Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Getting Closer

You know, I never really meant to write about our love story again because it is a well worn tale. Since writing my last post, I've thought of a gazillion other things I could have written instead of rehashing something you've already heard, but it seems as if while looking for that one photo I succumbed to nostalgia, letting it get the best of me!! Nonetheless, many thanks for both reading, and your well wishes.

There are some amongst you who are wondering how things are going with the Flagyl, and I am thrilled to report that not only do I have only three more days of it, but the applesauce method is working brilliantly.
I've gone through about a third of a jar of applesauce with my three times a day dose. So, I put it into the applesauce, slugging it down with some water, with good results, except for this time when I took so long taking the photograph, the pill started to flavor the applesauce! Aside from the no alcohol problem, (not even cough syrup!), there is the larger problem of the pill not actually working. Irene sent me a text the other evening, informing me that a scientist was on Fresh Air, interviewed by Terri Gross, of course, who explained that ONLY 20% of patients are actually cured using antibiotics!!! Naturally I had to listen, and was dismayed, to say the least. Last year I read that it is quite common to return, and now I know why that happens. Needless to say, I did not like what I heard, but at least I understand the problem a little better. So, at least for now, I am getting closer to being c-diff free.

Then too, the restaurant is getting closer to the finish line. I've been asked by many when is the opening date, and the answer to that question is, September 23.
Bruce worked both days over the weekend, while little Missy watched the Olympics, and weren't they wonderful? Except for the stupid Ryan Lochte incident. Everyone loves their technology, and for the most part, rightly so, however, this story so illustrates the point that things aren't what they used to be. Most of you already know how this all played out, with this blog post explaining the details further should you need a refresher. I understand breaking news and all, but the Australian reporter that tweeted an off hand remark from Lochte's Mother, probably because he wanted some glory for getting such a scoop, was just plain stupid. Had this been an earlier era, holes would have been poked in the story early on, and the whole thing would have never turned into such a big fat mess! Reporters have a hard job these days, but let's do a little research before posting a story please! In any case, the achievements of the athletes were astounding, and how about the Japan portion of the closing ceremonies? Fantastic stuff!!

You have seen the kitchen at the restaurant, and no doubt noticed that there is a whole lot of equipment. Well, with that equipment comes manuals, and one of the things B does for the chefs is put together a notebook of all of them, except that there were so many, and they were so thick, a special hole punch had to be used, which he located at Kinko's. Delighted to help, I went downtown to have it done, and just take a look at this cute street art I found while I was there.
Once again we are having a dry spell, meaning the humidity has been bearable, which in turn means I've been on my bicycle again. I do love the Moon visible in the morning sky.
Look who I saw...
There have been loads of birds in our yard, in spite of the new cat across the street who likes to come hunting. Just the other morning there were about eight Cardinals in the back yard, presumably a family.
In honor of National Bee day--
I'm reading reports of a bee shortage, however, in our garden, between the Lantana picture above, and the Spicy Jatropha, of which we have about twenty, including the tree with the Cardinal, we have more than I would like. Wanting some color in the back yard, when we were replanting, it never occurred to me that we would have so many bees! Of course we need bees, but when you are sitting at the patio table, loads of bees within arms reach is not ideal.

Naturally I've been working on something,
which is also getting closer to completion. I got the notion to do some hand quilting, and now I'm not entirely sure why! I totally forgot how progress is so slow. In any case, while hand sewing the binding on the baby quilt pictured above, I watched two documentaries. Not surprised are you? Poverty Inc. was one, and very thought provoking it is. Seems to me we are doing the same thing right here in our own country. Secondly I watched most of Sugar Coated which, while enlightening, seemed a tad heavy handed, something that I am always on the look out for while watching documentaries.  See it for yourself on Netflix.

The Olympics are over, but it won't be long now until college football begins...


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