Thursday, December 9, 2010

A First

As Bruce was walking out the door for his business trip, he casually suggested I might want to enlist Angela's help in getting the Christmas tree. Why not?

Well, because we always do it together is why not! But, as the good little housewife I am, when Angela called I mentioned it and she was only too happy to help on Wednesday. Now, don't go getting up in arms about my housewife comment, it's just a label. While Bruce is braving sub-freezing weather, I take care of our home; at least what I'm capable of, which is most things. Well, I can't re-wire something, but you get my drift.

This post is titled "A First" for a reason. Never, in all our 37 Christmases together, had I tried putting up our tree alone, however after Angela suggested we go to a little spot on Michigan where they sell trees for $35, not to mention the proceeds benefit the Russel Home, we now have our tree nearly decorated for Bruce's return later today. Nine jobs in various states of construction, are leaving him completely overwhelmed. Not that he complains mind you, but he's pretty darn busy.
 I couldn't keep from trying out my new lens on a few ornaments! Nice, huh?
It's a sweet little tree. As you can see, after moving some chairs around, I found a spot which I hope will be good. One thing I noticed yesterday afternoon is that it will be subject to more sunshine, thus, I hope it won't dry out too much. Only one ornament broke, shattering on the tile from a low branch. Speaking of the tile, it made it so much easier than on the carpet. With Angela holding the tree, I tightened the screws around the trunk, scooting it around for easier decorating. Scooting is a good thing.

Running home for some of her Tuesday night party leftovers, we lunched on Shepherd's Pie and homemade Lemon Meringue Pie around our kitchen table. Before Karen's visit, in an effort to have some Christmas cheer, I'd covered the table with a tablecloth sporting an overall pattern of poinsettias. It was a bit much. Make that, more than a bit much. Seriously, why did I buy it in the first place? Unlike some folks, I'm not into huge amounts of Christmas decorations. Maybe it's because I'm so happy with the way things are, I really don't know. Anyway, we now have a downscaled table using a few things we had around the house.
I'm okay with new things, however, my preference is to incorporate new and old, especially if they have some meaning for me. I found the doily while cleaning out my mother-in-law's house, bringing it home with hopes of using it this Christmas. I know that knitting made a big come back a few years ago,is there any reason doilies couldn't be next on the scene? The bowl is familiar to you I'm sure.

Lisa is taking me up on my offer to have Christmas at our home this year, another first. There's no competing with Lisa in the Christmas decorating department, however, I'm trying. I went all out, attempting to decorate the mantle last night, which is seriously Bruce's domain. He can arrange the little balls so artfully, whereas I just plop them up there. No doubt there will be some tweaking of my efforts tonight when he returns. While talking with him last night he said the cold was bitter, making his teeth chatter while standing outside in the field where a new Red Lobster will rise. And this was in Maryland! Imagine his job in Watertown, New York, one of the snow capitals of the country!  Now you see why I help whenever, and wherever I can.


Lisa Spak said...

Other than the house lights I have never "not" done all the christmas by myself! Including getting it all down from the attic. I will admit I'm thrilled to death you are having xmas!!

matt said...

I was wondering where Xmas was going to be this year, since you'd not been there for Thanksgiving. Nice to know we'll just be able to hang at home!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you kept the doily on the table. Your tree looks great. It's even better to look at your home photos now that I've been there.

Karen H.

Kernel Panic Loop