Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Then and Now

I'm waiting on the tree. Not like I haven't been waiting for weeks now, but at this moment, the delivery is imminent. According to Bill, it's a beauty. While waiting I wanted to post something that I've been meaning to for days.

When I came home with my new do I recalled a photograph taken of me when I believe I must have been about 1 year old. Before I was having trouble with my scanner, still am on the device, but I figured out how to make it work using the computer. So here I was then:
And here I am now, some 56 years later:
Looks like my eyes have gotten better, not worse!!! How about those eyebrows of mine? Aren't they something?

1 comment:

Jenn said...

you looked like a little doll. so cute!

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