Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Can you believe that this is post 953? My goodness, either I'm a fool or diligent, one or the other!

The lawn is done and the laundry is drying on the line in the breezy, sunny weather. As well, the Chinese Tallow Tree is finished shedding, allowing for maximum sunshine on the clothesline. I suspect with the low humidity the clothes will be dry in no time.

The leaf drop was oh so colorful. The day the carpet layers were here was rainy and gloomy as I mentioned. Mostly I was right there with the guys but at one point I decided to empty the pool skimmer basket. And what should I see in said basket?
Indeed, he was swimming around amongst the fallen leaves as well as a multitude of ants. I'm wondering where all these ants came from....note to self...find out. See the white on his back? I'm curious if that is salt. Anyway, I'm not one for picking up creatures with my hands. Instead I looked to my newly organized tool drawer and figured this slotted spoon would do the trick.
Out of the water and he's off and running.
Presumably into the bushes and from there is anyone's guess.

Yesterday morning I walked into my office and found a ROBIN flying around. Shutting the door quickly I went to get my camera off the kitchen counter where I keep it for bird sightings. Seriously, it never occurred to me to need it in the office. Poor little birdie, he flew around lighting on the blinds and drapery rods. I only spent a moment before calling out to Bruce in his office. Between the two of us we helped guide him through the open back door where we're assuming he came in.
Unfortunately, the bird left evidence of his presence on my computer monitor, the freshly painted wall, and my desk. Actually, I just leafed through the Audubon guide and it is not a Robin, nor can I find the identification. Maybe my friend Linda will know. Kind of ironic he landed near all the other feathers I keep. Upon further investigation Bruce and I think perhaps it is a Carolina Wren. This site seems to confirm our suspicions.

After the bird hullabaloo, I got to work on prints, prints, and more prints. What you see here are some of my most popular prints which will go with me to Mount Dora.
All of my baskets are arrayed on the floor waiting to be sorted. While signing the prints I made a few much needed phone calls to two of my bridge buddies. You may remember Debbie who last May was diagnosed with breast cancer. Sadly she is still undergoing treatment, however, she's doing it with aplomb. Absolutely no complaining on her part. At one point she said she wished she had hair, but then again it's only hair. I replied, "you are a woman after all. It's perfectly natural to want your hair!"

As well, last week Jean had open heart surgery for the second time. Once when she was 43 and now again at 70. She too was in good spirits. Amazingly she was out of the hospital in no time with the incision glued together. That's right--glued. My, oh my!

For dinner I used one of my coveted packages of Nando's seasoning packets on a whole chicken. I love how the instructions say to put it on anything you can get your hands on. I couldn't agree more. Graphic photograph ahead my vegetarian and vegan friends!
Good grief it was delicious! Mashed potatoes and brocoli as sides and we were in heaven.

Before I get back to signing, stickering, and sorting I wanted to show you a few things I found during the "move." Here's a darling little Easter card Mr. Bruce made when he was just a young whippersnapper.
Pretty impressive that the egg shells have stayed on there so long!

While organizing the closet I was considering getting rid of all my Mom's old sheet music until Angela talked me out of it, saying perhaps I might sell it on eBay. Maybe so, maybe not. Until such time I'll use it for photography, although this one might look very cool framed.
Some of my Northern friends are requesting blue sky photographs. Here's a partially blue one:
Finally, two Christmases ago I gave Matthew some green produce bags that claim to keep produce fresh for much longer than any other storage method. At the same time I bought some for myself, using them only sporadically so I had nothing concrete to report about their usefulness. Well now I do. These strawberries were in one of those babies for a week and look as good as new.
May I please have a second finally? The closet produced all sorts of mementos carrying me down memory lane. Not too far for this one though because as I may have told you in the past, my parents marriage was always shrouded in mystery. I'm not sure if I ever saw this wedding picture until they both passed away. I give you my parents:
Voting on the agenda next.

loving this winter,

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