Friday, November 1, 2013

Eric and Martha to the Rescue

As I was re-arranging the bedroom, as in moving all the furniture around, minus the heavy triple dresser, I found a little piece of nostalgia. When Matt went to Florida State back in, what was it, 1993? Anyway, football was king, even Matt got into it, so much so that back in the days pre-internet everything, if you wanted tickets to a big game, such as Miami, students waited for days to get them. I told you it was big. Tomorrow is one such game as Miami comes to Tallahassee featuring two unbeaten teams. Let's hope there are lots of occasion to wave this:
Although we didn't get up there nearly often enough when Matt was a student, we did manage to attend a couple of games---can't remember which one they gave these out for. Yesterday afternoon, while setting up for FAVO, church members were decorating the trunks of their cars--a new, or at least new way to me, for kids to get candy on Halloween. They call it "Trunk or Treat." So many clever ideas people came up with! This was one of my favorite decorations:
Florida State forever! During Jonathan's time at FSU, the team was nowhere near as good, so he's especially enjoying this season, as are all Florida State fans. :)

Here's my idea of fall decorating:
Wondering what today's title is all about? If you're actually reading this closely, I've no doubt that you are. Anyway, since no reader came forth with an idea about the funky white blobs I found buried in the garden, (see previous post), I sent the image to Eric, my master gardener friend. I knew he'd know what they are, and he did not disappoint. A Puffball. So, I read about it, learning that they can become quite large. Very interesting stuff, but not nearly as interesting as what I found this morning!

After a good long sleep last night, I came into the kitchen to make tea, and of course, have a glass of orange juice, which btw, was from a jug I'd found frozen in the freezer; absolutely delicious--there is nothing like fresh orange juice. My eyes were a little sleepy, so when I first glanced at the bowl with the puffballs, I thought perhaps Bruce had put some rubber bands in the bowl. My land, he did not. Take a look at what happened!!!
Not only did they look crazy, but did they ever have a strong odor! I quickly took them out back because of both the smell and they looked just plain creepy, despite the orange color!

So Eric helped me with my mystery while Martha Stewart came through for my bedroom. For the last five or so years, I've had some very dark brown curtains in my bedroom. I love the curtains, but since I went back to the striped quilt, the big floral pattern just seemed a little much for me. Even me, I know you can't believe it! Anyway, I went searching for something lighter but interesting. To make a long story short, after what I'm calling an exhaustive search, I ended up at JC Penny, finding just what I was looking for. I had no idea they carried a big line of Martha curtain panels, but they do, and they are great. Bonus points for a sale.
As you may recall the spiffy orange lamps came from there as well. Oh yeah--and that throw pillow!! How is that for cute??? Marshalls in case you want one for yourself.

I got my teeth cleaned yesterday and as I was driving home, stopped at a red light actually, I saw these crossing guards solving the world's problems. Well maybe they weren't doing that, but they were chatting. One of the guards attire caught my eye. Can you guess which one?
That man takes his job seriously! Or so it seems.

David had shoulder surgery on Wednesday and is coming along nicely. Bill, as you know had kidney surgery earlier this month. It seem so weird that they both went through recent surgery so close to one another but I guess that is identical twins for you. There's a good chance that those surgery types might be reversed one day as if one has something, the other is usually not far behind. That must be a very weird feeling indeed.

In my present vocation I meet a lot of interesting people. Well, I did before but I never went to their homes. Earlier today I dropped off two baskets of prints with Sara, the woman who organized the home art party I participated in earlier this year. Tonight, would you know it, while I'm at FAVO, they have an event in Delaney Park, across from the playground. I don't know Sara all that well; aside from knowing she is British, from Yorkshire, that's about it. My golly her house is terrific. Across the street from Cherokee School, she told me the story of how they rescued it from former serious disrepair. I was in heaven seeing it all, including this view of the back of the house.
It seems as if gardening is in British blood as all of the Brits I know love gardening. She claimed it was all a mess but it didn't look that way to me. She's got her sewing studio in a converted garage,
where she makes all sorts of funky bags with printed images on them. Admiring the window box on the side of the studio, I learned it was a gift from President Clinton for her role in doing the flowers for his inauguration many years ago.
Back then she lived outside Washington, DC, and worked for a florist. According to her, three of them worked for days, practically 24 hours per day, to make everything beautiful. Now, how's that for interesting?

Anyone know what these balls are?
Vintage bingo balls! Having written that, what exactly does vintage really mean these days? Those little creatures on the left are Sara's handiwork. I only wish we both weren't time challenged, as I could have looked around for ages. Perhaps she will invite me back...

It's been a very long time since I made caramel corn, but that's what we're serving tonight at FAVO. I hope other folks like it as well as my darling sons once did.

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