Monday, September 22, 2014

The House of Green

Green used to be my favorite color before orange took over as king of my heart. That said, we are in the process of having a mostly green interior which works infinitely better than orange on the walls.
Saturday was a dreary, rainy day, beginning on Friday, and continuing throughout most of the day. Bruce met with Jon Gardner down at the Orchid Garden for the window cleaning project, which truth be told, was NOT one he really wanted to be a part of. Back at the home front, I made what seems like my weekly trip to Sherwin Williams to pick up yet more of "Sweet Caroline." Angela was pulling for me to paint this wall the yellow of the kitchen, however, I decided to go with the green because I'm trying to bring some continuity to this place we call home!

It is a good thing our son Matthew does not mind me covering up his hard work, the faux painting he spent nearly a full weekend doing, probably ten years ago; one of the reasons I've been reluctant to change it, but knowing him as I do, he will be happy if I am happy. Not only am I working to make this more consistent, but brighter and lighter. All of my girlfriends keep begging me to paint the ceiling white, while all of the men we know are aghast at the idea. It is staying wood, but now with all the lightness on the cabinets, and the wall, it will be a wonderful contrast, not to mention keeping things feeling cozy. So, now every bedroom is green, as well as all of the major living spaces.

Here is a sight absent from our home for the last six months...
Out came the brief case and suitcase.....this Wednesday we are traveling down to Miami for a night in order for B to meet a potential employer. The work is not in Miami, further than that, but we will be able to see the restaurant in question so he can decide if he wants to be involved in the project. This WILL NOT be full time, thank goodness--we shall see.

Bruce came home utterly exhausted from his Saturday work, and by then, after nearly six solid hours of painting with a brush, I was nearly done.
Good thing I'd been to Trader Joe's earlier in the week, and had something super quick to fix for dinner. So, TJ is good, but Publix still rules!
I understand perfectly why loads of people who've moved away from the South, pine for Publix because it is a wonderful store, not to mention so close! Love the dramatic sky. :)

Waking up to perfectly gray skies on Friday, we assumed our beach day was in jeopardy, and indeed it did not happen as the forecast was for all day of clouds and rain. No reason to drive 120 miles round trip only to get rained out. Instead we went to the mall. More specifically, Crate and Barrel to spend a gift card Nadav and Crystal gave us for watching Max months ago. It was surprisingly hard to find $50 worth of items we wanted, probably because I've been cleaning out, not wanting to add to my cabinets. Eventually we checked out, and after some discussion decided to eat lunch at Greens and Grille. So, who should be two people in front of us in the line? Nadav!! Isn't that the craziest? He joined us for a nice lunch and lively conversation.

Following that we returned home to have a television watching binge. I don't know how many years ago Jonathan and Alissa gave us three seasons of "Veronica Mars", but it's been a while--we are known to do this you know. How fun it is! Instead of sanding and painting, we hunkered down on the rainy day spending maybe seven hours watching show after show. Delightful is our assessment--Jonathan never steers us wrong!

In spite of the nicest weather since May, my sales at the market were not stellar, however, we did cross a bit of a milestone--our giant fan only had to be on for a few hours on medium instead of blasting on high all day long. So, there's that to be grateful for.

I was thrilled to come home to the light and bright wall!
We are back at it this morning--I'm typing while B is at Ace picking up more plastic to make the tent before sanding the cabinets on the other side of the room which I emptied earlier this morning.

You would think we are paying no attention to our yard, and you would be mostly correct, however, it is producing food for our outdoor friends while we are painting.
This time of the year all of the palms are producing fruit for both the birds and squirrels, and much to our chagrin, a pesky rat who is defying all of our attempts to make him go away. Furthermore, we have a sweet dove that we think has an injured wing hanging around for the last week in the bushes nearest the back yard bird feeder.
Still on outdoor news, Baxter has been spending more time in the back yard in the last week or so than he has in the nine years we've had him. The noise, between the table saw, mitre saw, orbital sander, and drills, is driving him to distraction, or in this case to seek shelter as far from it as he can. Good thing it is cooling off!

As I'm finishing this Bruce is sanding under the tent--let the good times roll!

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