Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Snakes Alive!

What keeps Bruce awake at night is a massive tile grouting problem on his job site. Me, last night, it was the snake eggs.Waking up around 2:30 in the morning, I could not get out of my mind, holding two handfuls of snake eggs earlier in the day. Because today is yard waste day, I got it in my mind to finally dig up the weary azaleas in the front yard. More like pulled some of them out as their root system was not what you would call hardy. What to replace them with?

That is still a bit up in the air, however, last year Cheryle gave me some Canna Lillie plants that Bruce planted in one of my French blue pots. Because I felt like I needed some height in the middle of the bed, that seemed like the perfect solution to my dilemma. So, I dumped it out of the pot, and what should I find but a bunch of oval white things. Are these some plant nodules put out by the Canna I thought to myself? Bruce had gone to the store to get some Saison beer for Bunker who was coming over later to teach us how to clean our pool filter. Setting them aside, I kept to my digging ways.

Once he returned I scooped them up in my gloved hands and got him to take a look. "Darling, I think those are snake eggs." I did not scream, but I was not far from doing so. I practically ran back to the front bed, and set them down once again.
Bruce punctured the egg on the left and out came this:
How does he know these things?? Of all things, once he turned to our friend Google, he discovered that this is what a black racer snake looks like as a baby. I would like to tell you that I put them back, but I did not. They went the way of the aging azaleas. Just when I think I've seen it all in our yard....

For something a lot more light hearted, when I was in St. Augustine I came across a store window display with a summer theme. Well, of course it was a summer theme Gail! Anyway, I was so delighted to find this available for sale, and not just part of their display.
With Father's Day coming up I just knew I had to have it for Bruce. So, what's the significance of a Smarties float? I'm fixing to tell you.

When Bruce first floated (!) the idea of me selling my photography, he insisted we have a candy bowl on our table, and that said candy bowl should contain Smarties, because not only did he like them, but he felt sure others would too. For the last eight plus years, folks of all ages have enjoyed the Smarties we provide; some ask if it is okay, some try sneaking them. It is really pretty comical. And then there are the parents who tell three kids that they must share one roll. Oy vey!

I can tell you Mr. Bruce was super surprised with his silly gift. :)

In other news, I played bridge on Monday. Not well, mind you, but I played with Bev, Barbie, and Arlene. In truth Bev and I were not demolished; it was a somewhat respectable loss, if there is such a thing!
The zip loc bag you see contains money that the regulars put in every time they miss their bid, a quarter at a time. Once there is enough, they all go out to dinner, which seems a fun way to celebrate losing.

Remember that crazy display near our home I shared a while back--you will, once you see this:
They are all sporting different shirts as the "free the dentist" t-shirts faded in our hot Florida sun. The Teddy bear is a new addition.

While I've been obsessed with the owls, I've missed a lot of things going on in my riding neighborhoods, which I am now trying to rectify. You've seen this tiny house before, but not with the cute heart shaped vine growing on it.
Of course if it were my home I'd yank that vine off as fast as I could, but on someone else's home, it looks just fine. Vines, as everyone knows, can be the bane of a gardner's existence. Fast growing, they can take over an area in the blink of an eye if you let them. Right? In the side garden there is one such plant that is not a vine, but grows just as quickly. Several years ago I got a few cuttings from Angela when she lived across the street,  and good grief, the stuff is taking over.
In fact, it is so fast growing I'm going to plant some in the front bed because of both the growth habit, and the no maintenance factor. The sunnier the area, the more purple it becomes. From those few cuttings, the plants have gone to both Angela's new home, and Cheryle's garden. Meeting up with Cheryle this morning as she was running, whileI bicycled slowly beside her, she told me she is now going to give them to Pam to plant in the Polasek gardens. Pretty cool, don't you think?

I saw the funniest t-shirt at the market on Sunday, which, by the way, was busier than I had any right to expect. Oftentimes when people ask me what I've learned as an outdoor vendor during these past eight years, I can truthfully say, not much! It is a very unpredictable way to make money, that's for sure! Anyway, back to the shirt..
Turns out it is part of the merchandise offered on this blog which promotes itself as hip, local, and thrifty. Now that's a winning combination in my book!

Oh my gosh, here she goes again....the owls make an appearance, just when you thought that was all over!!!

Yep, just when you thought I could not post any other photo of the owls that you had not seen before, I'm going to do just that. One day last week I did my usual tree scanning before giving up and riding down the street. Well, about four house away here's what I found!
First off, I'm wondering if the siblings will separate once they get old enough to find their own territory? Secondly, an aspect of all this that has been fun, aside from watching a live nature program, is all the different folks that I've met who are likewise obsessed. As I was watching the owls on the car roof, a young woman with her five year old boy on a bike, and another one in a fancy running stroller, came up, and we ended up having a nice long chat. Turns out she is a gifted teacher at Blankner, the elementary school I attended eons ago. I broke out in the school song...B-L-A-N-K NER spells Blankner! This gave her a laugh, although instead of Blankner Beavers, their mascot is a bulldog. I'm okay with that, but beavers do represent tenacity, so there's that. Then too, wonder what made them change it? Hmmm....

I learned that the program Matt attended there, AIMM, is still alive and well. Furthermore, she told me that the former main teacher of said program lived right around the corner from where we were chatting! I've not doubt Matt benefited greatly in the academic realm while there, but what really counts is that he made two of his dearest friends while in the program. Well, she was just delightful, and I wished her well on raising those two adorable little boys.

Then there is Nell whose yard I am constantly trespassing on. Just kidding, they've given me permission! Here she is scanning the trees looking for her residents.
At 78 years old she is still out working in the garden most mornings, claiming if she goes inside she'll have to vacuum or something! Her gardens are nothing short of spectacular! I'm with her, I'd much rather be outdoors than cleaning.

The strangest thing just happened, not quite as strange as finding a nest of snake eggs, but strange nonetheless. Baxter began barking which signals someone is coming to the door. Turns out it was our mailman, Ralph, delivering a package from Amazon. Did I order something I've completely forgotten? No, I did not, however, it was addressed to me. The package contained three linen throw pillow covers and no note at all. Who, pray tell could the sender be?

Finally, riding by the house being renovated, the film crew was there and the windows were once again covered with plywood! Deception, deception...

Hoping for a good night's sleep,


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