Friday, May 22, 2015

Sometimes the Last to Know

A couple of days ago Maureen went shopping with us. Mostly it was just Nancy and myself hitting the stores, but on this day, Maureen accompanied us. If you don't already know this, Maureen is a walking encyclopedia of both trivia and other, more relevant facts. I don't know which category this fits in, but when both she and Nancy knew that Aldi owns Trader Joe's, I felt left out. As in, how could I not know this when they do? Am I the last to know this astounding fact? Immediately I called Sue whose husband Duncan is a big Aldi shopper--"oh yeah, we knew that" she nonchalantly commented. So there.

As such, we stopped into an Aldi supermarket, and frankly, we were pleasantly surprised with what we found. Curious minds want to know, and I certainly have one, so the minute we got home, the iPad was put to use learning about the company, and how it came to be that they owned Trader Joe's. Very interesting stuff to say the least, and if you don't already know the story of Trader Joe's, and have a curious mind yourself, I suggest you click on THIS LINK.

Closer to home, look who came out of the trees?
Yup, it is Momma, or so I think. I've tried and tried to tell any difference between the babies, and just when I thought there was some difference in their head shapes to tell them apart, I read this, which both helped, and hurt my case.

As you well know by now, I am pretty obsessed with the owls, visiting them most days to watch the changes as they grow. A few days ago, as I was observing them I heard someone call my name. Turns out it was Wes, riding his bike with his beagle as a tag along.
I met Wes early on in my days with the "baby camera." Back then I would photograph ANYTHING, not too unlike today, however, in my immediate area I've mostly covered everything by now. Anyway, I'd stopped in his front yard asking if I might photograph some yellow flowers. After responding in a positive fashion, he suggested I might want to come in his backyard to see if I wanted to photograph anything there. Well, sure enough, it was full of goodies. Several of the photos I took that day sold briskly. Then too, another interesting fact about him is that his family owned a ranch which is now the site of Sea World. Anyway, we talked about the owls, and while doing so, I watched a feather drop from what I assumed is the mama owl. I wanted that feather, but soon forgot while we were talking.

As I was riding back I remembered the feather, turning around to pick it up, and that is when I saw her/him in the yard. Woo hoo!! Good light and everything. Plus, the kids were in the tree doing this!!!
Oh my gosh, I was having a fit. Then they just stared at me..
Can you believe how much their chest feathers have come in? Do you detect any size difference? Based on the grooming business, I assumed the one on the right was the female, which is stereotypical, but apparently meaningless. Then, much to my delight the one on the left started calling for food--fantastic. Then too, my bike was in the middle of the man's driveway where the palms are, and he drove up, calling out that it was just fine, and if I got a good one, he'd like a copy. Done!

As a reminder, in the beginning of all this obsession, this is how he/she looked.
I decided to give you an overview of what the area looks like giving you a notion about how it takes some sleuthing to find them!
Needless to say I was glad I went back for the feather which, for the record, I did not find. Today they moved across the street in slightly better light.
I know you are sick to death of all this, but according to the article, linked above, they will be leaving the area in the next few weeks, and that will be that. :(

Let me just tell you that although my sister Maureen has a debilitating disease, Parkinson's, she sure hasn't lost one iota of her mojo when it comes to music. We had a little record party Tuesday afternoon, listening to her collection of old 45's. I swear she could sing every one of them before she put them on, and there were a bunch, including some that belonged to my Dad. Please note the TLP signature. Thomas Lee Price. He had incredible handwriting back when it mattered.
She would pick one up, asking us if we remembered this or that. Me...are you kidding? That said, I did remember the words to 16 Tons by Tennessee Ernie Ford, and loved hearing Peggy Lee sing, Fever!
She still had a bunch belonging to her daughter, many of which have amazing sleeves.
For dinner the three of us went back to Chuey's ,and this time it was perfect. We got there in time for Happy Hour which includes a FREE nacho bar with the most amazing queso I've ever eaten. We all had a super meal.
Nancy spent Wednesday night at Lisa's house to be closer to the airport, and now she is back in Tennessee. When Lisa brought her down to our house last week she brought me a treasure she'd been storing. I recently learned that Nancy Drew turned 85 this spring, and according to this article she's still sleuthing, albeit this time in the form of a video game. Gosh, how I loved those books. The collection Lisa brought is battered, and worn, but the minute I finish reading the fantastic book of short stories I'm reading, The American Lover, I am re-reading The Mystery of the Moss-Covered Mansion for starters.
Hard to know what I'll think, but I'm guessing it will still be GOOD. Perhaps that will happen this afternoon, poolside---it's been a busy time.

Always learning something new,


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