Thursday, July 5, 2012

Sunny Brain or a Rainy Brain?

While reading this article from the Times, which is terrific I might add, I couldn't help wonder how it is that some of us mostly operate with either a sunny brain (optimist) or a rainy brain (pessimist). Just yesterday, during our all day party at Dave and Michelle's condo pool, the subject came up because although Bill and Dave, as identical twins, are very, very much alike, one has the sunny brain and the other has the rainy brain. Weird isn't it?

Arriving a little before one in the afternoon, the skies turned gray which truthfully was a great thing because not only did the temperature drop , but most of the folks went inside, fearing a big thunderstorm which never materialized. While waiting on Grill Master Dave, we saw this funny sight:
You can see the lake behind the folks on loungers which is eventually where this duck decided he needed to be. Bruce and I played "War" with some great old cards of his mothers which stay in my little tote bag. Because it had been such a long time since we'd played, much discussion ensued concerning the rules. One thing we knew for sure, the highest card wins each hand. The wins went back and forth fairly evenly until this hand,
with Gail's pile on the left and Bruce's on the right. How can this be you ask? Bruce cheated. It is as simple as that. Apparently, while I was checking on Dave, he dealt the cards face up, dealing himself all of the high cards. As we were playing, I was astounded. Duh! The stinker!

Most warm weekends, Dave, Michelle and Bill spend a good deal of time with their friends at the pool. Bill, surprise, surprise, brought along a new friend, who proved to be very sweet indeed. We had fun playing "War", with no cheating of course, swimming, eating, and just hanging out.
Typically, Bill and Dave make a Publix run, sharing the cost of huge amounts of food for sharing. Dave is the griller, Bill chats folks up. Corn on the cob is always on the menu.
Last Thanksgiving Bill and Dave asked if they could invite a lonely friend for Thanksgiving, which of course I said yes. He's no longer lonely, having met a lovely woman named Lisa who is pictured between Bruce and Michelle.
As you can see, by now the sun was back out and the cool pool felt great. Bill's friend, Fallon is in the red and white stripes to Michelle's right.
Earlier in the day, when Bruce met the boys at the gym, Bill insisted that I take no photos of him which Bruce warned me about while we were driving there. Eventually, he conceded.
I guess it looks kind of weird with their bare shoulders, but both were in bathing suits! I was thrilled to try out my new lens for portraits. One thing is that it is a fixed lens so you have to back up or forward to get what you want in the viewfinder.

As night fell, fireworks went off over the lake in every direction, making which way to look very exciting. It was a super fun day--so happy we went.

Well, Mr. Bruce just got home from getting his hair cut--time for dinner!


Karen Howard said...

Is this the week you will have a post each week day??? I hope so.

abellwillring said...

Sounds like a lot of fun! I took a peak at the pool at our place and it was similarly jam packed. No rain in sight to keep folks away though.

Gail Peck said...

Thank you both Karen and Jonathan for commenting. It's hard to keep me quiet for long Karen.

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