Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A Women Possessed

Just when Matthew and I had a long discussion about me having too many photos on my computer to make it run quickly, I take more. What is up with that?

It truly seems as if I'm possessed. If nothing comes to mind out in the great wide world, I make something up at home. Remember how I mentioned all the great folks who regularly come to see me, often bringing friends along? Well, Sunday, a very nice young man who works at Rollins brought along some new friends. Actually, he and his boyfriend used to visit, sadly they are no longer. Anyway, I have a print of what I call the transit system which in reality is really something I made with food coloring. I once had a 12 x 16 canvas of it, which my friend Sylvie bought. I told him I'd rotated the foam core every which way to make the drops flow. Blowing on it works very well, or so he said. Last night I decided to give it a try, however, my blowing didn't do much until I used a straw. It definitely turned out pretty funky. I layered red, blue and green paint, blotting it with a paper towel so I could use the other side of the foam core for yet another experiment! This reminds me of the circulatory system.

Whimpering by our little Baxter woke me this morning around 6:30 and I still felt the urge to be creative. Here's what the outdoor table looked like around 7:30:

You will note all my children's paints;  since I don't know what I'm doing they have to suffice. The blue bag holds all my various paint collections, as well as a box of metal numbers and letters I purchased at Marshalls. I started fooling around with them and this is what came out:
So, that's what I did with the numbers and here's what I did with some letters. I began by layering red and then blue paint, smearing it and putting the letters down. Our new red outdoor umbrella reflects on  everything I'm doing on the table these days. I wasn't too crazy about the paints so when I put them in Picasa I fooled around a little with tinting, highlighting, etc. and made this collage:

Each one was taken individually which explains the one that doesn't quite fit. Have I gone crazy or what?

It occurred to me recently that although Bruce and I really don't know all that much about our parents, if my sons care to know much about me as a person, they need to look no further than this blog.

I seriously need to do some purging from my photo libraries. What was it that Scarlett O'Hara said? I can't think about that right now. If I do, I'll go crazy. I'll think about that tomorrow.


matt said...

i like these. very fun.

Gail Peck said...

Obviously too much time on my hands.

Kernel Panic Loop