Tallahassee where we drove by Florida State for the first time since Jonathan's graduation 15 or so years ago. Because the traffic was so heavy there was no stopping when we drove by the capitol building. Those awnings are really something.

It almost looks like a Palm Beach resort rather than a state capitol! Continuing on 27, for quite a few miles, the forest floor alongside the highways were filled with Goldenrod which was so beautiful! We may not get changing leaves, but seeing so many, many wildflowers on this trip was nearly as good.

Following a stop, well we kept the car running all the while, at a potential future campground, Bruce decided that if we wanted to get home before dark, which we very much did, he'd have to get on the highway. Well that was not in the least bit fun as we stopped multiple times along the route due to traffic.

Because we rarely face any traffic, I was going crazy. Getting on the Turnpike was nearly as bad as we sat and sat while the sun sank lower and lower, actually glowing on the back of this truck. How about that advertisement on the back? 

Truckers, or the lack thereof, are wreaking havoc all over the world. Because I will read this again in the coming years it should be noted that everywhere is facing staff shortages no matter what they pay. This morning I went downtown to the library about 9:15 only to discover a taped sign on the glass saying that the hours were 10-6 and closed on Sunday. Since when? Calling them after 10:00. I learned that it is a result of Covid and being short staffed.  Covid, Covid, Covid...please go AWAY!

We returned on Friday night, yes after dark, and on Saturday night I did something I've not done in years and that is drive at night. Because we didn't want to chance the battery dying I drove the MINI to a celebration that Michelle had put together for Fallon's graduation. Meeting at Armandos, we waited for Bill and Fallon to arrive and when they did we all did the surprise party thing..

If ever I wanted a photo to turn out this was it, and sadly it is poor, however, in spite of the poor quality, the emotion is there AND Bill is smiling in a photograph!!! Only our family will get this, but believe me, it is pretty much epic.

That is Fallon's mother to her right. A great time was had by all and I managed to drive home safely only to then go to Michelle and David's place and do something else that we had not done for years and that is stay up until 2:00 in the morning! Woo hoo!

Before leaving we purchased a new piece of art at the Winter Park Autumn Art Festival where only Florida artists exhibit. I'd seen this man's work before, admiring it then, and admiring it now,  especially when I learned that the one we bought was painted with Covid as the inspiration. Thinking it would be look better with a frame, Bruce built one over at Bill's house, doing the finish work out back.

The artist from Longwood, does not title his pieces, instead leaving it up to the purchaser. As such, I'm titling this one, "Love in the Time of Corona".

Since last I wrote we've had another interesting day trip which I'll get to next time. In the meantime, something happened this morning that made me so happy. I came across a post from June 2010 when I wrote about how our friend Steve was just beginning dating a woman named Barb who we hoped would be the one! She cried when I shared it with her this morning because indeed she was the one, and they have been happily married ever after. Did I tell you Steve was in his late 50's and never married before? She's a special lady, that's for sure.

And that my dear readers is why I love having a long time blog when I can relive those real time memories and share them with others. 

your friend,


Thursday, October 21, 2021

The Critters and More

Before I delve into more fascinating things that I saw while on the camping trip, the beginning of which is documented here should you have missed it, while going through the whole broken wrist saga, more often than not, it was hard to concentrate on reading. As such, I'm making up for lost time! Before leaving home I finished a very, very difficult novel called Running the Rift by Naomi Benaron about the genocide in Rwanda. Told through the eyes of a young man who wants to become an Olympic runner, it is painfully eye opening. Perhaps that is why I read the very entertaining and uplifting The Lost Manuscript by Cathy Bonidan in one sitting at the campsite. An epistolatory novel, I just loved it. I began 500 Miles from You  by Jenny Colgan the following day, finishing it up at home. That too was a very fun read with maybe just a bit of a rushed ending. Nevertheless, I highly recommend all three.

With that out of the way, how about this Banana spider to catch your attention? 

When I wasn't reading, roaming the property in search of nature was how I spent my time and with this guy I sure found it, right? The web was huge! 

On the first evening I did my initial roam, coming across this while I was walking on a, what I considered, unusual spot for a boardwalk. I say that because it ran alongside the adjacent forest on one side and it seemed to just ring the edge of the parking lot on the other.

How wrong I was as the trees were filled with bird song and although most of them I could not see, the sound was heavenly. Returning to this spot the next morning who should I see in an opening through the trees but my darling Bruce in golden light.

