Thursday, December 29, 2022

Shopping, Baking, Gifting, You Know the Drill

 Gosh it has been an excellent December. In this household we are very pleased to say that we indeed had a very Merry Christmas.

When Bruce was not either wrapping presents or playing pickleball, we were shopping and had so much fun doing so. Aside from one or two gift cards, everything else was purchased with love in mind. 

One thing that we discovered is that very few stores have boxes for their merchandise, so when we saw this pile at Dick's it was noteworthy.

We shopped at several malls, as well as on Park Avenue following church. One of those mornings we came across the coolest little car parked along the avenue.

Lucky for us, the owner arrived and told us a little about his Nissan Figaro, made only in 1991. As I recall, he'd had it repainted along with super cool new upholstery. As well, it is right side drive. So cute!

It was on that same morning that we saw a photo op booth in the park and thought, why not? Pulling my camera out of my bag, an older lady (yup, probably older than us), stopped and offered to take our photo. Showing her where to push the button, we put on the requisite smiles and after claiming to have taken several shots, we parted ways after a word of thanks. What is worth noting about this story is that she actually did NOT push the button. It wasn't until three or four days later, while scanning the photos on my Lumix camera, that I realized there were no photos of broadly smiling Mr. & Mrs. Peck!! That's a first. :)

Speaking of shopping, Bruce put this note on his car to remind him to buy what I told him were called Ruby Slippers, a name which seemed to make sense to me as they are little clear chair leg covers with a red bottom. Since moving the table to the new, very handy position, we were in need of more to keep our wood floors looking good.

Opening the package once Bruce was home,  I discovered that they are actually called Ruby Sliders, one of those weird things that are sold on tv but every now and again show up in stores. Sometimes you just have to laugh at yourself! Speaking of clever products, very handy indeed are these little clips that I used while making a new table runner.A Christmas present from Fallon last year, using them makes me wonder how I ever got along without them.

It was the end to an era when I had Bruce donate these orange table lamps we have been using for countless years. 

Not to worry...I am still an orange lover, but it was just time for a change!

One evening we went for a nice little visit with our friends Keith and Patty who have some lovely Christmas decorations in their warm and welcoming home.

We have a lot in common, including loving mid century modern goodies. Because they have a house, there are plenty of places to show off all of her fun decorations!

One major  thing that I've not written about yet is losing the peace dove pin that I've been wearing since the war in Ukraine began. A pin belonging to Bruce's mom, it held a lot of meaning for me. Because it seems to have flown away, Bruce searched for a replacement, finding a beautiful small pin for me to continue wearing until this hideous mess is over. So why write about it now? Well, before heading to our friend's home, I'd also put on a Christmas pin that we gave to my mother-in-law, not long before her death. It fell off while we were sitting on their couch. No big deal, I reattached it and we continued our chatting. On our way home I had Bruce pull over for me to photograph an exceptionally lit home on Raeford Road.

I suspect you know where this is going don't you?

Preparing for bed, as has been my custom all these many months, I remove the pin (s) and leave them on the bathroom counter. Except, yes, you guessed it, the Christmas pin was not there. First thing in the morning, I hopped in the car, pulled over close to where we'd done so the night before, and....

Whew!! Second disaster averted!

Never imagine that I'm super good at stuff because the truth is that I am pretty average, especially when it comes to things like decorating cookies. The stupid tops of the colored sugars were challenging to use, to say the least. Thus, an avalanche of sugar graced the tops of the sugar cookies. That said, there are but two left out of the five or so dozen I baked so what should I make out of that?

We interrupt this Christmas post to show you one from our last camping trip that Alissa liked when she saw it on my computer this afternoon.

Back to the here and now, one afternoon, following my dental cleaning appointment, I stopped by the "peacock" neighborhood and was not disappointed as there were close to 50 between the two streets where they mostly hang out. Hanging out is just what they were doing on that gloomy afternoon. Looking pretty doing so, I might add.

Jonathan and Alissa were set to arrive on Friday evening but with the challenging weather around the country their flight was delayed until after our bedtime. Uber to the rescue. Earlier in the evening, as the temperature began falling, I stopped by the lake for sunset. Too cold for me to actually stay until the sun dropped below the horizon though! A freeze, caused by an Arctic blast of air from the North, was in the forecast for that night.

