Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Bodies of Water

Raise your hand if you think you can identify the location of this lovely scene?
Before our excursion on Saturday, I certainly would have kept my arm straight by my side because I would have had no clue. This is the park on the shores of East Lake Tohopekaliga in downtown St. Cloud, Florida. I've included Florida because there is a town named the same in Minnesota, not far from a restaurant Bruce built, and there might just be someone from Minnesota that comes across this blog and thinks, that's not my town! 

At any rate, Bruce's superintendent in Plano is doing a fabulous job which means Mr. Peck is not having to kill himself, performing as both Project Manager, and the field Super. It's about time that he got a bit of a break, so when I asked him if he was up for a Saturday excursion to St. Cloud, he agreed. Both of us have driven by the exit to this little town on countless occasions, but never had either of us actually been there before. 28 miles from Orlando, it is off of 1-92, but actually on the other side of the highway than we expected. One of the ladies in our Quilt Guild lives in St. Cloud, so when she told me there were Sandhill Cranes at the lake, I was keen on seeing them for myself. Well, we did not see any cranes, but man, with the beautiful blue sky, the trip was well worth it. The water appeared such a deep blue. Doesn't Bruce look happy not to be working on Saturday?
After walking along the shoreline, we ate lunch at Crabby Bill's which featured live music, adjacent to the marina, sunshine, and cool breezes, making for a winning combination.
I was thinking as these guys played Eagles song, after Eagles song, what will the cover bands sing in the future? Are there any bands that come to your mind? Not mine, but perhaps I am out of touch. :)

While we may not have seen any cranes while in St. Cloud, on our drive home on SR 15A, we were moseying along when Bruce says, "maybe I should turn around, there is something I think you missed." "Yes please!" Oh my gosh, some Sand Hill Cranes were building a nest in a retention pond alongside the highway!!! One was out in the water, which I'm showing you because I'm pretty crazy for this photograph.
All the ripples, and that red head slay me! Meanwhile the other crane was busy building, and the above crane eventually walked over and hopped on the nest like the king of the castle.
Then, they went back to work...
As you can well imagine, I was freaking out. If only the light were better....

Friday night we had a forgettable dinner here:
The bill was crazy high is about all I hope to forget. I should have known they didn't have their act completely together when I saw the clock on the wall displaying the wrong time, and the bathroom looked like this at 7 in the evening.
Those may be picky little items, but it is all about details when you are running any kind of business.

So, our Baxter dilemma remains, although we do have one offer. A preliminary second offer came from Bruce's brother, on the condition that their dog could get along with Baxter. Well, Sunday, we went to find out. Munchkin is the cutest little three year old girl dog that Baxter has ever encountered. Found running around the airport by Judy's sister, she has stolen their hearts since coming to live with them, and it is no wonder, she is so cute! Initially there was some yipping and snarling, mostly because Baxter likes nothing better than to nap and be left alone, whereas Munchkin is ready for action. Gathering our coolers and the dogs, we boarded their wonderful pontoon boat for a ride on the St. Johns River, right outside their back door. 
By now Baxter had settled down and was napping with either Bruce, or I. Munchkin did not play favorites, riding with the Captain as well.
Unlike Saturday when the clouds were few and far between, mostly the sky was a dull gray, but every now and again, the sun peeked through the clouds.
The lush new growth of Spring was evident, so beautifully bright green. Cris took us through some of the canals and we picnicked near Blue Springs; the threat of rain was great, so we ended up making it a short picnic. However, just as we were pulling into the picnic spot, what should we see, but an eagle taking off...
I told you the green was awesome didn't I? Should you have forgotten, before orange reigned supreme, I was all about green, although now it is in second place. 

Another eagle came to join the first one!
While it is wonderful to see the eagle's nests in town, they are practically domesticated compared to the ones on the river. Oh my, oh my!

A problem at the restaurant slightly marred our outing, so after beating the rain on the river, we made our way home, with Bruce in a slight tizzy with worry. I'd started some cookies for our picnic earlier, so while I finished up the dough, which seemed to go on forever, by the way, Bruce went to check on the problem. All sorted out now.

I was a sewing maniac yesterday, and the top is now almost complete. I need to add a second border to make it large enough, and that is proving to be a challenge. Maybe I shouldn't have used the green for the first border, but I'm just so crazy about that fabric, I could not resist doing so. The problem is in finding something appropriate to go alongside it.
In my next post I'll show you how I accomplished those border triangles, something that I've not done for 15 years. I know you are not in the least surprised that orange weighs heavily in this design. :)

So, because the title is "Bodies of Water", one more from Greenwood last week...
According to this, it is a Common Gallinule, formerly known as a Common Moorhen. Now you know.

Florida is a water state, rivers, ponds, lakes, and of course the Atlantic Ocean on one side and the Gulf of Mexico on the other. My brother Pat and his wife Ruth have, on occasion, visited both coasts in one day which sounds like a plan to me. 

How are you adjusting to the Spring forward time change? Personally, I wish it weren't so.

yours truly,


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