Thursday, October 30, 2014


I remember, gosh, it was years ago, that my brother Pat found it interesting that I frequently photograph, what he called, collections of things. While downloading a bunch of photos I've taken in the last few days, it struck me that he was on to something. Thus, today, I present some recent collections, beginning with some beautiful fall leaves Bruce brought home last evening.
Stopping, on his way to the airport, he picked up these gorgeous leaves alongside the George Washington Parkway, near Arlington Cemetery. There are loads of good things about living in Florida, however, fall leaves are not one of those good things. These are so fresh, they almost still feel cool! I'd like to keep them around until our Thanksgiving feast to spread around on the tables, and I've read about preserving their freshness in a mixture of glycerine and water. Has anyone ever tried that method?

How about all the odd colored pumpkins recently available?
I, for one, knew nothing of blue pumpkins until this year.

While on my way to Lowes for some annuals, I drove through the peacock neighborhood which was jam-packed with peacocks. As in, probably 70 (!) roaming through people's yards. The males have all done their molting, and their tails are just beginning to grow back in, albeit without color yet.
The funny thing was there were so many of them that it made it somewhat difficult to drive down the street, ESPECIALLY when a man came out in his front yard with seed--there were like 15 in the road as they scampered over to eat.

I'm not entirely sure about these blooms, but I think they must be some sort of Morning Glories? The shade of blue, well, purplish-blue, is so appealing, one you don't often find.
Lately, one need only look up above for blue--since our monsoonish September, rain has been scarce around these parts, with hardly a drop all October. Most days clouds have been absent, however, when they do appear, they are lovely.
Crows on the bottom left--still scads of them, both just before sunset, and then again, before sunrise. I'm no cloud student so I'm pretty clueless about what any of these types are called; I just know when I find them interesting.
They hardly look real. Do you agree?

This morning I came across a collection to beat most collections.

Riding my bike East on Pershing, I saw a sign near the corner of Ferncreek advertising an estate sale. Although I had no money with me, I rode over to see what sort of stuff they had. As you know, I'm a little conflicted regarding estate sales, feel sort of funny going through another person's life, however, I suspect someone in the family needs money, and because there are plenty of customers who line the streets, ready and willing to part with theirs, estate sales flourish. Putting that all aside, as I walked my bike around back, I spotted some fabric. The worker said, if you are a sewer, this is the place for you. She WAS NOT kidding. Has anyone ever heard of a sewing hoarder? Well, now you have.

From what I could tell, the woman had been purchasing fabric for nearly 50 years. One entire bedroom was filled with it--boxes, shelves, closets, and even the floor! Zippers? Every color of the rainbow, not to mention lengths, were stored neatly in shoe boxes. Hundreds of zippers. The same goes for threads--oh my!!! Shelf upon shelf filled with sewing books. You literally had to climb over stuff to look at all of the fabric. Not confined to the one bedroom, fabric hung in the closet of another bedroom, probably twenty huge moving boxes overflowing in the garage. Even the living room! People, coming in behind me, took one peek through the door opening, and gasped!
Not only are all the fabrics in pristine condition, many of them are labeled as to the type of fabric, the cost, and the date and place purchased. This is some of what I brought home and I believe these are the oldest--dated March 13, 1969. The pink in the front cost 50 cents a yard, on sale from 69 cents. Purchased at Belks, in what I'm presuming is Albany, Georgia. Rummaging through as much as time permitted, I came across an old Ivey's box, as well as a Jordan Marsh one. In 1969 I was in my sewing heyday, the 10th grade; is it any wonder I was enthralled with the fabric from my youth? It was like stepping back in time. If only her clothing patterns were my size! Then too, our Mom worked at Belks in the Colonial Plaza, so there's that. Ivey's was a big department store back when Orlando had actual places to shop downtown! I came away with 16 different pieces of fabric, most of them 2 yards or more, as well as some machine needles, and a few other things. The total cost: $25.00. Anymore good, made in America fabric, is impossible to come by, making this stash very inviting. Furthermore, when was the last time you saw dotted swiss, or pique? So few people make their own clothes now that most of the great clothing-type fabrics are absent from store shelves. I have no clue what I will do with most of it, however, you and I know I'm a project kind of gal. In fact, my sewing machine is out, as I type.

It is a good thing I had a lunch date with Jean and Bev today because I would have come home with even more!! Add to that, they were closing the sale at noontime, so no possibility of making a second run. It was fun while it lasted for sure. I'm stunned wondering what it must have looked like yesterday on the first day of the sale. The too, the sales woman told me they had already filled two dumpsters worth of stuff! I always say that living in a smallish home keeps me from collecting too much, but that surely did not stop this woman!

Well, that's it for collections today, however, I did want to mention two excellent books I've just read: "Long Man", by Amy Green, and  "Equal of the Sun" by Anita Amirrezvani. The settings could not be any more different with the first set in in Tennessee during the last days of the depression, whereas the second one is set in Iran, 1576. If you're looking for something good to read, either of these, or so I think, will suit you.

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