Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Fabric Shopping

Last evening after blogging, I discovered that Blogger has a new dashboard that I couldn't wait to try, thus the posting two days in a row. Already I can see that it is much improved on my end although I don't think you will notice any changes on yours.

You should see what a mess my work table is right now--Jonathan and Alissa can tell you.
I'm working on several projects right now and as such I went fabric shopping at JoAnne's. Let me tell you that there is a dizzying array of fabrics to choose from. There are your usual denims, twills, seersucker, silk shantung and more of that ilk. As well, they carry fabrics printed with any subject matter you can think of. You want bears on your fabric? No problem. Ladybugs, butterflies, skulls, dinosaurs? Yours for the taking. Wolves, wine bottles, cats, dogs, ducks, monkeys, birds, peace signs; so darn many you can't imagine. I am leaving out way more than I'm including. There is one with some very mod looking tea cups that I'm wondering how I can use. This is precisely why I usually prefer Hobby Lobby--fewer choices.

Junior and his family are still ignoring the beautiful birdbath pictured here near sunset through the nandina.
Even if they don't like it, I do.

Yesterday I delivered a gift for Spenser from Jonathan and Alissa. Arriving at Jenn and Rich's beautifully remodeled home, I was so happy to see the little man again in person. After he finished nursing I got to hold him and discover for myself what a strong little boy he is! Plus, he smiled at me. Melting heart here...
He was such a busy boy I didn't even take one picture of him, however, next time I will.

It is truly amazing how Debbie is handling the breast cancer diagnosis. One of her main themes is how kind and good everyone who she has encountered during testing and biopsies has been to her. She keeps thanking them which is very rare indeed. I told her the best thing she could do is write a letter to supervisors extolling the virtues of the workforce. Again, this doesn't happen often but I'm pretty confident Debbie will do so. She's already prepared because she's been writing down everyone's name. What a blessing it's been to get to know her!

Finally, as it's time to get ready for the Polasek, I can't wait to see the work of Stik 
when we get to London. Simple and sweet. The interview I've linked to is very interesting. Although I do like graffiti with a message, I'm no fan of scrawl, especially when it's done on top of a sensitive piece. I've no doubt along with the good stuff, I'll be seeing plenty of scrawl in London. I remember being shocked by the amount of it in Switzerland which I'd always thought of as a very neat and tidy place before going there.

And now, I can't figure out where to put the tags on this new dashboard....hmmm..........

1 comment:

Jenn said...

We all enjoyed your visit!

Kernel Panic Loop