Thursday, November 15, 2012

Cat Toys With Gekko

Continuing our series on what I see and take photos of on my bike rides, I give you this series of a cat and a gekko. Now, I must tell you that what you see on television in the GEICO ads is unlike what we have by the hundreds around here. They may be interesting to look at, but cute--no way!

Here is the cat in attack mode:
and here he/she is in full toying mode:
and while you may be getting a little grossed out by the above, you may be heartened by the following photo:
I don't know which one thinks he's the boss, but it looks like for now there was a happy ending!

Now they tell me! Tell you what Gail? The title of the article I've linked to is something along the lines of "Can Washing Dishes Help You Live Longer?" Check it out!

I've finally finished reading "Gold" by Chris Cleave, which is no "Little Bee" I'll tell you that much. The subject matter was interesting enough, but for some reason, it was slow going. I wish I'd started "In the Kingdom of Men" by Kim Barnes sooner because it is some fun reading. Although some of the reviews on Amazon are pretty scathing, I'm enjoying it--sort of like Peyton Place set in 1970's Saudi Arabia!

This morning I took my ride up to the shopping center, discovering that the new Peach Valley Cafe is finally open:
and the exterior of the Publix is nearly complete:
Next to the new Applebee's they are starting work on turning the old Albertsons into a Wal-Mart Neighborhood Center,  or some name like that. I stood on my bike pedals, hung onto the construction fencing, calling out to two men wearing hard hats standing nearby. What's happening? Today begins the demolition of the Albertsons so this is the last look we'll have of it intact.
For many years, while the boys were still home, I relied heavily on the bargains to be found at Albertsons, however a new generation of Mothers will be finding their good deals at Wal-Mart beginning in early May. Or, so I presume.

Finally, later in the day yesterday I kept thinking of different titles I could have used yesterday, such as "Cross-Dressing Dog Takes it to the Street", or "Small Dog in Big Dress", or maybe, Roaming Dog Dares to Wear Christmas Clothing Before December." Any titles come to your mind??

1 comment:

abellwillring said...

The first photo of the cat is incredible! Great capture.

Thanks again for the donation, Mom!

Kernel Panic Loop