Tuesday, July 23, 2019


Thank you to all who commented on the paint scheme. Throw all that out the window friends because, well, things have changed. Not drastically, but thanks to these two young ladies at Sherwin Williams, we've got a new paint scheme. I went in and said, HELP! With my fabric swatch in hand, I explained that I'd chosen Waterloo for an accent wall, but nothing I tried with it worked. The young lady, pictured on the left, knew me as soon as I said I was a blogger and asked if I could I take her photo. I've done it before, or so it seems.
The young woman on the right is in training and seemed to learn from our conversation. After several ideas, we settled on SW Tidewater for the walls. Still I wasn't completely sold, so we chose a different deep blue, well, because we could. Actually, since I had painted the whole thing with a tiny brush, it was going to need to be repainted anyway, so maybe my original choice of Waterloo was the problem. I did love that color but it was definitely very dark. Three gallons later, I was out the door with both SW Tidewater and Inky Blue.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, or make that the condo, Mr. Peck was a busy beaver. Before I left for the store, we moved lots of things out of the room to give both us, and Edmond, room to move around. Edmund? Yes, the carpenter Bruce hired to do the crown molding because his saw was a tiny bit too small to handle the wood. He worked for Bruce many times on Darden projects, as well as making a new fence for us when we lost ours in Hurricane Charley.
What was Mr. Peck doing, you ask? Moving the air conditioning vent lower so it would fit below the crown molding. It is one of those home improvement projects that is laborious and no one notices, but it was important to him. Following that project, he moved on to putting up the shelf holdersfor two floating shelves he purchased at IKEA to put above our bed. We have such high ceilings there is a lot of wall to work with.

Note where my sewing table is. Oops, it shows in the next one!
See those drills? They are sitting on our dresser mirror which is on the table which is on the bed! Got that?
Now the brackets are installed and the ceiling of the soffit is back to white. Whew! Bruce, on the floor, is cutting in the new blue color because in this family he is the king of painting. I'm pretty good, but not nearly as good as he is.
The thing about the new paint is that it is a little fresher looking if that makes any sense. In spite of having a very large double window, a lot of our room is shadowy, so as it turns out, now that I've got two coats of Inky Blue on, it just feels lighter.

Last night we slept in the guest room on the double bed. Although we have a Queen bed, we would do just fine in a double because neither of us is overly big. The thing about that room is that the ceiling fan is over the bed which was excellent, unlike in our room where the fan is at the foot of our bed. It's hot, there's no getting around it, so the more cool air the better! Jackie sent me a text the other day saying it was the year anniversary of the tea party they gave me in Vancouver before we left. (link to that wonderful event) It is hard to imagine that we were still there last year at this time. Furthermore, two days later she sent me another text saying she walked to the library and it was so hot there now. I had to laugh because hot there is about 15 degrees cooler than here. Now she understands why we do very little walking here in Orlando. I carried a backpack there every day, but you won't catch me with one here, that's for sure!

Edmund, along with his helper, arrived at 9:15 this morning and immediately got to work. I went out to do some errands and when I got back they were done, leaving the caulking to Bruce who I found on the ladder doing just that.
I'm not sure if this photo does what I was hoping but, it is better than nothing. Caulk is magic is my book. Working his way around the room, he is filling all of the cracks which cover any imperfections at the the ceiling line. He is going to sleep very well tonight because, as I type ,he is cutting in the walls, both at the baseboard, and the crown molding. Last night we quit around 8:45 which was way too late for me! Once he finishes the cutting in, I'll begin rolling the walls.

Another thing Bruce did yesterday was put up the curtain rod. All of this should make more sense once they are made. As of this writing, they are not. Let us hope it does anyway.

I had lots of nature shots to show you, but I think I've convinced Bruce that he doesn't have to finish tonight so I'm heading into the kitchen to fashion some dinner using the roast chicken I made last night. However, I did want to tell you that I checked on our Lake Cherokee swans that I could not find the other day. All accounted for.
Finally, has anyone watched Ozark on Netflix? Oh my gosh!!!!

your friend,


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