Monday, December 10, 2012

Here, There, and Everywhere

My goodness, this blogger has been a busy girl. I know....all of my readers with real jobs are groaning right about now, as well you should. But, for a gad about with no real job, I've done my share of working the last few days and I'm pretty well ready to quit talking about my photographs for a few days.

At one of our art business meetings, our leader Robin talked about how tiring it can be to talk about your work all day. For me, I'm fine for a day or two, but four events in as many days is even a bit much for this talking head. I won't say much, (you'll believe it when you read it I'm sure), instead, I hope my photographs will speak for themselves???

The lobby of AAA was super nice, however, most of the folks walking about ignored us. I had the good fortune to have one lady who came both on Thursday and Friday, buying a bunch. Have I ever told you that Angela and Matt call their home a "Gaillery"? Telling that story to Sue, when she was purchased so many prints,  I wouldn't be at all surprised if she did the same. Nice.
The stuff on the bottom left looks familiar doesn't it? After packing up at AAA, I drove back into town, stopping off at FAVO with both my baskets and sling. So, so lucky that a traffic jam on I-4 forced me to exit and wouldn't you know it, the route I took was perhaps even better.  I love FAVO, however, I don't love carrying my stuff upstairs! Zooming home, I got a bite to eat, and zoomed back to open my space by 5 PM.

Despite the calendar showing that it is December, it is still warm here in Orlando. I am mighty glad I left my stand up fan in my room at FAVO. The crowd was a little larger with good energy and folks visiting for the first time. One of those folks was the son of our coffee vendor at the market who sees my stuff week in and week out. Or, at least he sees it across the walkway. After all this time, he finally took the time to look at my work when he came into my space and lo and behold, he bought a canvas! Because he lives in the Sanctuary building, a block or so from the market, he waited until Sunday morning to pick it up, immediately walking it home and hanging it up. Returning, he said it looked great and is now convinced he needs more. It must be it looks so different when hanging on a real wall, rather than a mesh panel?
My space is the last one on the top left. Bruce is feeling much improved, so much so that he carried most everything to the waiting Pilot when the evening was over. I don't think we arrived home much before 10.

I was happy to stay home on Saturday, however, as you know, I'm not one to do nothing. About 10 years ago, I bought a Heywood Wakefield dining set for the kitchen. After having it completely refurbished we loved it for all this time, except, earlier this year, one of the chair legs broke and in spite of Bruce's carpenter expertise, it could not be fixed. I removed said broken chair for Thanksgiving, but with a house full expected in the next few weeks, a more permanent solution had to be found. Bruce asked where I wanted to look and you guessed it--I said that my preference is always for something used. Mid-afternoon on Saturday, we went over to the nearby Bargain House, and after talking with the owner, discovered he'd recently sold a quality teak set to another dealer in town. Something Different perhaps? He thought so. Now, I had been cleaning house and looked pretty grubby, but once I had Bruce in the mood, we went anyway. You went there as well two weeks ago when you saw the ORANGE furniture, walls, and accessory EXTRAVAGANZA! Ta Da!
I fell in love with the JL Moller chairs immediately. The chairs have been recovered with a shade of mauve that needs to be replaced, but by golly, it doesn't look half bad with the floor. If that wasn't enough, I had the notion to move the other set into the sunroom after shrinking the top to a square.
I apologize for the poor quality photo taken soon after moving it!  Bruce fixed the leaky faucet in the hallway bathroom, so once we figure out the sleeping arrangements, we'll be ready for our family.

Whew! Are you tired just thinking about it all? I was pooped, falling asleep just after 9. Glamorous Saturday night, huh?

Nice weather on Sunday--most folks were either watching football, putting up their Christmas trees, or shopping at indoor stores because they were NOT at the market. Sales were about the same as the previous week. That said, all in all, it was a great sales week for me.
After packing it all up, we zoomed home, changed clothes and went to a party at Steve and Barb's house in Lake Nona. Lo, and behold, Steve is finally getting married for the first time at age 60!!! They were so, so excited to show off Barb's beautiful diamond ring! Mostly it was the gang from Darden enjoying good food, wine, and friends. Oh yeah, and cupcakes too pretty to eat!
I'm only now just noticing how the jar of M&M's is kind of like the Christmas tree....Blinders folks, I need blinders!

I was happy to be back on my bike this morning although there was a thick fog. Our house is just across Lake Gem Mary.
Bruce is meeting a colleague for lunch and after that I HOPE we are going to get a tree! Where it will fit in the living room is another story. More on that tomorrow......

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