Thursday, January 31, 2013

Winter Color

My working title for today's post was something along the lines of "All the Colors of the Rainbow, and then Some," however, after looking at my photographs I realized I was short on indigo, so "Winter Color" will have to do.

Not very exciting I realize, but outside it is very exciting indeed. Color everywhere. Everyone I talk to thinks the weather is unusual, but I don't think so. Yes, it's been warm, but what's a few warm days  here and there when it is interspersed with gorgeous 70+ degree days? Unlike some years when we've had a rash of freezing temperatures, to date I think the lowest it has been is around 40 degrees. Woo Hoo! This is the kind of weather that has caused millions and millions of folks to pack up and move to Florida! Well, I guess Disney World didn't hurt...

Everywhere you look some kind of blooming is going on. In the summer, not so much, but the first few months of the year are filled with color, color, color! Let's see what there is out there, shall we?

For a few weeks, this vine, with fantastic orange blossoms, covers poles, trees, and in this case utility lines.
Mostly it is gone now, and I suspect people who have it on their property aren't so fond of it, but when it is in full bloom, this orange lover goes crazy!

Many times before we've seen the tabebuia tree display, but to my eyes it never grows old.
How would you like to have that view out your front door? The yellow ones are beginning to bloom here and there, however mine has shown no signs to date. At the end of Appleton, there is a beauty:
I've got a little yellow in my garden, a  delicately stemmed perennial whose name I've forgotten.
Perennials are the ticket aren't they?

Some of the trees are getting their new leaves in that beautiful, almost chartreuse color:
Purple, let's talk about purple for a moment. It used to be I had no opinion one way or another about purple, but these days, I'm kind of mad for purple. I know at least one member of my audience is as well!
Gorgeous right? Then another little beauty:
Angela is mad for red, and at one time, I too liked it pretty well. Lately, I'm ambivalent, however, I still appreciate it in nature. How cool are these blooms on a succulent in Regina's yard?
Red berries are always nice this time of year on the Nandina:
I do think the camelias bloomed a little early, but if you look, you'll still see some beautiful examples around town:
Although, not technically a color, the white orchid trees coming out now are pretty darn spectacular!
40 feet trees covered in white blooms--oh yeah!

While chatting with Matthew on FaceTime yesterday afternoon, who btw, is heading to India on Sunday with Tom for a two week vacation, I told him one of my least favorite activities as a gad- about who happens to sell photography, is self-promotion. Yeesh! Hate it, but I must now send out an email to folks reminding them of FAVO tomorrow night. What do I keep getting myself into?

Happy day my friends; I hope that wherever you are you can be cheered by some winter color, either in person or while viewing my photographs.

1 comment:

ckduvall said...

I'd love to know what the 2nd purple bunch was! And I am a HUGE fan of bleeding hearts as well :) I miss tibuchina trees,beauganvilla and whatever that orange viney thing was- but dahlias, glads, peonies, sweet peas, tulips and anemones more than make up for it... Love the new header photo as well. Sounds like your business is really booming!!!

Kernel Panic Loop