Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Where Have I Been?

As it turns out, I have been here and there. Nothing major, although you can bet some of it was spent watching the birds.

It was a cinch that Father's Day was going to far surpass this year's Mother's Day. Not that I think we need a day to celebrate, but the card companies have conditioned us, so what are you going to do? (my take, which may or may not be valid.)You may recall that we spent the latter in the lobby of our hotel in California, following the service for Carol. Dreary, to say the least. That is aside from hearing from all four of our sons. They did not disappoint this past Sunday either. Cards all around, and a lovely lunch with our Florida family.
As I was standing to take the photo, our server kindly offered to take it for me so here we all are. A marvelous time was had by all, followed by a visit to our home during which time I had the golf on television. I must say, with all the rain keeping me indoors, watching a Major was a lot of fun.

And the rain came tumbling down, and down, and down. That's the story these days and thanks to Bruce, I will know just how much we are receiving because he bought me a rain gauge which has already gotten lots of us. Visiting Maureen the clouds were ominous as I left. The photo below says a lot about life in Orlando now, what with the clouds and the road construction which is happening everywhere.
At least most days begin with sunshine, so it's best to get out early. Try as I might, I could not get the Osprey chicks in this shot because they are very high up, and being beside Orange Avenue in front of VanBerrys, it is hard to get the right angle.
I was pretty darn excited to finally have an Osprey on our lake, or at least beside it. Perched right on the bare limb outside the back door!

One day I convinced Bruce to take a walk around both Lake Davis and Lake Cherokee because we need to get more walking in and this route has some great shade. Before we know it, we'll be heading over to England for our two week trip! If we don't get in shape now, Matt and Tom will be leaving us in the dust.

I cannot tell you how thrilled I was to come across this darling little Gallinule chick, or as some people call them, a Morehen.
Seriously, it was the cutest little thing with the biggest feet you ever saw!
As we walked around Lake Cherokee we noticed something interesting in the form of bubbles rising to the surface.
You often hear folks say that this or that lake is spring fed, leading us to wonder about Lake Cherokee. I did some reading on the subject and I'm thinking so, however, what I learned is that most lakes are not spring fed, rather seepage lakes. Lots to it that I won't go into, but suffice it to say it was most interesting. We also saw some cygnets and their parents whom I will write about in my next post, although I admit it is hard to keep that story to myself for now!

Speaking of rising to the surface, although this photo is far from good, it was really interesting watching the otters go deep and come up with something in their mouth. This is as far as my zoom would allow, so what exactly she is eating is a mystery! You might note the giant teeth!
Very exciting to have a Tri Colored Heron hanging around for a few days.
Bruce is convinced that Opposums are the ugliest animal around, but I'm not so sure about that. Your thoughts?
Quite a number of hours were spent last week in a clean up of the pool fountains which were filled with Hydrilla, an invasive species on the Federal Noxious weed list. 
No one asked me to do it, however, it seemed easy enough, so Elizabeth and I worked together removing huge piles of it.
In case you are wondering, I did not mind a bit as I like to be useful when I can, which is not really often enough these days.

Once a month isn't much, but I did go to DFG on Monday after having to miss it last month due to that blasted cold. Normally I work on something like this,
This long piece is then cut up into squares which have the edges serged and then used as the pads when they are folded into thirds. We had a little visitor yesterday who was as good as gold.
One day we went to IKEA for a return which took, seemingly, forever because this fellow brought back all of the stuff on the far cart and the tub was filled with so many tiny things as well.
How do you buy so many wrong items anyway?

Saturday we went to Renningers in Mt. Dora. This is what the Mt. part of the area looks like.
So, no not much of a mount! There was a lot of stuff, most of which we could not begin to imagine who would buy it.
Although I did not check the price on the doll lamp, you could not pay me to take it home. I do have a very small salt & pepper shakers collection, but this pair will not be joining in. Can you even imagine paying $50 for the pair.
This dealer clearly does not know when enough is enough!
Finally, in a sweet little story, I noticed the traffic stopped in the middle of Orange Avenue for this good deed.
That is one big turtle the officer is returning to Lake Jennie Jewel!

Earlier, we had another massive rainstorm which has quit for the moment so Publix is calling my name. Yet another thing I've not gotten around to. :)

your friend,


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