Wednesday, January 22, 2014

In Love with Love

Good morning friends,

Thank you ever so much for the kind remarks on my last post.

It seems to me that people are in love with love. How else to explain the brisk sales of most anything I have that contains hearts? Speaking of which, Sunday a woman walked up, instantly saying she wanted to buy the baby canvas with the heart cloud. I call it "Love is in the Air." The day that I took it, on my way back from a bathroom break at Lake Eola, I was lucky enough to have my old Panasonic FZ8 with me. That was one trusty point and shoot with a super long zoom range that I got to with basically the touch of a finger. The whole scene looked like this:
Pretty incredible, right? What was most remarkable about Sunday's encounter was that the woman told me she was always seeing hearts following the death of her son's fiance. She went on to tell me more details, including this devastating one: on the night before their wedding, he went to pick her up, only to find her murdered!!! As you can imagine, I hardly knew what to say other than I am sorry. This definitely fits in the truth is stranger than fiction category. You'll be happy to know that the murderer was apprehended, with the trial beginning this week in St. Petersburg. Perhaps our niece Laura has heard something about it as she lives there?

On that note, let's move onto something mundane like record keeping!! This year Bruce got a big notebook that we stored all the business records in, however, I then had to sort them out by category.
The pile for Mr. Roger was absolutely the biggest! Lots of this info is on the spreadsheet, however, I need paper documentation as well. Have I told you how much I love both my Square Up card reader, and their terrific support system. One of the papers in the mix above is my yearly report that I found on the site and printed with ease. That guy who developed it is a genius!!

You might be wondering about Bill's house, so here's a little look with the big dumpster in the driveway.
Yup, it is pink, or at least this week it is. Bill has great vision, which he will need. The first thing he did was lop off all of the overgrown bushes, thus the bare front. The kitchen is gutted, as is one of the three bathrooms. One of the nicest features of the home is the view of Lake Arnold from the driveway:
My sisters will all remember Lake Arnold well, as we swam in it during our youth.

Yesterday, after buying a new kitchen faucet at Lowes, I went to check on the pool, which, although nicely blue, was still cloudy. Because I needed something from the pool store for our home, after the the plumber left, I went to talk to the pool folks, getting tips on how best to get that pool in good shape.

Although the weather report claimed there was only a 20% rain chance, a big old downpour occurred just as I arrived. Coming out of the store, I was struck by how weary this area of town looks, wondering why it is so charming in Europe, whereas here, it is just plain ugly?
Those are some storm clouds, huh?

Saturday, while we were out doing errands, we stopped at Nordstrom to pick something up for Angela. Matt, by the way, is doing beautifully, at least for now. Anyway, in a fit of nostalgia, I bought two new lamps for my office that I really didn't need. Upon first seeing them though, I could not resist.
In one of the closets I know there is a photograph of me on the Schwinn racer Bruce bought with his, either lawn mowing money, or maybe it was bus boy money....he's gone to Miami so I can't ask him. Nevertheless, we were still teenagers when he bought me a Schwinn so we could mosey around Orlando. And we did.

A clearer head prevailed, and I returned them yesterday, after which I went into Florida Mall, which is always entertaining. These young ladies were having great fun dancing along to the XBox One:
I was so amused by it, I only just now noticed three of them wearing Crocs. Hmmm....

Well, the sun is nearly up so time for me to get to work. Since I began this post with a heart, and we know everyone loves hearts, let's end with one, shall we?
your persistent blogger,

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