Friday, February 24, 2017

Up With the Sun

As mentioned in this space before, Bruce takes the early flight to Dallas, and generally, on those days, I go ahead and get up myself, more often than not, wasting time online! Except the days when I think, why not head out early with the camera? Tuesday was one of those days when I did just that. Taking my camera and purse, the MINI and I drove just around the corner to photograph the sunrise over Lake Gem Mary. I was not disappointed, as the sky was just brilliant! More so than this photograph even shows.
It was then that I remembered that I'd left my phone behind, and as I am trying to have more of a presence on Instagram, don't ask me why really, but anyway, home was minutes away and so we scooted back there. Returning to my spot, the sky was dull as can be, proving once again, that when you see it, document it!!

Must have been on Monday afternoon that Pam texted saying there were a huge flock of white birds in Lake Pineloch as she was driving home from Publix. I knew just what she was talking about--the white pelicans were passing through on their way to who knows where. Last year David spotted them in the middle of March which I wrote about here. Just like everything this year, they are early. Except they weren't there when I drove over. Not that time, nor the next three times either! The same Tuesday morning, so I decided to go visit the only owl I can spot at the moment, and even she was in hiding, but my golly there was a ton of bird activity. So many flying around.
This is pretty much a horrible photograph because the sky was leaden, however, there were Robins galore in this tree!
You've got look very hard!

Nearby I saw this front yard with huge sunflowers, and all manner of vegetables. A few years ago there was quite the hub-bub around here regarding the growing of vegetables in front yards. That cabbage looks fantastic, doesn't it?
When I wrote the post about photographing birds, if you can imagine, I left out a few that I saw, including these geese who were wandering along on the sidewalk when I last visited. Tuesday they were in their natural habitat.
Watching them was kind of fun--don't know what this was all about, but here it is:
Because the beak was fully out of the water, I can't imagine looking for food was involved. Meanwhile the Gander, and don't quote me on that name because after spending time trying to figure out more about geese, that's what I think it is called. But I digress. You know what is happening here, no explanation needed!
Returning home, I finally had some breakfast that I photographed because I've got an idea for you.
I wish I could remember whose Mother introduced me to this yummy idea, it was a long time agao when I was in elementary school, I do know that much. Anyway, I love toast really dark ,as you can see, and in this instance it works perfectly for dipping into the V8 juice. Delicious! Please no lectures on how salty V8 is! Plain black tea should count for something here.

Finally I spotted the Pelicans!
Albeit from some creative trespassing. Actually, last year I did knock on the door, but this time no one was home. David and Michelle live in the complex across the lake. In case you are wondering, their dog Ginger is holding her own.  Although Google statistics tells me that my last blog post about our move has 476 views, to date we are still looking for a pet sitter. Perhaps seeing his adorable face will help?
I understand it is a big commitment, but I'm counting on a positive outcome.

So, my writing was interrupted because of an extensive search for our marriage license for the immigration lawyers. Although I was unsuccessful finding that, I found all sorts of goodies, including tax returns from the late 80's! That was fun. Then too I found a book of carbon copy checks from my bank account while I was working back in 2002. No wonder I don't care too much about money, I have a lot of practice spending it on others! A $250 Christmas check to my mother-in-law, tuition, tuition, tuition! Bill, Dave, and Jonathan were all in various stages of college back then. Although Matthew was not, there are multiple checks to him as well. The IRS is represented twice, as is my own Mother. I've no recollection of giving her hundreds of dollars in 2003, the year of her death. I just love those trips down memory lane. As to the marriage license? Ordering one from the County Clerk. :)

I veered way off path didn't I? Pelicans, we were discussing the Pelicans. Here you go...
They, like the Robins, only last a few days, and then they are gone for another year.

Much to my surprise, as I was about to get into the car in our driveway I heard some hawks shrieking above my head. Lo and behold, they landed in our Pine trees!
Finally we had some much appreciated rain on Wednesday. I ran over to Angela's house to bring her the gifts, and on the way home, the sun finally decided to show up for the day. As in a big way...
Exactly that bright! I was thinking to myself, this is totally rainbow weather and sure enough, within moments, this appeared!
Too bad I was on Orange Avenue when it happened. Oh my goodness, I'm pretty sure it stayed just that bright for like 10 minutes or more. Mesmerizing!

It has been a good long while since a butterfly appeared in this space....let's rectify that, shall we?
As seen today. 😁 So I was going to put a butterfly emoji there as well and if you can imagine, they have both an octopus and a boar, but no butterfly. What are they thinking?

yours truly,


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