Monday, September 7, 2015

Post # 1451

Because we are going to be all over the map today, a number title will have to suffice.

First off, Bruce took his regular Monday morning flight, so Labor Day is going unnoticed in this household. But, not to worry, we did make the most of our 35 hours together! The restaurant he is building is on the second floor of a 30 story multi-use high rise. So, that's a starting point for you to understand the current problem he's trying to find a work around. Although he drew me some sketches, and I understood it at the time, it's a little hard to describe. Essentially the water pressure coming into their space from the main supply on the 30th floor is way too pressurized for all of the equipment, including the air conditioners, and refrigeration units. A very complicated fix is currently being considered, which may, or may not, delay the restaurant opening, something B has done everything in his power to avoid. Here's hoping an easier solution can be found.

As a rule, B remains relatively calm in the face of construction adversities, which are pretty much a given in a project, however, when a laborer threw away some of the pieces of an intricate art installation last week, he was anything but calm. What he thought was a box of plastic material turned out to be a box of iron table bases, and kicking the later type of box produces this kind of result.
Thank God he was wearing boots when he did it! The good news is that the tile guy, after seeing B lose his temper like that, scrambled outside, found the big crate, and rummaged through it to find the pieces. At least the art piece is okay; no telling how long it will be before his toe is healed!

So, I've got some animal shots for you. Well, maybe not animal, but a bird, and a reptile. Just when I thought I'd gotten every sort of owl shot, last week, while leaving Nell's house after delivering some prints of the Tree Hugger, as we were standing in her doorway she said, "look, there's one of the owls now." Indeed, in a low tree there was an owl. Look what is hanging from his talon!!!
I'm sparing you the photos of the eating process!

Saturday morning I saw a frog on the bottom of the pool which looked kind of strange. Before long, I discovered why it looked strange. I'd been thinking what a bummer there was a frog in the pool because before mowing the lawn I always jump in to get my cool on. Swimming with frogs is not my idea of a good time, that's for sure. Anyway, as I watched, said frog climbed out of the pool and for that I was glad. A little later, out back once again, I discovered just why the frog looked strange...
Oh my gosh! Baxter began nosing around causing Momma Frog and baby to jump back in! Before long they'd had enough swimming, and here you go.
Unfortunately, this means there will be yet another Cuban Tree Frog in our yard.

Friday, my post mentioned it was beginning to rain. So? That's nothing new Gail. Well, it may not be new, but it was a storm to remember. This is what happens when it rains HARD for an hour and a half.
Not to mention, crazy windy, with thunder so loud it made you want to jump! Nearly a full garbage can of tree debris to pick up as well. The good news is that if the sun does come out at all, following a deluge such as that one, a rainbow can usually be seen in the East. Not this time, but there was a pretty fantastic sunset.
Before I forget, last Sunday, on our drive to Winter Garden, I stopped alongside Division Avenue to take the photo below.
I like the way these folks described the take down. If you are of a certain age, you will fondly remember the wonderful aroma of freshly baked bread emanating from this location. Another thing of the past in Orlando. :(

So, what did we do when B came home at 5:30 on Saturday evening? I'd seen earlier on fb that there was a Florida State meet up group at Johnny's Otherside on Michigan, and thought that it could be fun to watch the game there, not to mention it is super close to home.  A couple asked if we wanted to share their table so, naturally we agreed. Amazingly, we learned that the young woman pictured used to babysit at our house long before we got there.
Her family lives on the newer end of Appleton, and apparently she was the go-to girl when you needed a baby sitter. Before long our neighbor from across Gem Mary Court, one of the few young ones, arrived with her husband. I am happy to report that she is due to have a baby girl on my sister Maureen's birthday, October 18. Amazing that there will soon be two babies on our street, something that has not occurred for probably thirty years. Maybe even longer.
You didn't think I would ask B to set me up at the market now, did you? Nope, another day off. Instead, after a nice breakfast at home, we went to the movies, seeing "A Walk in the Woods" which was merely okay. Amusing in parts, however, when Robert Redford wears a bathrobe in one scene, when he is supposed to be hiking the Appalachian Trail where everyone knows that no one would be silly enough to pack a bathrobe, it strained credibility. Even if he did pack a bathrobe, it would have been severely wrinkled! Sorry, I can't help noticing details like that.

Because it was so close to the theater, we followed the movie watching with a little bit of eating and drinking at The Smiling Bison. Because we are very new at this Sunday hanging out business, we continue to be surprised by brunch menus. Having already eaten breakfast, the choices were slightly challenging, but I did try my first shrub, an orange rosemary one if you are wondering. Here's an explanation on shrubs. Bonus points for a recipe should you be so inclined. The food was fine, but what was really great was learning from the bartender that she had been a flight attendant on Emirates Airlines for three years. She told us she used to wear red lipstick and a hat, something I found hard to imagine from the way she presented herself on Sunday. Very clean, no makeup, with hair, severly tied back in a ponytail. The influence from her days on the airline was a bonus for us as she was an exemplary server, something you rarely find. Or, at least that has been our experience. Of course what you really want to know is if we'd go back, and the answer is probably so.
I managed to get B's clothes washed, we had chili for dinner, and followed that up by watching The Wrecking Crew, which I would highly recommend for music lovers. BTW--it is on Netflix. Carol Kaye is the bomb!!

Had enough?

Got it,


p.s. I know there are already a bunch of links in this post but I can't resist posting this last one about the making of that fine documentary.

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