Thursday, March 28, 2013

Having Fun

It's true that Bruce is not the only one from this household who likes to work. Pretty much all of our lives, that's what we've done, between our home, jobs and family, there has been little time to spend just playing around. We're definitely beginning a new chapter in our lives, and what better time to start then now?

Thursday evening, last week, Bill mentioned those Bay Hill tickets he had, and I took him up on it. You know that already, but what you don't know is that I actually went! Typically, when something involves a parking garage, a long walk to a shuttle, a shuttle ride to the event....all that rigamarole seems like too much fuss to me, HOWEVER, telling myself I must expand my horizons, off I went, after picking up the ticket from Bill at the bank.

Once in the garage, snaking along with all the other cars, I was ushered into a space. Cat in the Hat parking garage, row 268, which I wrote down because I knew I'd never remember once I was faced with the sea of cars following the event! Folks next to me exited their car about the same time, and I suspect you can guess what happened next.

That's right--I attached myself to Durwood and Geri, staying with them the entire time.
Wonderful folks who knew how to get around the course. Durwood, a former elementary school principal, put us through our paces, in spite of his 78 years. While he read the map, Geri and I talked as if we'd known each other forever. It was she who, once we saw everyone in the gallery taking a photo of Tiger Woods with their mobiles, encouraged me to get my camera out of the bag. It appeared that most everyone missed the signs stating "no photos!"
That would be Tiger in the orange shirt, Justin Rose, Ernie Els, and the caddies. Apparently there are two ways to watch a tournament--follow your favorite, or hang out at a hole, watching everyone come through. The second option is the one we chose, waiting at the fifth hole for our favorite, Phil Mickelson, who, although not in contention, still had big smiles for the crowd. Surprising how much slimmer he looked in person, something we all remarked upon. The day began quite chilly, got super warm, followed by rain after I left, complicating how one should dress. My tote bag held the forbidden camera, my wallet and a few other things, leaving enough room for both my jacket, and Geri's. So far so good, that is until I decided to leave early to beat the rush, carrying Geri's jacket with me. The moment I realized, I turned around, heading to the twelfth hole, except then I got caught up in the huge crowds following Tiger. Meanwhile they headed for the shuttle buses in search of yours truly! By some miracle, we ended up finding each other, so all's well that ends well! A new and fun experience under my belt!

Then, of course, came the weekend and all that entailed. Finally, on Tuesday we were pretty much set with the yard mess, leaving us time to look for some frames I want to use for this month's FAVO event. Because it was lunch time, and because we were only blocks away, I suggested we visit Sportstown so Bruce could see what a neat place it is. Guess what? We ended up playing pool all afternoon!
Following our first two games, struggling I might add, Bruce was ready to go home. Not so fast Mr. Peck! The games were free, so why not keep trying? Try we did; me--I was terrible, Bruce less so. Whiling away a chilly Tuesday afternoon with my husband--priceless!

Brandy Renee called while we there, inviting me to attend an artist critique at 6:00 PM. Here's how it works: an artist brings three items to be judged by a panel of three art professionals. For example, here is Linda, the former director of the Orlando Museum of Art, with her paintings being critiqued by Josh Garrick.
I, for one, think this would be so difficult! Standing in front of a crowd having your work analyzed does not fit into this "fun" category we're incorporating into our new life! My friend Brandy:
For the record, the middle painting garnered the most positive comments. Our friend Dawn was in attendance as well, not for critique purposes, but because she is one of the resident artists at the Maitland Art Center across the street. Following the event, a tour was on tap of her super cool studio. Home again, home again.

Laying bets as to when the trash folks would come on Wednesday, both of us were off. Because there was so MUCH debris all over our area, Orange County sent out ,not only the regular garbage guys, but a crew for the loose stuff.
An excellent job was done I might add. Across the street, the electrician is working at Herb and Corrine's, reinstalling the outside power box after the tree fall knocked it clean off the house!

Earlier in the day we set a play date for 3PM, however, it was 4PM before Bruce could quit working, or sort of. The bike rack came out, the bikes went on, and off we went to try out the new Orlando Urban Trail. Riding along Mills Avenue, Bruce remarked, "we used to do this when we were 16." Yes we did; riding our Schwinn bicycles around the city streets of Orlando. Bussing tables at the old Robert Myer Hotel, gave him the money he needed to buy a bike for me from the Schwinn shop on Mills Ave. Back then, they used a little credit ledger... Both the credit ledger, and the bike shop are long gone.
How nice it was to ride on such a smooth surface! Following the trail we made our way, first to Loch Haven Park, where the museum is situated:
With a BEAUTIFUL blue sky overhead, cool temperature, and only a slight breeze, we made our way to Mead Gardens, entering through a back side I'd never seen. Making our way to the main entrance, I was thrilled to see the improvements made by my old friend, Randy Knight, the former garden curator at the Polasek. My goodness! What was once mostly sandy nothing has been completely transformed!
Remember I said earlier Bruce sort of stopped working? See if you can spot him in the above photo talking his superintendent through yet another crisis at the Santa Monica job. Tonight is the opening party--always a time for nervousness, and in this case, made even more so because one of the refrigerators is mal-functioning, as well as some outdoor smoke problems. This too shall pass.

The trail skirts Lake Highland Prep with the actual Lake Highland across the street.
What, do you suppose, Mr. Bruce is talking to this fellow about?

Once the sun set, it got quite chilly, prompting me to suggest a fire. A fire?? In late March. Indeed. I'll always remember that it is not as unusual as it sounds because a very important event in our lives occurred right around this time of year. For some strange reason, I vividly remember wearing a long robe when I got home from the hospital with my twin sons, born April 1, 1979. My goodness, it is hard to believe that next Monday they will turn 34!!
It might be tempting to ask the rhetorical question, "where has the time gone?", however, I already know where it has gone. Having fun, albeit of a different kind, has made the years fly by!

Because I still don't have last week's order to prepare (yikes!), today may just bring another new adventure.....check back soon. :)


Unknown said...

Wow! You just keep busy all the time, that's a good thing. I guess I do too. Going to check out that bike trail, you make it look like fun.
Not a golf girl but do remember going to Bay Hill in my twentys to follow, I don't remember.
Happy Birthday to your twins....

abellwillring said...

Great shots! I love that one of the green.. I know you're not a Tiger fan but I'm happy to see him playing well again.

We didn't get to see any of them up close (drove under one), but Raleigh has a series of bike/walking trails all over the city called the Greenways apparently. We saw another area where one would be installed under construction. It's nice to see so many cities embracing these trends!

Gail Peck said...

It was still fun to see the circus surrounding him! Used my trusty Panasonic lens on that shot Jonathan.

matt said...

I'm glad to see Dad getting a taste of post-work life. Sounds like a super fun outing!

Kernel Panic Loop