Tuesday, December 30, 2014

More Christmas Fun

When last we met, we were on our way to my sister Lisa's house for Christmas dinner. For as long as I can remember, I've done Thanksgiving, while Lisa has done Christmas. Driving to her home, of all things, our nephew Rich and his family pulled up beside us on a road about 10 miles from our house--how crazy is that? Anyway we all arrived, exchanged gifts, and ate all of the goodies made by Lisa, her husband Danny, and their girls, Amanda and Emily.

In the kitchen, the blondes having a chat....
That would be Fallon, Bill's girlfriend, and Lisa. We also drank wine. But, that doesn't surprise you now does it?

My brother Pat, my sister-in-law Ruth, and her son Joey, along with Jonathan and Michelle enjoying some snacks.
Lisa and Danny have, what might be called a "compound" because there are so many different outdoor areas to both relax and work. Rich, with his youngest son, Cameron...
who turned two not so long ago. He and his brother Spencer are the only little ones in our extended family. They are opening some gifts...
and although no one is in focus, I couldn't resist posting this one with the great smiles on Bill and Fallon's faces. I'm constantly asked if I have grandchildren, and the answer is no, however, when Fallon finishes nursing school, and they get married.....perhaps I'll be answering in the affirmative one day.

Spencer received a car from Aunt Lisa and Uncle Danny, not too dissimilar from the one David drives, affectionately known as "The Silver Bullet."
He is checking the authenticity of the model Porsche.

The following day Jonathan and Alissa were heading down to Boca Raton to visit with her Mom and Step Dad. There were some difficulties, too involved to go into, with renting a car, which Bruce ended up solving. It involved driving them to the Melbourne Airport, 70 miles away. The traffic was surprisingly light, making the trip an easy one. Here they are driving away in the bright red Beetle.
I'll tell you what--that airport is as tiny as can be, making the rental process a BREEZE! I'm taking this while standing beside our car, and as you can see the terminal is extremely close. Makes a person want to move to a smaller town!

We took the country roads home, and the scenery looked like this:
Cows, and cowbirds. I'm glad the opportunity presented itself because it was very peaceful seeing the landscape, albeit a partly brown with dreary skies!

Sunday the weather turned nice and HOT--84 degrees by the afternoon. There were lots of tourists in town for the two college bowl games, and hardly a one of them could believe how warm it was. I dressed in a sleeveless dress and sandals for the occasion. So, it is the end of an era at the market--my neighbors, Jim and Kathy, did their final sales day after 7 1/2 years as my next door (!) neighbors.
No more plant advice for me! Of course they are only a phone call away, but still, I will miss them so very much. When I need to take a bathroom run, Kathy has been so good about watching over my booth for all these years. Apparently it is a secret who will be their replacement--you'll know as soon as I do. The market was mostly busy--really a good mix of reading time for me, and selling time. I like it like that. I actually almost hated to be interrupted because I was in the middle of a fantastic book which I've just finished today. The name and author?  Road Ends by Mary Lawson.
Coming around the back side of the market, on my way back from the bathroom (!), this blue heron greeted me and then, by golly, he took off and left.
While I'm being all nostalgic about Jim and Kathy, this heron reminds me of a photo I took long ago of a heron in this very water--one of the first photographs I tried selling although for the life of me, I can't remember if it ever sold.

Before Thanksgiving Bruce bought a bag of marshmallows thinking perhaps Tom and Matt might want to roast some while they were here. It did not happen for a variety of reasons, however, finally, night before last, he finally got his wish.
Using the fire pit on the patio, he was a happy camper.
Even if it was in our back yard!

The tree is down, the decorations put away, and another year is coming to a close. Another year of blogging and sharing our lives with you. I hope you have enjoyed our adventures;  I'll take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you who take the time to come along for the ride via the internet!

Happy New Year to you all!

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