Saturday, June 2, 2018

An Assortment

Open this blog post like you might a box of assorted chocolates, all chocolate (photos), but you never exactly know what you are getting. When I sit down to write a blog post, I look through the photographs I've taken and weave a story around them. Sometimes, really, more often than not, there are things I want to show, but they simply have no place in the narrative. Today, in random order (see above), this is a box of May chocolates. Humor me, will you?

In no particular order and with minimal commentary, let us begin. How about if we go by dates?

May 16, 2018
I'd been waiting for what seemed life forever for a cloudy day to go to the Van Dusen gardens, however, I was beginning to get nervous that I'd miss things. No worries Gail because I was told by a volunteer that the Laburnum had only just begun blooming a few days earlier. What, pray tell is Laburnum you ask? Folks like me call it a Golden Chain tree because, well it looks like chains hanging from literally every single branch. Unreal to walk under about twenty five of them!

May 15, 2018
I walked home from Granville Island over the Burrard bridge and this photo illustrates what I have been thinking since we've been here. Many parents take what seems to be a more casual approach. I suspect you can deduce Mom was on her phone.

May 8, 2018
I saw my first Canadian geese family--more to come!

May 1, 2018
During an afternoon neighborhood walk, I came across these beautiful tulips. May began with sun and ended with sun. As a matter of fact, it was nearly the driest on record.  I've been told that during our stay, autumn was the most colorful in recent memory, the winter was one of the ugliest, and now this. Also an excellent year for Rhododendrons which are nearly done should you care to know.

May 5, 2018
I saw this parked in front of our building and it brought a smile to my face because I had a car like this one long ago. My Dad bought me a Volkswagen for $300 when I went to x-ray school, hand painted about this same color.

May 7, 2018
Those yellow tulips? Turned pink!!!

May 1, 2018
Last Fall, I saw this being worked on and finally got a shot of the completed project. Set in a community garden near Bruce's office. Bud Osborn should you be curious.

May 5, 2018
Snow piled high during our visit to Grouse Mountain. Unreal!

May 9, 2018
This is on the plaza for the Supreme Court buildings on Hornby. Firstly, I am so loving the trees here, coming in different shapes and colors. Secondly, all that white sprinkling atop the shrubs is from white flowering Viburnum which I've seen all over the place. Frankly, I had no idea what they were until Jackie told me, however, you could have fooled me as I've never before seen Viburnums like these.

May 10, 2018
More gorgeous flowering trees, in this instance, Horse Chestnuts in coral!

May 13, 2018

For my purple flower loving friends.

May 14, 2018
Keeping watch at Lost Lagoon.

May 15, 2018
Don't get this one do you? Then again, maybe you do. I'm collecting images of interesting patterns I see on the streets or buildings for quilt inspiration when we get home.

May 2, 2018
Remember this event? I have no clue what this outfit (?) represents.

May 7, 2018
Because Mallards don't get enough love.

May 8, 2018
Not well focused, and for that matter, not well centered, however, everyone says Canadian Geese are not to be messed with and I'd have to agree.

May 16, 2018
Taken at Van Dusen gardens, I should have written a post about that visit, however, time got away from me. There really are not adequate words to describe this scene. She's using paint to do so instead.

May 29, 2018
While Bruce and I were sitting window-side at the Beach House restaurant in Kitsilano, having visited the Maritime museum, I could not help but notice this couple practicing, for what I presume is a dance competition. This was but one of their moves.

May 29,  2018
If only this map, on the wall at the Maritime museum were dated!! Parts unknown!!! I love maps and am just beginning to pore over them in preparation for our drive home. Should we go across Canada? South? Still pondering.

May 15, 2018
I'd read somewhere that there were new murals on Granville Island and as you may know, I'm a sucker for them. Completed only in the week before my visit, I suspect this family will be one in a long line of folks who have their photograph made in front of them. There are about eight, all equally as intriguing.

May 21, 2018
You already knew that our anniversary orchid Tom and Matt gave us last year was blooming again, but look at it now! Examining it, I not only noticed a new little stem, but also the tiny, tiny, water droplets along the stems. While I thought it was simply amazing, according to this information sent to me by Matt, it is called Transpiration. My science teacher friends, or so I suspect, already knew this.

 May 29, 2018
Oh friends, was this ever a treat, watching this Northern Flickr. Looking down on this bird, which is generally how I've seen one, it is pretty, but nothing like seeing the underside with that gold in the tail. One day, I may get one in flight and that would really be something.

May 15, 2018
Speaking of murals, I'd ridden the Granville bus, getting off at 10th street with an idea to make my way back to the market on Granville Island. As I'd never roamed around in this part of the city, ( I prefer to call it meandering) everything I came across was new. Gardeners everywhere have bees on their mind. And while we are on the subject of walking, every single day I marvel at how slow a walker I am, watching the folks rush by. Then again, I'm a bit of a slow eater too.

May 21, 2018
I'd walked to Dress Sew for some buttons and in that part of town, you never know what you will come across, exactly why I love it here. Crossing the street for a closer look, the young women explained that as part of their class at Vancouver Film School, this was a fantasy makeup competition.

Now that was tasty wasn't it?

yours truly,


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