Wednesday, February 4, 2015

A Robin Sighting

I'm not going to lie to you--I was pretty jealous when I saw my friend Robin post a photograph of a robin, the bird type, in her yard the other day. I see from this Wikipedia article the proper name is American robin. I stand corrected.

In any event, this time of year we generally have about a two day span when a whole scad of Ars come through our neighborhood, feasting on the camphor berries in a tree two doors down. Until yesterday, their absence has been felt by you know who.

It was a very cold morning, by Florida standards anyway, and I kept thinking I don't REALLY want to go for a bike ride, that is until, when letting Baxter outside, I saw a Ar flying high into our neighbor's tree. As my late Mother would say, I got my bike clothes on PDQ. Despite my quick clothing change, although nothing like Katy Perry in the Super Bowl halftime, which wasn't that remarkable?, there were no birds to be seen on my street. Boohoo!

With four layers on my top and gloves on my hands, I rode to the Post Office to drop off some notes. Of course, I could have put them in my own mailbox for the postman to take, but sometimes I need an excuse to get me going in this chilly weather. Aside from birds. From there I crossed Michigan to ride down some streets I'd not visited in a while, having no reason to do so. One claimed that it was a dead end, however, that was not entirely true, up to a point, as you will soon see. But, the purpose of all this rambling is that, lo and behold, I heard bird calls, and looked up into an ugly ear tree, and there they were!
As you can imagine I was stoked! Or jazzed as I used to say--actually more than I should have, if you want to know the truth. Just the other day though, I thought that when someone writes my obituary, enthusiastic may figure as a prominent feature of my personality.

Where the dirt road led is behind both Boone High School, and Blankner School, both of which I attended, albeit in different forms as both schools have been greatly upgraded since those days. We spent many an afternoon/evening  watching David play baseball for the school team, and I'm fairly confidant that it did not look nearly as fancy as it does now.
I have no recollection of those wonderful orange seats, but how reliable my memory is has to be taken into account. I rode around the back of the school, near all the playing fields, and it was here that the road lived up to it's billing--locked gates ended my progress. Turning around I found myself above the road,
looking at a small lake I'd never seen from this side. It was a chilly ride home to say the least. I forgot to show you what I saw leaving the house, instead of robins in the tree, our neighbor Gail had a little flock of ibis, a bird known more as a ground bird than a tree bird.
I'm loving all the bare trees, although some trees think it is fall, rather than winter.
Another fantastic day at the market!! There were loads of people, and once again I sold framed canvases, as in five! My booth was pretty crowded at times, obviously something I love.
One couple came in to admire the Follow Your Heart canvas, saying they might be back, however they sure would like it framed, and really, who could blame them? I said I wasn't sure I had any existing frames to coordinate, and she was quick to point out--how about the yellow one? Now that was an excellent idea! While they were gone I switched it from Beach Daisies, and gosh I really liked it, figuring if they didn't want it, someone would.
Before long, they came right back, and handed over their card. Of course this all means B has his work cut out for him--no pun intended! The above frame was made using rough sawn cedar, yellow paint, and rubbed with brown shoe polish to get in the grooves. A coat of wax finished the project.

Driving home, the same way as always, this scene is not one you see every day..
Note that the round building is finally down, although a big hole in the ground remains--more work to be done.

For those of you unfamiliar with my reupholstering ways, while searching my photo library for a photo, unsuccessfully I might add, I found this--
I was absolutely stunned to discover that this was taken in March, 2010. No one could have convinced me I bought these nearly five years ago, had I not seen it for myself! If you can stand one more look at the new sofa, I wanted to show you how Baxter is liking it--not so much.
He's spent a good many days, and years, perched on the back of the sofa, now, however, he seems to think the floor is more comfortable. :)

Or, behind me in my desk chair where he is sleeping as I type. The bike shop has called twice now, suggesting I need a free thirty day tune up, so that is where I'm headed next. May the American robins be out today....

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