Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The End is in Sight

While taking Baxter for a walk this morning I decided to try out my pinhole setting on the camera with this retro look the result:
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Handy to Know">Hopefully you'll learn something here you didn't know before.

As the title suggests, we are heading towards the finish line on the tile placement; although it is 6:30, they are still working on finishing the hall bathroom. After arriving in the morning they will finish the steps into the sunroom and grout the tile and we're ready to go. If all goes according to plan, by midday they will be done. Can I just tell you how excited I am? Everyone who has seen it is very complimentary. As well I'd like to mention that Baxter has not much approved of the process. Eating practically nothing for the last two days, he's moping because there is only the "Groovy" chair in my office for him to lounge in.

Yesterday's post got so messed up and I didn't have the heart to fix it, so in addition to what I said yesterday, I'm here to relate what Bruce's schedule has been like, further making the case that he is a "Superman."

Leaving a week ago Monday, he traveled to Connecticut and California in three days, one night getting only three hours of sleep. His plane landed on Wednesday night around midnight, he drove home, collapsed beside me, and was up and at his office for meetings by 8. After the meetings, he dropped off his car at the dealership for an inspection, drove back to International Drive to join his comrades at a post meeting dinner and arrived home at 9. So that was Thursday. Arriving at the office at 7:30 in time for meetings again, he finally got to his desk after lunch to answer hundreds of emails. Then off the dealership once again to return the loaner, sign all the papers to buy his BMW, home at 7, moving furniture until 9, bedtime, and then it was Saturday. He packed my car, set me up, and returned home around 10 to let the men in. He then covered everything with plastic for the tile removal. The young men pictured above each used a jack hammer to remove not only the kitchen/foyer tile, but the bathroom as well. Turns out under the kitchen tile, three layers of vinyl resided comfortably. The bathroom floor revealed two layers of tile on top of the original tile. Once I heard that, I tried to imagine each home owner thinking what they were putting down was spectacular. The house is having it's 50th birthday this year and I'm thinking of having a party to celebrate all that's happened in this house over those 50 years. But I digress......

So I mentioned yesterday that he sold the piano amidst all the activity on Saturday. Once the demolition was complete, he wiped everything down so that when I got home you could find NO evidence of the earlier chaos. Of course, he then had to come and get me at 5 to close things down. Packing the vehicle we made our way home. I think it got cut off of yesterday's installment, but I did have a good show. Lisa was kind enough to assist with the sales transactions which numbered 26 by the end of the day. Things began slowly but eventually people came, delighting us both.

I picked up Chinese from Publix; Bruce ate at his desk and I ate in a chair in his office space surrounded by all the stacked furniture. Exhausted we both were asleep by 9. Before I forget, he removed the closet doors as well as both sets of french doors, all of the super heavy. And then there's all he did I wasn't here to witness.

Wouldn't you know it--daylight savings time forced us to "spring forward!" Once at the market by 7:30, he was confronted by a huge puddle from the rains earlier in the week. While the City guys fooled around looking for just the right hose, Bruce and Larry (popcorn guy across from us), working in tandem, used push brooms to move the water out of the way of setting up. The truth is that it wasn't in our way so much as it was Larrys' but Bruce, being the nice guy he is, didn't feel right leaving it all to Larry. This took much energy and time. By then I'd arrived and began putting the walls up while they pushed and pushed the water. It was with serious trepidation that Bruce left me to finish the set up because I'd not done it alone before, however, I think I did alright if I do say so myself. The tile guys were coming. Some of the photographs I showed yesterday I took just before I left for the market, the others, later in the day.

Meeting the tile guys at home, he began to work on the thresholds. That's the thing about Bruce, he is a detail guy. Furthermore he has more patience than about ten of me put together. As well he moved the cable and lest I forget, when we returned on Saturday evening we discovered they'd cut the cable to my office. He got on my computer, changing the settings back to wireless, enabling me to do my charges for the day. Working at a feverish pace so as to return to the market at 4 for the tear down only to discover that Dana had extended the market until 5. Which meant we weren't home until after 6. Aren't you worn out just reading this? And you didn't even have to get on a plane by 6 Monday morning like Bruce! Have I convinced you yet that everyone needs a Bruce?

Angela fed me last night with a lively game of Scrabble following dinner. The combatants, oh wait, I mean the participants, were myself, Angela, her friend Dodi, as well as her thirteen year old son Michael. Not only did I come in last, but I learned a few rules that I'd somehow gotten wrong. Of course, we were playing the British version, but still. I was called a poor sport after complaining about my five vowels, a blank and one consonant. Were they expecting me to keep silent on the matter? It didn't help that I drew the Z on the second to the last round either. It was a pleasant way to spend the evening after the noise and dirt of the day.

I've buried the diary somewhere, but we'll get back to it just as soon as I get organized. What I've learned from this is that there is no way I could be productive in a messy house. Remember that show, Clean House, or from what I've heard from the boys (sorry sons, I can't help it), an even worse show, Hoarders? I would be a nut case living like that for sure. By the way, if you click on the Hoarders link you might be sorry.

You're all caught up if you can imagine. By the time Matt arrives late tomorrow evening, I should have things somewhat sorted out. The guys have promised to help me move some of the furniture back, with Angela convinced we can do the rest. Bruce won't be home until late Thursday evening after another trip to California. Oh yes, and then there's the time change......

1 comment:

Lisa Spak said...

It will all be worth it!

Kernel Panic Loop