Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Taking My Medicine and Planning a Road Trip

Now that is an attention grabbing title isn't it? You might be tempted to think that after 1, 566 posts, I would run out of titles, but then again, you know me better than that, don't you?

Visiting Dr. Parrillo Monday morning, we discussed what had been going on. Naturally he was sorry to hear it, and recommended that I take Vancomycin four times daily for 14 days. No wine restrictions on this one, in case you are wondering! Previously he told me that it is not often prescribed because of a high price tag. Okay, how high is high? He did not know, but we all have a friend in Google, and now I know what it would have cost had it not been covered by insurance. Here, my friends, is what an $1,800 antibiotic looks like.
Unreal isn't it? Further on this medicine....following my visit I drove over to Wandering Stitches to participate in the day's activities for Days for Girls. Mostly I cut strips for the liners. So, I told Sharleen I would need to leave around lunchtime to pick up my prescription. Well, heading home I got a text from Bruce that Publix called, saying the medicine would not be ready until THURSDAY! Say what? That did not sit too well with him for all kinds of reasons, one of which is our upcoming vacation. He wanted me on the medicine ASAP. Apparently he fussed a bit; he is well practiced in his line of work. How about tomorrow morning? Much better.

BTW--I paid $10. Medicine and health insurance is just plan mind boggling. The good news is I'm improving dramatically already. The bad news is I have to take it every six hours and they are quite serious about that. I am such a ninny I had no idea how to set an alarm on my phone but Bruce did. 9AM, 3PM, 9PM, 3AM. In other good news, there is no taste whatsoever because they are coated, unlike Flagyl.  I was thinking about how if you are of a certain age you well remember how horrible taking aspirin was when you were little because it had no coating. Should you be in that age group, you now can feel my pain more fully!

Before we get on with things, I have something I want to get off my chest regarding this election season. How is it that people who claim to be so open minded can be so close minded? It really turns my stomach when I see, or hear people calling others "idiots," or worse, when they are not supporting the candidate that they think is the best. It is like this season has been about giving people license to be rude and overbearing, not to mention hurtful. I'm wishing people would just shut up about how the candidates look, and remind themselves that they would never say something so negative to their face. Nor would they want people to say such horrible things about themselves. Remember folks, all we need is love. We will survive this election, for better or worse, if history is our guide.
On a silly note regarding the election, I saw this while out riding the other day.
Another small rant coming....what is with people's fascination with Halloween? How could someone enjoy going in and out of their front door for more than a month with "her" looking on?
And while I have complained to anyone who will listen that our new neighbor across the street is not keeping his yard up they way I would like, at least I don't have to look at this every day.
There is only a small driveway that is not completely covered in these dreadful "creatures."
So early!! Not even October yet. I feel for those folks that live across the street!

Backing up a number of days, while at church I saw Ann, a younger woman I've met there who also likes to sew. I may have mentioned that I gave her some of my estate sale fabric that was a wee bit "over the top" for even me. Well, she wore the dress and was anxious to show me the 70's pattern she bought on Ebay.
So Flower Power, right?

Later on I was feeling good enough to go to our Sunday gathering, held this time at Cheryle and David's house to show off their newly refinished terrazzo floors. Oh my gosh, do they look fantastic! Pam invited Gerry and Regina to come because Gerry is both a gardening nut, and an airbnb host, sharing those two passions with Cheryle here.
It was also another goodbye to Catherine who has gone back to the Isle of Wight with her brother's ashes. :(
I mentioned that Gerry used to do our yard, but what I did not mention is that he also did the same for Angela. Although she is no longer there, his good work is still bearing fruit, or make that flowers.
Well, they aren't really flowers either, but I don't know what else to call them. Someone I know surely knows how best to describe the blooms on the bromeliads.

I would have posted yesterday if I had not spent the majority of the day planning the trip. Frankly, I was sick of my computer by days end. But that is a silly thing to say isn't it? After all, you can do so much it is amazing. I decided it worked better if I went backwards, trying to figure out a plan to drive 200 or less miles a day. Bruce and I have only done three road trips, at least that I remember. Once, nearly 40 years ago, back and forth to California, so there's two. We did that in 5 1/2 days. Then, nearly sis years ago, Bruce drove the truck from Chicago to Austin during Jonathan and Alissa's move. Riding along, that trip of 1,1200 miles took three days. Now that was some hard driving! Another time Bruce helped Matt move from Atlanta to Chicago. I stayed home.

All that to say, I am no pro at road trip planning. If this trip works out the way I'm hoping it will, next time I may leave it to AAA. Currently I am not a member, but I can sure see the benefits of being one now! More to come on what we will see in my next post.

I leave you with this LINK I discovered showcasing some gorgeous landscape photography. Do not miss it if you have a few moments. Wow, wow, wow, is all I can say!

Improving by the minute,


p.s. You may be happy to learn, or at least I know our son Matthew will be, that Mr. Peck is working at his desk, listening to music, taking a little nap when he needs one; life is slowing down after the last two hectic months. I told him he is de-stressing before our trip, which seems like a good thing to me!

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