Sunday, November 17, 2019

Weekend with the Old Folks

In lieu of a grandchild visiting, we had Dave and Michelle's darling Grace for a few days while they went to New York City. It has been nearly two years now that we've not had a dog around and this was an excellent opportunity to see if we, once again, wanted to bring a dog into our life. While a visitor was good, a permanent resident doesn't seem like such a good idea for us now. Now, being the operative word. About a month ago our friend Lisa who works with the Pet Alliance sent me photos of a dog coming up for adoption that was so cute, she was hard to resist. In the end though, we decided that we were enjoying being foot loose and fancy free. We'll see how long we stick to that plan.
Mostly we stayed home to keep an eye on her as she is but two years old. We cleaned and packed! Plus, I did a bit of work on my quilt. With hundreds of pieces to sort, I decided putting them in the dryer would mix them up for better pairing.
And whereas the table looked so tidy in my last post, not so much now. I've really enjoyed working on the dining room table because there is loads of room to spread out, not to mention watch football at the same time. I'm thinking the top will take nearly 1,000 pieces, so the plan is to work slow and steady. No rush for this gal.
I know it sounds weird, but one duck that gives me fits is the Mallard. If only they would have a fully green head all year!
Following church this morning, we met Jeff and Laurie for lunch. Jeff had the most positive attitude imaginable! Laurie takes such good care of him as he navigates day-to-day activities while living with Stage 4 cancer.

So, camping took a back seat during the month long hiatus while Bruce did his project managing gig, but now the time has come for us to go back out on the road. In the morning we are heading to Ocean Pond  campground in Osceola National Forest just outside Lake City, FL, about 170 miles north of here.  How it got the name Ocean Pond, when it is nowhere near the ocean, is something I've not been able to discern. That said, there is a lovely, large lake where we hope the fishing is good for Mr. Peck. And while we have visited other campgrounds to see if they are a fit, this one we have not visited and are going on faith that what we've read in print is true.

The camping box Bruce built many years ago has been checked for all of our supplies,
 along with the handy check list he made, lest we forget something. The white tub is for washing dishes should you be wondering. 
The last four days have been gray and dreary, not to mention chilly, however, a break is coming! Whereas sunny skies are predicted for the next four or so days, the nights will be very chilly--perfect for campfires! Bruce thinks I'll be sorry when the temperature dips to the middle 40's at night, but it sounds like perfect snuggling weather me, especially underneath the STARS! That quilt I made is not going to cut it in those low temperatures, so I've packed two and the blanket Jon and Alissa gave us for Christmas last year. No way are we going to be cold with that wool blanket that came to us all the way from Iceland!

your friend,


p.s. This is a bit of a tie in with my last post that you can find here if you missed it.

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