Thursday, August 9, 2012

Unsung Heroes

It was my intention today to chat a bit about all the folks besides the athletes involved in the London Olympics. Reeves Wiedeman from the New Yorker beat me to it. Actually, he, and I'm presuming the author is a he, mostly points out some odd jobs involved, however, I was thinking more broadly.

Earlier this year, Matt submitted his application to volunteer at the Games. That's my boy! Except, when the schedule arrived, with a time frame for accepting or declining, he had to say no. The hours were not like most volunteer jobs you may have been involved in, rather at least 40 hours per week split between two daily shifts: 6AM to 3PM, and 3PM to 12AM. time left to use all the expensive tickets already purchased. Which, by the way, in case you are wondering, were distributed very randomly last year. That, my friends, is how it was that he and Tom found themselves watching fencing, and women's boxing, two sports which, if given the choice, would probably not be in their top five. That said, I'm pretty sure that all of the events they have attended have been fantastic.

So, he did not volunteer, but hundreds, let's make that thousands of folks did, and they deserve hearty applause. More so now that you know the hours involved right? It's hard to know who is actually paid for being involved isn't it? The judges, the timekeepers, ball boys and girls, and the myriad of other jobs involved in making it all look so effortless. I keep thinking of how stressful it must be to be a referee.  And, of course, there is the matter of transport, which as many of you know, Tom has been involved with, for, I'm thinking three years of planning. My understanding is that all that planning has paid off beautifully with transportation working like a charm. Of course, the minute I type that sentence I came across this little problem. Striking during the Olympics? Not cool.

Earlier today I caught a bit of the "marathon swim" which is, yet another, remarkable sport. How fantastic it is that in the middle of Hyde Park, women swam back and forth, covering more than six miles? I seriously can't understand anyone not enthralled with the chance to see "world class" athletes showing off their incredible talents.

In other more mundane news, since Bruce began working from home, his desk has had quite a work out. The other day he decided that having glass over the top would be a good idea, so, after finding a glass man, he awaited his arrival to make a template. He came, he made a template, however, before he could do so, Bruce had to clear EVERYTHING off his desk which proved to be quite a job. It is not that he isn't neat, but he does love his decorative objects. Removing everything, including all the cords needed to make everything go, he then tackled the under the desk cord problem.
You know him,  before long he had everything just as neat as a pin.
The cardinals continue their shedding ways,
while the African violets continue their blooming ways!
The middle lavender ones were the last to show their pretty faces. Speaking of blooms, I know in the past I've shown you the night blooming cacti, as well as the dragon fruit the blooms become. Yesterday morning during my ride I came upon a stand that was particularly amazing.
While stopped to photograph the scene, a woman walking her dog said that she'd done her walking an hour or so later the day before and they were all closed. An incredible display! And you thought I was only going to show you photographs of homes that were a bit sketchy.

I'm so glad I took this photo of my dahlia because today there is not one bloom. :-(   Hopefully, the cycle will begin again because I've been fanatical about dead-heading.

My writing was briefly interrupted while I watched the first half of the US Women's National Soccer team play Japan for the Gold Medal. Amazingly, Matt is there seeing it in person, along with 85,000 others in Wembley Stadium. For his birthday I sent him two packages of small American flags to wave at the events but now I see my little offering was just that. Little. The flags most folks appear to be waving are full-sized versions, not the little puny ones on a stick I sent! Speaking of flags, I learned the other day that the color of the Olympic Rings are representatives of the colors in all of the world's flags. How about that for a little trivia?

Off to the living room to cheer on the women who have a 1 goal lead at halftime. GO USA!

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