Wednesday, September 5, 2012

We're Not Done Yet!

 If you ever find yourself in Cocoa Village, don't leave without stopping in at Travis Hardware. Make that, if you are there on Monday through Friday, because according to the nice woman who sold me this adorable clock for $4.99, Saturday just wasn't cutting it. Apparently, after sitting around most of the day without customers, drunken boaters arrived about 30 minutes before closing, and wouldn't leave. That doesn't sound like much fun does it?
To the right of the clock face are two slivers to put photos in. We, or make that Bruce, cut up one of my photos to fill it in. Adorable isn't it? Or, at least that is what Bev said today, or something to that effect, when she came over to purchase some photographs for gifts. How nice was that?

Okay, back to the hardware store. Founded in 1855, it is run by a fourth generation Travis. Turns out, he has a daughter who delivered triplets four years ago, so if things work out, there are a few generations in the wings to keep the place going. The link provides their interesting history, so if you have a few moments, check it out. It is super cool in there with all manner of items, including, of all things some cross country skis for $24.99 a pair.
Well, I said it was super cool but I didn't mean the temperature way because there is no air conditioning, only a few very large fans,
as well as rolling ladders,
and 60 pound wrenches. Perhaps you've never seen a 60 lb. wrench before? Well, let's just say it is large. When asked about its use, we learned they are used for trains and large pieces of machinery. So, right there, you get the idea it is not your average Ace Hardware store. You have to wonder how many people have gone through this door over the years to head to the restroom?
I believe that is called a newel post in the foreground holding the stairway rails. Unfortunately, we arrived a little after 4, meaning we had to skedaddle at the 5:00 closing time. Thinking we would return on our way home Saturday, it was then that we heard the drunken boaters story. Apparently the housewares are on the upper floors. My next visit to the coast--I am there!

Sunday the weather was super great for the market. Although I only had medium sales, the time passed quickly with visitors including this stylish couple who I hope will return soon.
Dr. Sievert paid me a nice long visit in the afternoon--always good for some laughs. He held court with these UCF students, who look pretty engaged, don't you think?
Dave and Michele stopped by briefly, asking us to come over to the pool following the market. It was so delightful not to have to pack up in inclement weather AND be able to cool off afterwards in the refreshing water of the lakeside pool. Dave was having Michelle stand on his shoulders moments before she plunged forward.
For a while now David has been saying he wants to get a paddle board after trying one on the lake. Learning to use one is apparently not that easy. He claims when he used the 9' board he fell off about 37 times. That's David for you--very precise with his numbers which explains why he is so good at his job! Anyway, one of the other neighbors arrived with his new 11' board which he was happy to let Dave try. Turns out, the two extra feet make all the difference in the world, as he only fell off two times. Once he got the hang of it, he had a great time paddling all over the lake. As the sun set, the owner took his little boy on the board, and here they are coming in for a landing.
It was dark by the time we got home, and it was bed time soon thereafter as Mr. Bruce had a full day of work planned on Labor Day. What else is new?

I'll tell you what is new--golf on a Monday!! After doing the chores I'd neglected for some days, I sat down with my hand sewing project and watched the final round of an awesome golf tournament. As Bruce went through several hundred emails, I kept calling out, oh my gosh! oh my gosh! Most of the time my exclamations were met with silence from the office, but every now and again, he wanted to know if Tiger was going to win. No way Jose! A very exciting finish, and another win for Mr. Rory McElroy. Eventually I fixed some dinner, we visited, and went to bed early because, you know who, had a 6 AM flight to California.

On a completely different note, the phone rang yesterday morning around 8:30 with the caller id "calling out" Jonathan Peck. Uh oh--something must be wrong. Indeed, it was.

Jonathan: Not a good morning.
Mom: Have you been in an accident?
Jonathan: Yes, someone hit us from behind and pushed us into the car in front at a stop light.
Mom: Are you and Alissa okay?
Jonathan: Yes, just a little shaky.
Mom: The baby car?
Jonathan: I think it is totaled.
Mom: Sad. Has anyone called the police?
Jonathan: All taken care of. Should I call the insurance now?
Mom: Yes, you should. Let me know what happens.

Walking into the kitchen for something, my phone was on the counter. I picked it up to find this attached to a message.
Some of you may remember it from when I first purchased the MINI Cooper in October of 2010. 
Happy, happy that they were sitting at a stop light with no injuries except to the car! I bet you dollars to doughnuts the young man from behind was texting. What do you think?

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