The beautiful day finally arrived however our gift exchange was delayed because Bruce and I attended church, as if it were any old Sunday. Most people apparently attended the Christmas Eve candlelight service as there were but 20 of us in attendance! In spite of the few parishioners it was a lovely service.
Reverend Garvey, as you can see, was in a very casual mood in dress but not in his message. Chilly, chilly chilly that morning. Some people might even call it cold, although I relish the falling temperatures because I am hot for so many, many months. The family arrived at our home around lunchtime and it was one of the best Christmases that I can remember. 
Gifts galore, including ones wrapped by Michelle for her first foray into wrapping after having a lesson from her father-in-law. (the black paper up top) That, in itself, was very thrilling. Because I did not organize any formal shots, after recently being chastised by a family member for including a photo found less than flattering, I will skip the ones I did take, instead I'll include one more of that fantastic wrapping done by this blogger''s dear husband.

More lovely days have passed since Christmas which I will talk about next time, but suffice it to say, if the next week is anywhere near as nice, we will be starting the new year off in good form. 

I began this post days ago but now finishing it up, Jonathan and Alissa are out meeting up with college friends whom they will attend the FSU bowl game with. Matthew and Tom are on a plane, flying across the mighty Atlantic and should arrive later this afternoon. For a few short hours, all four of our sons will at least be in the same zip code, something that has not happened since Bill and Fallon married.

To say we feel so blessed is a bit of an understatement. 

With much gratitude for your continued support of this page, I remain,

your friend,


Tuesday, December 20, 2022

A Busy December

Ha may recall that earlier this month I wrote something about we might go camping this week.

Not happening! 

That was wishful thinking by a long shot. At least we could if we were not too busy, a blessing for sure because we know several people who have had Covid recently and we are reading that it is spreading again. What we need is to make time to get our second booster shot, especially because we have our family arriving from afar at the end of this week! Maybe Wednesday afternoon would work following my teeth cleaning appointment. Actually it was Bruce's appt., however, I jumped in line and will be taking his place. About a month ago mine was cancelled because our hygienist was having wrist surgery at the same time that our hair stylist was out with a broken wrist. What are the chances, right? 

It goes without saying that more would get done around here if not for playing pickleball so often. Choices, choices! So far, pickleball is winning out. The weather has been chillier, and for sure, the morning skies on our way to play has been, on some days, seriously dramatic.

A case in point.

So really, how can you go wrong with both birds and a sky filled with color and drama? 

It wasn't much later that Anne accused me of not concentrating hard enough to actually hit the ball. Another case in point!!

Actually, as we were driving the 3.5 miles to the court, the sky was just beginning the transformation from gray to fuchsia.

Heavenly hosts sing hallelujah! You think?

Remember I mentioned the church event? "A Walk Through Bethlehem" has been a tradition at FCCWP for some time now, and it takes a lot of work to pull off, not to mention scores of people. 

For example, the luminaries took several people to fill the bags with sand, place the candles after which time I placed them on the sidewalk surrounding the church, while others put them on the steps. Then another woman came along and lit all 100 of them! I don't know where they got the wooden camel, but it took another volunteer to make the creche. 

These are my comrades in arms from the pottery booth, Gail and Cynthia.

Dressed similarly, my head gear was not nearly as stylish! This would be someone you know hawking fish.

A guide leads groups of ten or so on the walk which includes a stop to see the real goats, chickens and a donkey. It really is something to witness, and I am just glad they only do it every two years!

Another thing I touched on, while we are on the subject of church, was that Bruce and I lit the second candle of Advent doing a reading at the same time. A very special moment for us that later on I watched on the church website. Fascinating listening to one's spoken voice. I am so behind, this past Sunday the fourth candle was lit.

Community Christmas party anyone? Yup, that happened as well. A week ago Sunday or so I think? 

That would be our son David talking with Yvette and my sister Nancy wearing the Christmas headgear. The committee, comprised of myself, Patti, Susan, Ellie, Diane and Sherry put it together with a few planning sessions and some shopping and decorating! Our goal was not only to have neighbors mingle while listening to the locally famous Caroling Company,

but gather donated toys as well. As it turns out, our pickleball friend Tony (l), along with his daughter, are members so that was really fun. As was the "Ugly Christmas Sweater" contest. How do you feel about Bruce's sweater?

Some called it cute, but to my eyes, it is pretty darn ugly! Mine was as well, however, the contest was not won by either of us, instead the prize went to Peg who had fun altering an already ugly sweater.

Diane opted for an entire ensemble, courtesy of a visit to the Goodwill boutique in Winter Park.

