Friday, December 4, 2015

It's Hip to Be Square

Who doesn't remember that great Huey Lewis song? Certainly this girl does, and while thinking about using it for today's title, I thought to myself...maybe he was on to something? Think nerds of yesteryear being hip today?

While a clever title, I'm referring to something entirely different, namely quilting. I am SO guilty of not squaring up all of my former quilting projects, however, and this is a big however, I hope, following yesterday morning's tutelage from Mr. Everything has to be Square himself, I may do better next time. Certainly my project I worked on most of yesterday is square because you know who made certain of that. Plus, I'm doing my best to learn how to machine quilt. While I prefer hand quilting, when time is of the essence, machine quilting is a darn good substitute. That is, if you know what you are doing and have the proper tools. The walking foot Bruce gave me for Christmas, years and years ago, got quite the workout yesterday, and with pretty good results, if I do say so myself. It helped that the project was squared up beforehand. As well, I received a lesson on how to get the most out of my quilting ruler better. Having a master carpenter in the house is the best!!

Pam and I did a little fabric shopping at Sewing Studio on Tuesday, both of us coming away with nothing but a good memory. There are some mighty impressive machines there, many of them computerized like this one.
A woman began chatting with us while we stood adjacent to this machine, and was one of the friendliest folks you'll ever meet. A customer, I might add, although she did put on a pretty good hard sell for the machine she uses at home--a Baby Lock. I used to have a Baby Lock serger, and in fact, I did not even know they made regular sewing machines, but I certainly do now!!

Must have been something he ate that caused our little Baxter to be under the weather all of Wednesday, and part of Thursday. Most of the day he looked and acted like this.
Kelly came by on Wednesday morning to pick up a canvas she'd ordered as a Christmas gift and what a marvelous three hours we shared. I've known Kelly for about seven years and she just gets sweeter with age.
She was loving up on Mr. Not Feeling Well. It would be nice if a few other folks were looking for Christmas gifts, particularly out of my inventory, which is vast. No worries though, I'm doing just fine as a non-businesswoman, something I was never very good at anyway!

That said, don't think for a moment I'm still not camera crazy because I am. Just today, while running errands, I saw a heron lakeside on Bumby. Had to pull into the adjacent church parking lot to take a photograph. Just because I thought it was pretty, not because I'm hoping to sell it!
The color combination of the gray blue heron amongst the dying reeds and green grass was so nice I could not resist. I walked across a bit of a field, and my, oh my, it was a treasure trove of activity and tiny weed flowers. Lovely actually.
Writing that it makes me think that it is high time B got out his favorite Christmas movie--Love Actually. Never fails to put him in the Christmas spirit and we are going to need that in the next few days as it is just about time to find a Christmas tree. Hopefully this weekend.

Sewing yesterday was made even more pleasant as I listened to my favorite Christmas music. For the most part I don't consider myself one to enjoy fantasy anything, however, Fred Waring's, Christmas Magic, aside from the real Christmas story songs, is filled with Christmas fantasy. Bring it on!! Over and over again! Snow, Snow, Beautiful Snow. Yeah, right. What is a Florida girl, who has never even seen a big snowfall, singing along to a song like that for? Because a girl can dream can't she?

I would be remiss did I not mention the lovely Calla Lily given to me by my sister-in-law Ruth's parents on Thanksgiving day. Why not show a photo of the beauty? Why not, indeed?
Coming home after a few errands, and yes, I did finish my project first, I went out front to get the mail. Of all things a male Cardinal was sitting on the ground. I stopped to talk to him on my way inside, and while he did not talk back, he did stay put long enough for me to get my camera, sitting in my purse on the kitchen camera.
He was still sitting there after I went back inside to put my zoom lens on the camera, however, the sight of that sent him flying, first into some bushes, and eventually up into the Chinese Tallow tree beside the house in the back yard. As long as I've been paying attention to birds in our yard, this is a real first. I only wish you could have seen him in person because his red breast was big and puffy. :)
I was super happy to see him fly into the tree for obvious reasons.

Bruce took a super early flight to DC this morning, chauffeured by yours truly, as his car is in the body shop having a few scrapes spruced up. I'm getting a ride there soon to pick it up as they are closed over the weekend. Speaking of which, hope yours is full of, almost Christmas cheer!

Learning to be square,


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