Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Today, after all of this time, a title is eluding me....yikes! Is this the beginning of the end? Has the well run dry? Only time will tell. 😉

So, I am still giving some love to the new dishes that are adding some serious class to my cupboards and, come to think of it, every day of the week.
That would be the apple cake, which was tasty, but not so pretty. The truth is, taking it out of the bundt pan before it was ready, big chunks stayed in the pan and had to be sort of glued back in place with the glaze. Don't ever get the impression that everything I do works like a charm because it most definitely does not!! Now you can really see how cool the dishes are--two-toned for the win!

When last we met we were heading to set up for the craft fair.
Driving there I was not only thinking "what have I gotten myself into?", but I hoped that at least I could recoup the price of the dishes. Lo and behold, I did much better than that. It never occurred to me that I would have two tables, so after digging out my market tablecloth, it was so darn wrinkly that I brought another cloth to put over it, hoping to draw attention away from how dreadful it looked. Well, two tables it was, so I sent B out to the car to fetch the quilt for cover. Looked pretty good actually.
It didn't match the blue cloth you see in the background, but as it turns out, someone set up in front of that table anyway. I was not only able to meet some new folks, the reduction in my inventory which is still vast, was a welcome outcome. Some folks were set up outside under tents while a woman played music throughout, so it was actually nice.
After unloading we were slightly tired, so we plopped onto the couch and watched some television, including a Ken Burn's documentary called the Dust Bowl. Everyone should see this because if they did they would be mighty grateful in spite of the election results. Oh my goodness, how those folks survived is beyond me. It was showing on PBS here.
Not only did they survive eight years of drought and dust, but the following year they were invaded by HUGE swarms of grasshoppers!! Wow, did I go to bed feeling like I had not one thing in the world to complain about!

Monday while running up to Colonial Plaza, I finally pulled the car over to document the demolition of Bruce's elementary school, Lake Como. This is all that is left of the school where he learned to read and write.
It seems really weird that the play equipment is still standing...
Bruce tells the story about how we met at Lake Como during a summer program. He also claims that is where he fell in love with me. 💗💗 We were about 11 years old!!

Saint Mary Whited stopped by the house in my absence, bringing some super, super, cool decorator fabrics she'd bought at a yard sale. The poster was a gift.
As well she brought three big bags of thread which will go with me to Days for Girls later in the month. People often donate fabric, but thread is usually an afterthought. She's not really a saint, but I think she is!

This past Spring, Matt turned me on to a store called Uniqlo from Japan. I bought some dresses for the summer, and were they ever fantastic! When I learned that they were putting one of their stores at the newly re-done Disney Springs, I was anxious to see it for myself. Getting my wish yesterday, Bruce agreed to go and it turned out to be a very fun outing. Duh! I did not even get it that this was supposed to replicate a spring!
It is rare for us to go to any of the tourist locations, but I'm glad we made the trip if only to see what tourists see when they think they are going to Orlando! This Starbucks has a sign on the door, Starbucks Reserve...does that mean they serve wine as well?
The day started out a bit overcast and chilly and since B was wearing shorts and a polo shirt, he took the opportunity to buy a light jacket while we were in Uniqlo.
Two stories full of well made inexpensive clothing. Check it out!!

Continuing the Asian theme, we had a delicious, albeit expensive, lunch at Morimoto Asia. 
Iron Chef baby! The space is striking...
With seating upstairs looking down on the lower dining room. The curtains for the private dining space were killer pretty!
Sumptuous white with pale characters printed on them. The food, oh my! We did not get very adventurous, but the standards we chose were wonderful. My lo mien with chicken.
Whereas I am a big potato fan, Bruce loves rice, and this fried rice with sambal sauce was the best he'd ever eaten. The Japanese beer with ginger and green tea was great too! Perhaps I can persuade Tom to make some of that sauce when he and Matt are here next week for the holiday.
Which brings me to today when I went to do something not so fun. Cutting to the surgical site at my waist has not only not healed, but it is infected. No surprise what with the luck I've been having of late. The good news is that it is only a basal cell, so no big deal except it might come back. Today the plan was to cut a little more out because one of the margins on the previous sample were not clean, however, with the infection she said we should put it off for another two weeks so as not to spread it into a new incision. Normally she would have put me on an antibiotic, but with my history of c-diff, that's not such a good idea. It has been very sore, and after examining it today, she said there is a little area that has come apart, which doesn't surprise me one bit because I could feel it straining every time I had to bend my body. It is a bummer, but there are far worse things, like living in the Dust Bowl during the 1930's!!

Title suggestions welcome,


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