Thursday, January 19, 2017

The Sun Also Sets

There are times when I am seriously attracted to both the sun rising, and the sun setting. And then there are times that I barely notice their occurrence.  I guess for some, those two daily events are often overshadowed by clouds, so they definitely go unnoticed, a pity, really. In Florida we've got both most days, some more brilliant than others. After finishing the bookcase on Tuesday afternoon, I made a quick trip up to Goodwill around the time of sunset, and why wouldn't I pull over at the lake lot, and photograph the sensation?
Just now I've Googled why Florida sunsets are at their most colorful in winter because they seriously are. For my science loving friends, the answer is cloud placement and less humidity. Of course you probably already knew that, didn't you?

While I do love a good sunset, there's just something about the beginning of a new day that especially appeals to me. Yesterday morning, Wednesday if you read this in the future, as the dark of night gave way to day, the sky was all kinds of shades of pink, red, and lavender. I know it sounds crazy, but there was an amazing glow to the sky which came through the closed blinds. Had I not been still in my pajamas, I might have gone somewhere without so many trees, however, I was, so my backyard had to suffice. I hope you can see what I mean in this photograph with the waning moon.
While our summers may be brutally hot and humid, you sure cannot beat our winters!

I am well aware that people love a good rehab story, so let's get to that bookcase, shall we? Before Bruce left for Dallas on Monday morning, he insisted on putting some caulk on the bookcase to fill one of the cracks. I did tell you the bottom shelf was split in two, didn't I? It was, but now you would never suspect a thing.
As well, he glued the fabric on the back for me....I told you I had an idea for this remodel! Originally I'd thought to paint it some fun color, however, common sense prevailed and I used the same color as I did on the kitchen cabinets, Benjamin Moore's Simply White.
Actually, he cut a new back and then did the gluing. The fabric was some I'd bought just because I thought it was cute, not really knowing what it would be used for. So, after two coats of primer, and three coats of paint, it is now done! I moved the little one I'd been using into the hallway. Want to see it in the kitchen? Of course you do! Everyone likes a before picture, don't they?
Another thing Bruce did was to teach me how to use the drill for putting screws in after he'd drilled the pilot holes. As well, he drew lines so I could line everything up. In a first, I put in 24 screws all by myself!
See my guide line? Further you can see all those shoring up pieces he put in Sunday afternoon!

Actually, it is tricky getting a good photograph because the table is so close there is no place to stand! How about if I stand on the side?
Aw shucks...let's try it from the front.
You know how the saying goes--"it takes a village", well looking at this photograph, I can count more than ten people represented here, from our parents, to my sister Maureen who gave me the adorable swan measuring cups. I won't list them all, but isn't it remarkable to ponder? I'm certain it is the same at your homes, or so I hope!

Meanwhile, in between the painting, I've made two trips to the MINI dealership because the previous owners only had one key to the car, and everyone knows you need two!
A couple of posts ago I used the title Let's Motor, and now you know where it came from! Everything at MINI is just so darn cute!

Additionally, I finally met up with Bonnie and Bev, two wonderful friends who I met at the bridge center when I thought I was smart enough to be a bridge player. NOT! We went to the happy hour at Santiago's Bodega, during which time some of the wine, and tapas are half price. Score! For both the food, and the conversation! The wine was good too.
Just before I took this photo of Bev, she gifted me with another darling owl present!
By the way, Bev is from Bristol, Tennessee where my sister Nancy now manages a new Marshall's!

Not only is this the time of the year for beauty in the sky, it also the time of the year when golden leaves are falling...
and, my personal favorite...blooming trees!! Oh how I love trees with flowers. Our friend Mary Lou has an amazing Hydrangea tree with big, fat, pink flowers,
which are beautiful in both stages of their life.
Tremendous! As is another flowering tree I discovered...a pink dogwood in bloom! Although this shot doesn't show off the pink so much, I thought it was kind of cute.
I am so darn blessed to have the time to appreciate the beauty in my part of the world, and I never forget that for a moment.

As well, I feel blessed, beyond your imagining, to have a few faithful readers who are willing to spend time with me as I make this journey through life. I thank you from the bottom of my heart!

May your day be filled with beauty, this day and everyday,


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