Friday, April 3, 2009

No Show is Perfect

The show this weekend would have been perfect except that there were almost no, and I mean no, spectators. Because we'd left the car mostly packed, there was little to do on Friday to get ready. I drove out to Windermere, arriving around 4, and pulled my Element right up to my booth space, situated among stately palms. So far, so good. I unloaded the majority of our stuff, leaving the heavy stuff for the big gun. He arrived a bit later, somewhat stressed from a long and hard day, but of course did not complain one second. The weather was perfect, no direct sun, and no stifling heat. The bathrooms were quite close, spacious and clean, as was a water fountain. Finally we were done, everything hanging, level, and ready for sale. We were feeling good.

Saturday morning, after dressing for success, off I went for the 9:00 show start time. After opening the booth, finding everything as we'd left it, I hung the price tags and began the waiting process for people to come. We waited, and waited, and waited. Fortunately, I, once again, had wonderful people surrounding me. This was a good thing, in fact I can't emphasize it enough, because we spent two full days primarily chatting with one another. I learned all about families, partners, job histories, food preferences, and much, much more in our time together. So, despite perfect weather and a lovely setting, no people came. Fortunately for me, I sold the flamingo canvas early on which kept the day from being a total misery. As well, I received second place in photography which carried a prize of $350. Sunday was more of the same.

I mentioned last week that Bruce purchased a life jacket for Baxter to use in the canoe. Saturday afternoon, they tested it out; Baxter's first time on the water. According to Bruce, he just sat there quietly, sometimes peering over the side, but mostly just enjoying the ride. Here they are returning at sunset from their play time

Because there was no set up on Sunday, Bruce enjoyed his coffee, worked on email (he gets crazy amounts of important stuff), and invented a shade shelter for Baxter to use in the canoe. His dark fur can get really hot in the sun, so with the addition of a life jacket, you can imagine he needs one.

Back for a moment to the show. One thing that is very weird is talking to the judges. I hardly know what to say and am learning on the job. There are usually at least two per show, each with their own style. One of them this last weekend asked me what was my favorite thing to photograph. You can imagine I was challenged to come up with an answer. I believe I may have stammered, "anything." She also asked me how much my photographs were manipulated. Now that I could answer---very little. The second judge barely said a word, and for once, I kept my mouth shut, no babbling from this lady. I may have to do some research for next time on how you are supposed to present yourself.

As excited as I was last week about the Times, it is not the first I've been in there, just my first, and most likely last photo. Below are some words--I'm #16 comment.
Another Times Appearancea


Anonymous said...

I can't think of anything more adorable than Baxter in a canoe with a vest!(Lisa)

feasting-on-pixels (terrie) said...

Felicitations chêre Gail on you award….how very wonderful…! ! !
You certainly deserve it,

Joyeux Pâques to you and your beautiful family…!

(a kiss to sweet little Baxter in his puppy life vest...I hope you post a picture of him in his vest.)

Gail Peck said...

Thank you Terrie--your wish has been granted! See today's post.

Mary W. said...

Congratulations Gail - on the art show and the Times!!! We are so glad that more of the world is getting to know what a remarkable woman you are (besides us locals and your beloved Bruster!). Do you remember a longer lingering or more delightful spring? More photo ops! =]

Kernel Panic Loop