As it turns out, our campsite afforded us very quick access to this dock through an opening in the fence. I show you because I spent time here birdwatching as well as reading while the cool breeze caused gentle ripples on the lake later in the morning.

It was while standing there that I noticed a GBH on one of the tiny islands in the lake which is actually a reservoir which explains the unusual outcroppings of little trees here and there.

Generally seeing a Great Blue Heron is not so unusual here in Florida, however, although there were tons of songbirds, big birds were almost nonexistent, that is if you don't count my next exciting sighting! Woo hoo, as I watched the heron, turning my eyes in the other direction, I thought I was seeing a bird atop a small tree in the water. Using my zoom lens, which in this instance I wish had far more reach, I was delighted to see two eagles! Sure I've seen one eagle a few times while roaming, but to watch two eating, albeit from afar, was a super treat.

Eventually my little honey came into sight and I asked him to get a little closer in the boat. 

By this time one had flown off into the trees, but I thought he'd get a kick out of seeing it much closer than I. Well, that he did, but unfortunately this was our last sighting because they never once returned in spite of my wishful thinking and constant checking!

I've seen loads of photos of cardinals in snowy trees before which is what this scene reminded me of.

There were loads of Catbirds both in the trees and on the ground.

Speaking of the ground I'm glad I didn't step on this pretty green dragonfly.

Loads of butterflies were flitting here and there including our state butterfly, the Zebra Longwing visiting our campsite.

Our state bird, the Mockingbird also made an appearance.

The lone GBH leaving the dock for another little island oasis.

First thing every morning I would slip through the fence opening, well that is following my trip to the bath house, and watch the sunrise. While pretty, with the absence of clouds it was just that. Of course I love nearly any sunrise because it marks the beginning of a new day full of possibility, unlike a sunset that might mark a day of disappointment. But that's just me. Anyway, on our last day the sunrise was mostly the same, but what was really amazing was, once the sun rose, the glow that it gave to the trees along the shoreline. Oh my!

At the campsite we began dismantling our home away from home, 

when I notice that what looked like fog was coming in. Sure enough, this was happening on the lake about two hours after sunrise. 

Amazing, right? Maybe it was a sign that things can change in an instant because not too much later, with the car fully packed, the boat on top, the bike secured on the back, we got into the car to leave and by golly, the car would not start! Fortunately we had a phone connection which is not always the case in campgrounds, and put a call into AAA for a jump. Of course first we had to get through the phone system that wanted us to put in a request via text which is often another hurdle when you are out in the forest. The friendly voice Bruce connected with said it would be within two hours. Great. 

Apparently all our luck had not run out because actually a very nice man arrived within about 45 minutes to provide the jump start.

Discussing the cause with Bruce, because seriously this car is not very old and the battery should still be plenty sufficient, we learned that although his action of turning off all of the interior lights in order to not draw power when we leave the back open, it is not enough. And while he was happy to sell us a new battery he suggested that since it was still under warranty that we just not turn the car off on our drive home. Seriously? Well that is just what we did which was weird but effective. This past Monday, first thing in the morning, Bruce made a trip to the dealer and we now have a brand new battery. Thanks to our good friend Google, we now know that others have experienced the same and are not happy about the design that allows this to happen on a vehicle supposedly meant for the outdoor life. 

And that my friends is why I titled my last post, "That's Why It is Called an Adventure," because the best laid plans often go awry. The same with every day life, right? 

your friend,


Sunday, October 17, 2021

That's Why It is Called an Adventure

Our camping trips typically begin in much the same way. An online search for a spot starts the process, Bruce goes to the storage unit for our gear, and I plan the meals. I'm one of those cooks that either looks in the freezer or the cupboards each morning and goes from there as far as what we will eat each day. Planning is not something that I'm particularly good at, however when camping for days, oftentimes far from any grocery stores, it is in our best interest for me to get it right, including spices, oils and all those little things that make up a meal. Then too, with only two burners it helps if it is relatively easy to cook and clean up afterwards.

Should you imagine that I would fix the same thing every time, apparently you don't know me all that well. 😀

The cooler is packed,

and no, we weren't planning to eat that much butter, but just in case! The dry food goes into a laundry basket, all of which stay in the car for the duration of the trip to ward off critter visits! Although at this point in the narrative this seems silly to mention, stick with me until the end of the camping trip posts!

