Monday, March 16, 2009

Art Show Diary

Here's some lovely geraniums to start the week from my neighbors' plant.

The next time you attend an art show you'll be better informed; hopefully you won't just glide by the majority of the booths, particularly the ones with no people. Most likely the artist spent considerable time preparing for the event, not to mention the hard work of set up and tear down. Besides that, there is the weather to contend with. Of course I'm not telling you anything new because you've heard all about it from this blog. So, that's why I've not written of late because I was in preparation mode.

Here's who it took:

Here's what they did:
Bruce-- Getting up at 5:30 to pack the Element, setting up, and hanging the framed pieces, little canvases, and leveling what I hung. Sprucing up a twirling rack I bought from another artist, including screwing it together. Did I mention he did not arrive home from his business trip until nearly 8pm on Friday night. He returned around 4 to check out the other art and then we did the reverse. Here's what the vehicle looked like for the return trip home. Let me tell you there is artistry at work packing this much stuff in a vehicle without damaging anything!

You know what Roger does but you don't know that he had a massive presentation at work requiring him to get little sleep during the week. As such he took Friday off and had the prints ready by early afternoon. I picked up around 50 prints which I then signed and stickered. As well he made a canvas earlier in the week for an order; I delivered that Thursday evening. The young woman appeared quite thrilled with the new one. She insisted I come upstairs to see where she hung the previous print she'd purchased from me. I was happy.

Angela helped me sort through my baskets once again. Having spent most of her career in retail management she knows how to market a product. She lectured me on how to put the baskets together for different customers. I take all the advice I can get.

Maureen was on the schedule to assist me at the show. She arrived early to watch the proceedings, wisely staying out of our way during the set up. Bruce is quite particular and I imagine anyone watching the two of us would think I am too. It was very fun to have her there and hopefully it was fun for her. Our tent was right next to a sushi restaurant which was great for her, not to mention Dave and Michelle who came by a little later. Maureen saw several of her friends and chatted up the customers. Unfortunately she took a little tumble on the way to the booth and is nursing a sore thigh. I feel pretty bad about that.

Unexpectedly Lisa showed up to help. As you know she has helped in the past, so she knows the routine. One thing she loves to do is total the sales up periodically. I, on the other hand, wait until the show is over, preferring the suspense. I am delighted to report there were 23 sales. Both she and Maureen stayed longer than they'd anticipated for which I was grateful. It is weird how the time passes at shows. Naturally when there are no people around time passes very slowly. The crowd was what I might call medium. Considering the economy I was thrilled with what we sold.

I guess I left myself off the list. I know you are thinking my part is somewhat obvious and it is. That said, choosing what to sell is one of the most difficult parts. Not only do I want to be proud of what I show, I want it to appeal to at least someone. This show I chose about ten new things with about five of them now in someone elses home. It's a good feeling.

And if this doesn't pan out there's always my real job to fall back on. It is included in this list: Recession Proof Jobs
Listening to: The Charlatans - You're So Pretty
via FoxyTunes

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