Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I've Got a New Plan

Although I said in my last post that I had used two iMacs to write those 1,000 posts, I was mistaken; proof, as if you needed it, that you can't believe everything you read. For some reason, can't remember, I landed in the 2007 portion of my way-too-full photo library and lo and behold, I came across this.
Not only is this a reminder of that horrible Historical Geology class, plus Algebra, I realized that I'd begun blogging using what I think is the pictured Dell? Duh--what a memory I have!!

So while roaming around that portion of my library it struck me that we must have been plum crazy to think I was any good at taking photographs! What a bunch of duds in there. Not all, but plenty, and as I recall, I've already done a pretty thorough job of deleting! So, here's my new plan---I will not load any new pictures until I've deleted the same number of old ones. Lord knows, there are more than any sane person should keep on their computer. On the other hand, Sunday I sold one that I took two weeks after receiving my camera. So, there are a few decent ones, just not many!

Aside from roaming around in the past during the holiday weekend, we kept plenty busy. Maxine's again on Friday night after Bruce's haircut with Monica. I've been lazy again, letting my hair grow too long; I'll be seeing her this week after bridge. While Bruce was at the office on Friday afternoon the folks who were making him some clothes met him for the fitting. Everything fits perfectly, and boy do I like this new shirt.
What's that he has in his hand? An iPhone of course! I had to take this right quick in between his business calls. No surprise there.

Saturday was mostly spent around the house; dinner outside by the pool with the music playing, the fountain babbling, and the torches blazing. Good times.

The market was better than expected for a holiday weekend with enough folks to make it interesting. Unfortunately, as is so often the case in the days of smart phones, a decision was made to close the market early because they were sure the radar showed stormy weather was imminent. Looking at the sky I thought, who are they kidding? Yes, it was gray, but rain--no way! Others scrambled to pack up but I just took my time, phoning Bruce only after having taken down most of the art work. He'd been hanging out by the pool at Dave's condo, so guess what? Pictures of some of the family! After we finished with our take-down we went back to socialize. The pool sits adjacent to the lake--a beautiful setting. I'm not sure what kind of heron this is but I thought it was a pretty one, what with those white feathers off his head and the deep blue body.
Every weekend a group of folks from several generations hang by the pool, swimming, bar-b-queing, and socializing. Here is Mr. Bruce with his twin sons, Bill on the left and David on the right.
Those Peck men are pretty darn cute if you ask me and that includes the two absent sons!

People are always asking me if I have any grandchildren and I say no, only one of my sons is married. And here he is with his bride of three + years, Michelle.
I'm only just now noticing I took this before Michelle had time to really get ahold of David! The cloudy skies kept things cool with a great breeze blowing off the lake. So, that was fun meeting some of their friends, some of whom are our age. One of the ladies, Lisa, had her phone and a wireless Bose speaker with lots of great music. She began taking requests and what fun that was. She played some Squeeze for me. No, not  "Black Coffee in Bed", but "Tempted," both very, very clever songs.

Finally on Memorial Day it rained. Great timing right? It did not stop us from heading up to Altamonte Springs for a party with Judy and Cris and extended family. Although we brought bathing suits, the lightening and cool breezes kept me from even thinking about going in the lake to ride their Jet Ski. I've never been on one before have you? I intend to rectify that this summer some time or other. Dave, Michelle, and Bill came up as well, looking all glam, but that doesn't surprise you I bet. Plus they brought ice cream sandwiches which I've not eaten in ages. My word, they were tasty. Because the gloomy weather kept most folks inside, or on the back porch, a spirited game of Buzzword took place in the dining room. Those folks love a good game and this one is as fun as can be. I'm thinking I need this game for the next family gathering here.

We left earlier than some, heading home in a light rain. Good grief, when we pulled up to our house we could not believe what a mess the yard became in our absence! Apparently, the rain and winds were much greater on our end of town because Bruce and I filled two giant trash cans with debris. I needed to work off my stuffed belly so this was as good a way as any I suppose. My handy rain gauge showed 1.5 inches of rain, which as you know, is sorely needed around these parts. I still am not great at it, but it doesn't stop me from trying to get a lovely photo with hanging rain drops.
Speaking of sons, are there any amongst you that can believe we have a son in Dubai on a business trip this week? Two weeks ago Brazil, then Istanbul, and now this? I, for one, find it pretty amazing. Never once during his childhood could I have imagined the things he's done. I never doubted he'd be successful, but this world traveling stuff--unfathomable. Here's hoping he'll have a few moments to take some photographs!

Last week I went to see The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel with Bev and Linda, which was both a good movie, and a fine travelogue. They really captured the color and chaos of Indian street life.

Today has been gloomy with I guess lingering effects from Beryl, so let's conclude with what we know best--a little sunshine and shadow play, shall we?
I really kind of liked seeing the number 1,000 on my blogger dashboard for the last few days. So what? 2,000 might take another five years! Yikes!

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