Our destination was Coe's Landing Campground, a Leon County park just outside of Tallahassee on the shores of Lake Talquin, named as a contraction for Tallahassee and nearby Quincy. As if you care! We got off to an early start Tuesday morning, beginning on the Turnpike and exiting around Ocala to continue the drive on Alt 27. a lovely scenic route with no traffic to speak of. Bliss, in other words. 

Our first stop was an unexpected one but having seen a sign for the Levy County Quilt Museum, Bruce  turned the car around to see what it could possibly be, basically in the middle of nowhere. 

What we found was pretty darn interesting on many fronts.

Perhaps you notice the quilt blocks above the logs? That's one of the interesting stories we learned from the two woman working inside. When inmates from the nearby correctional facility were constructing the building, funds made possible by the tireless efforts of a few dedicated to raising the money, they ran out of logs to complete the top rails so instead they put quilt blocks there. 

In the photo below, the woman in the foreground explained that the quilt above her was made by her mother when she was 95 years old!!

The other pictured woman spent two months in the hospital with Covid and somehow survived, although her husband succumbed to the virus. She remains in a weakened condition, but it seemed as if being in the museum is helping her in both body and spirit. They were quite talkative and there were so many things to see that an entire post could be devoted to the topic. Trying to be as succinct as possible, I will show but a few of the remarkable things we saw.

Indeed that is a 90" sofa upholstered with a quilt.  

Sieglinde Schoen Smith, a German woman whose work is absolutely astounding, created every bit of this Advent calendar quilt by hand. And yes, that means there are 24 tiny fabric doors that open. Her embroidery skills are out of this world.

For a closer look at her incredibly tiny stitches and whimsical designs I show you this.

Because our check in time was 4:00, we were in not a great deal of a rush; still, our time was somewhat limited and a future trip in which to spend more time there would be wonderful. 

Not all that far down the road I spotted a sign for Steinhatchee Falls. What, pray tell could that be in this flat part of the state. Wait, isn't most of Florida flat anyway Gail? Yes, indeed it is. Following along on the iPad, I knew it was tricky to get there, but what I didn't know is that the road would be crushed limestone. Good thing we have a Subaru to go off the beaten path without worry.

Worth the drive, most would not actually call it falls, but it sure was a beautiful sight from a small park on the banks of the Steinhatchee River.

Seriously, it was far prettier than my photograph would lead you to believe!

On the road again, that is paved, we next stopped for lunch at a roadside park where there was also this to see, however it was not open on Tuesday.

If you can imagine, when I was snooping around, this nice young man stopped his mowing, saying he would open both the museum and the Cracker settlement buildings if we wanted to visit.

Thanking him for his offer, I said what I would really like is for him to open the park bathroom and sure enough he did so. Another neat place for a future visit. 

Seeing the wonderful trees in this park, it occurred to me that while I was in Vancouver one of the things I most loved was the variety and size of the trees. Turns out Florida has better trees than I was giving it credit for!

After our tuna sandwiches, we were off again, this time on a mission to actually reach the campground. After traveling through the heart of several forests with amazing wildflowers lining the roads, 

we finally arrived just before 4:00 and began making the space our home away from home for a few days.

Although Bruce does the heavy lifting and, well most everything, I was able to help some for which I was most grateful. After nearly seven months, we were back to doing something that we love. With our space all set, we checked out the full view of the lake.

Did I mention it was hot? I should have! As in almost 90 degrees. Which led me to convince Bruce not to put the cover on the tent, so we could have more circulation. 

The table was set, Bruce is manning the grill, and life is good.

Or so we thought. 

When night fell we discovered that the pole adjacent to our tent had a very, very bright light, rendering our tent bathed, and I do mean bathed, in light. Even having the top cover on would have been no match for this light! 

And this my friends, is why it is called an adventure, the actual definition of the word is here. 

To say that sleep was allusive is a huge understatement as the two of us tossed and turned all night long. Bruce lay awake thinking we would have to leave in the morning because neither of us can go without our eight, and sometimes nine hours of sleep. 

Somehow, dawn came, as it always does, with the promise of a lovely day ahead.

Our spirits revived, (our bodies not so much) yet Bruce still took the boat out with hope in his heart. 

And you know what? He caught and released three fish AND discovered, upon his return, that there was an off switch on that darn pole!

Life was good again.

your friend,


Kernel Panic Loop