Ellie is standing next to the table and by the end of the party it was laden with gifts galore. Close to 100! The following day the folks at the Orlando Union Rescue Mission were delighted.

Connie had a ladies get together last Thursday night, outdoing her previous efforts, a difficult task for sure, on the delicious appetizers,

as well as the guest list! The gang was indeed all there. (note Peg rewearing the sweater and rubbing it in!) 

While at Connies, I noticed, not for the first time, but it may as well have been, that she had pushed her dining table against the wall at the end. The very next morning I asked Bruce if that might work in our kitchen, Heck yeah it did!

Instead of having just three kitchen seats available, we now have four! Seriously, we have been here four years and this idea just came to mind? Sheepishly, I have to answer in the affirmative! Anyway, the set table above was for the potluck breakfast we were hosting for our new Dover Shores friends. The table in the "dining" room was set as well.

The tree was lit with the amazing array of presents wrapped, not by yours truly, but her darling husband.

More than one person this season has asked if they are real presents? 😀

The twisted bacon was ready too. Leaving the party the evening before, when I mentioned the breakfast, Sandy immediately said that twisted bacon was not only all the rage, but it actually lives up to the hype. It did work nicely, allowing me to cook an entire pound on one jelly roll pan in the oven, leaving no mess, not to mention no tending too!

I will leave the "googling" to you!

Although various calamities kept some ladies from attending, we had a marvelous morning of getting to know one another better. Mary set her camera on a timer, allowing me to be in the shot for a change.

When Bruce returned a few hours later, while we were tidying up, he opened a hostess gift from Rene and said, as is his custom, "oh wow!" Oh wow indeed.

Honestly, I could not have been more pleased! 

During a visit to Hobby Lobby for a few Christmas items, we found this guy at 70% off and thought, "why not?"

If some weather predictions hold true, this very thing might happen, although I seriously doubt the forecast will prove true. That said, miracles do happen!

The lights are looking good.

Should you be wondering, most people living in here, do not do much in the way of outdoor decorating, however, we just really love outdoor lighting this time of year. 

Next up on the agenda was a birthday dinner for our daughter-in-law Michelle last night. Originally Bruce had an engagement, but he canceled that in order to be here for her.  Only problem was that I had to think fast and these days my quick thinking is not what it used to be. Nonetheless, I thought of one of my favorites, hoping it would become one of hers. Dirty Risotto mise en place below.

While it has been featured here in Camera Crazy in the past, for those who missed it, I highly recommend Giada's recipe which you can find here. She will shoot me for posting this photo, which I took while no one was looking, but here goes anyway.

Roasted green beans, along with some bakery bread from Publix made for a meal to remember. Which is to say that David and Michelle loved it. A homemade chocolate cake with crushed peppermint on top held the candles.

Do not ask me why I chose to use that waxed paper! Plus, the cake looked way better in person. Or is that me looking at it through rose colored glasses?

Busy, busy, busy. 

Your story as well. 

Yet four mornings a week, we arrive at the crack of dawn to hit a ball back and forth over a net. 

Isn't it great to be alive?

your friend,


Monday, December 12, 2022

Playing Catch Up

 Occasionally, when I am this far behind in documenting every-day life, I may just let it go, however, that will not be the case this time because, Lord knows I will want to look back with sadness/fondness on this past Thanksgiving. Fond, because I managed to get past that pesky pneumonia scare and live to see another holiday; sadness because it was just the two of us this year. Our daughter-in-laws got to visit THEIR families this year. Rarely do we drink champagne, as evidenced by the very bottle Bruce is pouring having been in our fridge for months, but he just got it into his head that this was the day to finally pop the cork.

 The gravy, I am remembering that as very tasty. What will I think of this in years to come? We vacillated about whether to even cook a turkey but in the end we found the smallest fresh one Publix carried. Can you say expensive for turkey? Did it translate into taste? NO!
It looks perfectly good, right? Trust me, it was not, although the dressing was perfection, a small consolation. 

Looks sort of lonely, right? 

Actually we were good. I was reminded of our year in Vancouver when it was just the two of us eating our turkey from the Granville Market on the 20th floor overlooking False Creek. This time it was lovely because we were surrounded by all of our belongings, rather than someone else's. Should you care to read about our Vancouver Thanksgiving, click here and you will be rewarded with some beautiful sights and a funny story too. Reliving that boot story is one of the reasons I so keep on blogging!

Before we leave this special day in November (!), instead of making an apple pie, I decided to try a new recipe, sort of an apple upside down cake. It began by making buttery syrup, followed by apples and pecans.

