Sunday, January 15, 2017

Putting the MINI to the Test

Shall we start with something beautiful? If I were you, I'd say Amen sister!
See, I told you it was beautiful, and yes, the camellias are blooming, and yes, it has been raining. Not a lot mind you, but more than it has in the past few months. Very welcome, I might add.

Just so you understand clearly that everything I do does not turn out wonderfully, I give you my blueberry loaf.
When I opened the oven at about the 45 minute mark, only to see that ragged top, I knew that I had done it again. What's that, Gail? Unbelievably, I have made this same recipe not once, but twice, without adding sugar!! How can that be? Beats me, but I've taken a step so that I might never ruin a loaf again, because, when made properly, this recipe is delicious!

Here is our little Baxie, soaking up sunshine while hogging my sewing chair!
He is desperate for a haircut which will finally happen on Thursday afternoon with a new groomer called Tom. Hopefully his talents will match his good name. Both my Father, and my awesome, and wildly talented, son-in-law, are named Tom. :) Come to think of it, my fantastic brother's first name is Tom, although he goes by his middle name of Patrick. He came by way of Regina's recommendation and she is known for her good taste.

Perhaps Baxie got in the chair while I was taking a break from making another basket...
That is how you get the sides to form, by turning the "bowl" up on it's side. Because I don't seem to be able to perfect something before I add something else into the mix, I put some handles on this one, and it looks like this:
Long time readers will recognize the coasters, another project that I failed to perfect before giving up. Using my photographs, well, actually, who remembers how I made them? It is safe to say I won't be doing so again because, although they looked decent, their functionality was not the best.

Finally I got my hair done in a marathon session with Monica. As in, four hours!
It was last April that she put highlights in, so you can see I was in no rush to update my look. As well, she lopped off about 3 inches, making my head feel lighter, especially after she thinned it out. Perhaps you recognize the quilt? That's the nice thing about hand quilting--it is portable.

We picked Bruce's car up on Thursday night after enduring an hour of traffic traveling the 9 miles to the dealership. Both of us are in a learning curve...for sure.
So yesterday, while Bruce was fixing something at the restaurant, I was bike riding when I came across a yard sale with something I'd been on the lookout for. A narrow bookcase that fits our home because it is small. The asking price was $7, however, in a rare moment of bravado, I asked if she would take $5. Affirmative!

I then told her, bummer, I'd only just gotten a MINI Cooper and I'd need to wait until my husband came home to pick it up, to which she replied that she would set it aside. Perfect. Continuing on my ride, it came to me that I'd once bought an easy chair and stuffed it in the back of my car, so perhaps the bookcase would fit after all.

Guess what? No problem at all! It fit like a charm.
There was a reason it was but five dollars; the back was coming off, and the bottom shelf had a huge crack in it. Not to mention, it was beat up in general. By the time I'd returned with it, Bruce was home and rolling his eyes, however, I told him I've not steered us wrong in the used furniture department before, and with his help, I just knew it would have a great second life. Plus, it is real wood!

"I'll help you tomorrow honey."

Yikes, I have to wait, instead of my usual plan of getting going with a project the moment it presents itself? Yes, I did wait.

For the last 45 minutes Bruce has been sanding away, after cutting the curve on the bottom off to update the look a bit.
Given the task of sanding it myself, I would have quit after probably 10 minutes, however, Bruce has an amazing amount of patience that is completely missing from my makeup. That's why we are so good together--opposites attract!

I heard the sander stop, so I just took a look at the progress...he's added seven pieces of wood for stabilization, and I'm thinking it is time to get out the KILZ. I've got an idea for it that I hope will work.

Then again, as this post clearly demonstrates, some of my ideas fall flat. Hoping this one won't!

Ready to paint,


p.s. Almost forgot that I wanted to end with something I find beautiful...

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