Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Market Report


If it isn't one thing it's certainly another.

Finally, I had a good day. To date, it's been a rough September, barely selling anything on all my outings. Yesterday I had not only new customers, but returning ones as well. It's made me realize that once someone has purchased something from me, they might just return for more. Good deal! As well, setting up in the same place each week allows some potential customers to see my offerings several times before they end up buying something. Such was the case with the sunrise picture next to Bruce. He thought our booth looked so good he had me photograph it! That's quite a compliment from him. So anyway, as the day progressed sales kept coming, both large and small. That's just how I like it--a variety. More importantly to me were sales of new pieces. Don't get me wrong, I love to sell the popular ones, but the new ones please me the most.

Later in the afternoon, after Bruce arrived for the packing up, several ants decided that my sweaty flesh would be tasty. Yes, it is still murderously hot in the later afternoon, particularly during the closing down phase, but I digress. As you well know, ants and I do not get along all that well, somewhat like mosquitoes and I are not compatible. Thus, the inside of my left forearm began to not only itch, but swell alarmingly. So there's that...

Now, picture this--once we were home and settled, I walked out to Bruce's desk to tell him something, turned to my left, and walked straight into the corner of the sunroom couch frame bending my little toe back in the process. Not good. I went flying headlong onto the couch in pain. Bruce and Baxter jumped up to check on me immediately. Sounds pretty silly doesn't it? Anyway, getting back into a sitting position, I thought I was ok until later on when my toe began throbbing a bit. I climbed into bed with my latest book which we'll discuss in a future post; I will say this much, charming so far. Then again, I never need much of an excuse to get in bed early....

If there were a pause button on a blog, this would have been the paused section from yesterday.

Bruce came home, then after supper, I went to Mr. Roger's house to discuss the images for the gallery show which is fast approaching. This was a find in my email box this morning: Orlando WeeklyOf all things, they don't mention that I'm a fledgling photographer.

Hopefully it will go well, although I did not choose the pieces for the show. All of them are new to the public; they are all very similar, chosen as a theme. I just realized that every one of them was taken at home! Maybe I should have called the business--In & Around the House? Six of them were taken in the backyard, with the other two staged in the kitchen and hall bathroom. Not being my favored way to do things, I'll have to trust the professionals that it won't be weird having things so alike.

Jim and Kathy's son is showing marginal improvement after 24 days in ICU. Signing the consent forms for a tracheotomy for their son is something they never expected to do. This young man needs a miracle because the longer he is in the hospital, the greater his chances of contracting MRSA! If you are the praying kind, now would be the time--his name is Karl.

Because I've titled this post, "Market Report", I realized I should mention Saturday's market at Whole Foods. The red hibiscus on black and white polka dot, (you saw it first in this space), sold as a 20x20 canvas on Saturday. Finally, I had a good day there. The truth is that for a while now, the market has been in serious decline. WF withdrew most of their support, no longer having b-b-que on the patio and no live music anymore. The solution Dana came up with is to move the market to the Dr. Phillips Marketplace just up the street a few blocks. The locals tell us it will be a good move and I hope they are right. Starting this Saturday!

While typing this I just received an email from Bruce telling me he would have been sitting right next to our mayor on the plane to DC, if not for the fact that Mr. Peck was upgraded to first class. Wonder what he's up to.

Can you believe museum day is here once again? It is and that means it's time to get a move on...
Listening to: Corinne Bailey Rae - Call Me When You Get This
via FoxyTunes

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