Friday, June 12, 2009

Media Day

There's gonna be a whole lotta sharing going on today!

You know how I mentioned the wonderful wildflowers on one of my previous posts? Well the heat has, surprisingly, not killed them all off just yet. This morning I drove Bruce to The Villages for a brief meeting leaving me little time to explore.I wanted to spend time with him but he was mostly making business calls. When I dropped him off back at his office around lunchtime his boss came out and we went to Nordstrom for lunch--good stuff. Ok, back to the story-- as you know, there are thousands upon thousands of homes, along with two "town centres" (I'm using that on purpose), and 36 golf courses located there. Not much rural life left, but there is one road I like to travel when I'm there. I saw these on my drive:

Behind this fence are a group of about twelve Shetland Ponies and their babies. I've tried my best to find out what baby ponies are called, to no avail. I did however, find this out about the breed: Shetland Pony. Stopping his grazing for a moment, this little one came up to the fence to investigate the strange lady with the camera, coming up about waist high to me. One little one was nursing with his mother paying no mind, just going about her business of eating.

Here we have the parent and child:

Today is one of those days when the phrase, "hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk" comes to mind. Hopefully it will be enough to dry the laundry hung up at 3 in the afternoon. I'm doing things backwards today--usually it would be up by 8 and down long before now. Truth be told, with the rainy weather we've had, this is the first time I've been able to hang the clothes on the line in weeks. We love the smell and stiffness of clothes hung on the line which seems crazy, but we've been called worse!

Because of our little journey I cleaned myself up a bit, washing and drying my hair this morning which is keeping me out of my swimsuit. I'm being lazy here. Matt doesn't write much on his blog these days, HOWEVER, he makes up for it with posting great stuff. This came from today's post and it is very, very fun, not to mention it reminded me that I could buy a bathing cap! Having thick hair is a real blessing, I'm not complaining but it does take forever to air or blow dry. Plus, when I let it air dry it looks wretched. Mattie to the rescue again! Two more things struck me in this video (aside from the catchy song!), one that small breasted women used to wear fetching bathing suits with ruffles to give them some shape. Secondly, the choreography totally brought back the June Taylor dancers from the Jackie Gleason show. Those of you, of a certain age, will surely recall the grace and beauty of the dancers. It was, to put it bluntly, mesmerizing. Click right below folks--you are in for a treat.
Taller Children
I heard this story on the way home from Costco, it seemed totally like something you would appreciate.

Then there is the Magic...or not so magic last night.

How's that for media day?

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