Monday, December 23, 2013

Losing Touch with Touch

So, that's a snappy title isn't it? It must have been Friday or so that it occurred to me. Well, we're going nowhere with it today because, frankly, I don't have much time to spend blogging what with Christmas only two days away, not to mention a big party soon thereafter.

Instead, a few pictures, more so for me to remember what was happening in the run up to Christmas, 2013!

Michelle, my daughter-in-law, has a birthday on December 19. Because I never know what to get her, we had lunch on Park Avenue at Prato. Suggesting Fallon come along, which was such a sweet gesture, she did. I had to ask nicely to get a photo of the two of them following our lunch:
The big ring on Michelle's finger is David's gift to her this year. They brought me a dozen roses, because you know who also has a birthday coming up. Getting a jump on things, they brought cards as well, however, I'm saving them for the real date.
Riding my bike the other morning, I saw this:
Yup, only in Florida. Speaking of which, this too might only be found in Florida, although maybe someone in other Southern states might think of making a "snowman" out of Spaghnum moss.
I only just noticed in the left top corner of the photograph there is more moss hanging, perhaps for next years display. (found in Winter Garden)

While I was at the WG market on Saturday, I took this photo of a little boy being cajoled to sit on Santa's lap.
"No Daddy, you've spent all year telling me not to talk to strangers!!" Obviously, the snow effect is Google's idea because it was anything but cold. I wore a sleeveless blouse and shorts! Sunday was even warmer, hitting a high of 87 degrees! Lots of vendors hoped to cash in on last minute sales, however if they were anything like me, that was not so much the case.
Driving home from "Italian House" after the market, this display was pretty insane, causing Bruce to call himself a slacker for only putting up about 2,000 lights.
Before going to the market we had a lovely "facetime" visit with Tom and Matt who were opening their gifts after more than a month looking at the box. Dare I say they were pleased?

The moment has arrived for the big reveal because Jonathan and Alissa arrived around 10 last night. Alissa claimed she was overwhelmed with what we had done, however, I was quick to praise my friends as they had a big hand in things. Here now is the awesome tablescape in the main room:
Here's a little closeup:
I made two runners, one for each table, however, in my hands it would have never looked so amazing. If you are ever giving a party, look at Oriental Trading Company's website and I'm sure you'll find what you need. I ordered the stars from there as well as some other things.

In the kitchen I continued the Texas flag colors:
Which brings me to my close, as I need to get moving...
Baxter looking for Daddy or Santa?

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