A thick cake batter followed and in yet another instance of being grateful to have Bruce around, he flipped it when it was done.

Although I had high hopes for this dessert, it sounded better than it tasted and was just okay. Next year I will just stick with apple pie, Bruce's favorite.

Woo hoo, the next night we had the pleasure of watching the FSU/Gators game at the lovely already decorated house of the Parsons!

Oh my, what a game! With both Seminole and Gators fans in attendance, it was, at times, very tense.

Eventually the Seminoles prevailed! What is interesting is that in the linked post, they won that game as well. I was never so happy when I discovered how to watch college football in Canada. A Seattle station was the answer!

Some time or other, we went to Florida Mall for the first time in ages.

It's pretty interesting how stores everywhere are photo-op ready, isn't it?  Our reason for going there was to visit Uniqlo where we purchased a few things. Again, we don't get out much, so when the clerk put our purchases in this bin and they rung up automatically, we were amazed.

For the first time in ages my sewing machine came out and I made a new bag for my pickleball gear using some of the vintage fabric from the 60's I have been stashing. My other bag was getting dirty, so this one Bruce sprayed with a scotch guard kind of product then figured out how to air dry it for 24 hours.

We got a new queen sized bed for the second bedroom, replacing the outdated double one. Both the platform bed and mattress were purchased from Costco, although they did not arrive on the same day. Make that the same week. In any event, finally, the mattress arrived.

Don't ask me why, but I decided to flip the quilt over and I have to say I am happy with it because the quilting, done with great pains, shows up much better.

The tournament was a blast!! Before we knew where our seats were, we chose some just like our Dover Shores pals, Jessica and Juan. 

Now I bet you are wondering why I am including them in this account, so I won't keep you in suspense any longer. Your friend Gail, without realizing it, tried stepping from behind where they are sitting onto the next step and it did not go well. Like stepping into thin air, I took a tumble and was oh so lucky to only scrape my knee. You can well imagine how Bruce and Bill were feeling at that moment! What a dummy, although I did hear from someone else that I was not the only one! 

Arriving at the tournament, and to the actual seats we purchased around 9 in the morning, we barely budged as we were in awe of the professional players. That was easy to do as we were sitting so close we could hear them talking to themselves. The balls kept coming right to us and in some cases, the players themselves did as well. Bill took this photo of me and Anna Leigh Waters, the teenage phenom, who sits atop the standing of the women division. BTW--she turns 16 in January.

We actually had a good long chat which was so nice. So, she is #1 in the world and her counterpart, Ben Johns is for the men. 
Together, as a mixed doubles team they are virtually unstoppable. We just loved seeing everyone up close and the level of play is unreal. The two ladies below are two who have practiced at Dover Shores when we were there. Not together mind you, as this match was what some might call, pretty tense. The lady in the foreground lost to Anna Leigh on Championship Sunday.

We were watching center court while plenty of matches were happening all around us. Bill got up for a few minutes to watch what was happening on the outside. Held at the United States Tennis Center it is huge as one might expect. Over 1,200 players of all skill levels competed.

Other than one trip to the bathroom, I stayed glued to my seat while Bruce was kind enough to go and get us a pizza to share. As day turned into night, I finally got up to look further afield, returning to watch Tyson McGuffin in the semi-finals.

That would be Bill sitting on the front row beside our empty seats.  When I tumbled and Bill hopped up to get some ice, Tyson had watched me fall and asked him how I was. Pickleball is so accessible to fans now but who knows what the future holds as the game is growing by leaps and bounds. Oh yeah, another thing is this was televised nationwide on the Tennis channel and it seems as if the three of us were hard to miss.

Okay, getting close now.

The Christmas tree dilemma. Should we go artificial this year or not? 

We didn't, and one thing that came to mind was, when a person told me that they change their ornaments frequently, I realized that we change trees instead. One year it is tall. One year it is fat. Another year it is skinny, and this year it is SHORT. Cute though.

As I type, Bruce is making magic with his wrapping. More on that next time. He also made a little magic out front, coming up with a contraption to decorate our outdoor tree. 

Lights and my beloved bunting too!

This is the first year it will be displayed outdoors since our market days. The weather has been very dry and warm so hopefully it will be okay. 

You know what? I am leaving stuff out. Plenty. 

Thus, there may just have to be a Playing Catch Up sequel.

Until then, I remain,

your friend,


Kernel Panic Loop