Monday, March 19, 2018

Daffodils, Hyacinths, Hellibores, and More!

My infatuation with city life continues unabated. Of course it may have something to do with this study that claims Vancouver is Canada's most walkable city. Eh? (Canadian speak for: right, or you think?) And now that the official beginning of Spring is but days away, it is all the more exciting.

I'm so proud of Bruce for walking to work for several reasons, one of which it is good for him not to have to worry about traffic, and secondly, he is appreciating the city in a new way. It does take him about 30 minutes each way, but being the thinker that he is, it gives him plenty of time to do just that.

It has surprised me to no end that I have actually liked the bare trees when they seem to best show off their architecture. That said, I am not complaining one bit now that they are either beginning to bud out, or in the case of this Magnolia tree, flower. You may recall that I am a huge fan of flowering trees!
One of the things I so love about the city is coming across florists who ply their wares on the sidewalk. This particular one is next door to the dry cleaners where I take Bruce's shirts. Seeing displays like this one is guaranteed to put a smile on my face every time.
While I had plenty of adventures last week, today I am focusing primarily on the flowers I've seen, mostly unfamiliar, I might add. When you have lived your entire life in one place, at least the part that I can remember, seeing new things is both exciting and stimulating. I needn't tell you that is a good thing for an "oldish" woman. Some of the flowers I've seen before in pots, but to watch them emerge from the earth is a whole other ball game.
I know that I've shown you these before but seriously, who wouldn't want to see them again? So cool!
Not that I know what they are, but boy is the color something!

This little combo!!
All of my Northern friends know what to expect when it comes to bulbs, however, being a newbie, I know pretty much nothing. That said, it seems to me that Snowdrops come first, followed by Crocus, followed by Daffodils and Hyacinth, followed by Tulips. Oh wait I forgot the Rhododendrons! They fit in there somewhere. Never having seen one before, I'd been told that they are like our Azaleas, and having come across some for the first time the other day, I can't argue with that.
Just had to throw in a mountain shot because as much as I love flowers, I just might like seeing mountains every day more. Blasphemous I know! Let's have a closer look at the sweet flowers.
I'd gone to the dentist on W. Georgia for a teeth cleaning and instead of going home, I walked to "you know where". Yup. Cannot get enough of Stanley Park. Before leaving the building though, the planter out front! Oh my goodness.
I learned from Jane, an English gardener extraordinaire, that the upright pink flowers are called Hellibores. I've seen them now in white, pink, deep maroon, as well as a greenish yellow. Aren't they cute?

One thing to know about SP is that it is mostly wild forest with roads going through leading both around the park and to the North Shore. There is also the seawall that encircles it, but as to a whole lot of flowers, that doesn't seem to be the case. That said, I now know where to find the ones they do plant. I'm trying not to go too often, but then again, when will I ever get the opportunity to witness Spring flowers again? Much to my DELIGHT, there was a whole bed of tulips looking mighty sweet. Orange too!
Do you want to see a close up? Why, of course you do!
And to think that this is just the beginning! My heart is soaring right about now. :)

I came across another pretty Rhododendron in a lovely shade of pale pink.
I have not seen nearly enough of the Crocuses to satisfy my longing. I'm afraid it won't be long and they will already be a thing of the past. To that I say, boo hoo!
And that is exactly why going out every day is so important to me! Although I said this post is flower related, allow me to slip in a bird, or make that two, will you?
Is it at all possible that pigeons don't get enough love for their looks? I'm thinking so.

Now, here is a cool looking tree that I think I may have a seen once before, but who's counting?
Absolutely cram packed with flowers, I believe this is called a Strawberry tree. You can bet I'll be keeping an eye on this one found beside the Burrard bridge. In other words, just a few blocks away.

You would think that it goes without saying that there are multiple shades of Daffodils, however, this Florida gal was clueless before I saw this.
Speaking of Daffodils, the hillside is still covered in them and what a sight it is.
Gary, one of the pastors at our Vancouver church, in a sermon one day said something to the effect, "How can I keep from singing? referring to walking along the seawall in fine weather. That so resonated with me. Indeed, how can I keep from singing?
You guessed it, early flowering Cherry tree! With so many more to come!

How can I keep from posting too many flower pictures??

yours truly,


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