Nor is it very often that the Pecks would go see a show called, One Night of Queen, but that is exactly what we did on Sunday evening, seeing them with these folks at the Plaza Theater.
The live music we heard on Sunday could not have been any more different that's for sure. During the worship service at church there was a full slate of beautiful and I mean beautiful music. So much so that during the performance of this piece,
I found myself with tears rolling down my face, so moving was it. One of the members, a 99 year old woman who we learned was very influential died earlier this year and the music was all selections that she picked. It really helps that the choir conductor is the musical director of the Bach Festival and is from Rollins College. So, so good. Schubert, Faure, Wilberg and several selections from Bach, it was almost overwhelming. When Joni Roos, the wonderful violinist completed the piece she nearly wept herself. :)
We met at the McCormac's for some pre concert nachos and carpooled to the Plaza which I'll always think of first as the ground breaking "rocking chair" movie theater of my youth! My sister Lisa and her husband Danny go there all of the time but this was our first visit. What a great space it is. As to the concert, I'd forgotten just how many great songs Freddy Mercury wrote!! The performer who "is" FM was really something else. Oh my were they all good!
From Britain, they travel the world performing, and indeed they lived up to one of the best known Queen songs...We Will Rock You!
Nearly forgetting again, in a stroke of luck, I saw on the calendar that it was the Monday for Days for Girls. Good grief, as if I'm too busy or something! Anyway, it was a good day of sewing. Sharleen, our amazing leader is showing off the part I played yesterday, sewing these two pieces together to form the pads.
While others with sergers, rounded the corners once these pieces were together, I kept sewing and sewing.
Of all things, the last woman on the left is also named Gail! On my way home at 3 in the afternoon I stopped to see Pam who has just returned from a three week trip to Europe. I nearly wept looking at the gorgeous fields of tulips in Holland...oh my. Around here I have to content myself with the beauty I come across including the blooming ginger,
and some beautiful hydrangeas found in Nell's yard.
The color is just outstanding! I also came across this in her driveway.
No owls today so I rode over to check on the eagles and lo and behold I discovered that there are two eaglets!!
For all this time I thought there was only one, and finding two was quite the surprise. Aren't they getting big?
I took this photo last week in the afternoon when the lighting is better on the heron's nest.
So funny with the other bird flying by and one on the chimney. I tell you, the balance of birds is astounding to me.
One more from Gatorland, I saw these Snowy Egrets squawking and clamoring and finally this happened.
Rarely do I upload videos and now I've gone and uploaded two of the Vaughan Williams piece. I believe my preference is this second version if you choose to listen to it. Absolutely magnificent!!
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