Monday, August 5, 2019

One Week From Now!

Yes, that is right, as I type this it is only one week until we will board an airplane for the first leg of our journey, landing first in New York before flying to London. When it was just an idea it seemed like so far away, but here we are, months later, and it is soon to become a reality. It's been a long time since last we went on a real vacation. Sure, we drove across the country twice, but both times we were on a mission. And while it could be argued that I was on a year-long vacation in Vancouver, the same could not be said of Mr. Peck. Thus, the excitement is building.

With that in mind, this morning I thought it might be wise to give my new crossbody bag an audition during my walk. While I would prefer to take my little back pack, in one of the travel videos I've recently watched, there was a reminder that many museums don't allow backpacks, so a crossbody bag is preferable. I bought one I found at Marshalls, made by a company called Baggallina, apparently one started by frequent travelers. The bag itself is very lightweight, however, with my camera in said bag, I was having my doubts. I suspect the other walkers, seeing the tags still hanging on the bag, thought I was a bit crazy, but then again, probably not a one even noticed. The first thing I noticed is that it sat way too low, but after remedying that, I hope I am good.

In the meantime, we are amusing ourselves closer to home.
The sun has been intermittent of late, sometimes not at all, and other times, even when storm clouds are brewing. On days when rain is predicted, it doesn't fall, while others with little chance of rain in the forecast, there is a monsoon. Well, maybe not quite a monsoon, but one afternoon/evening, 3.5 inches of rain fell in a few hours time.

Here's something exciting to report---we are sleeping much sounder with the draperies in place! Amazingly, Bruce slept until 9:30 in the morning one day last week, something that I can never remember happening before. In case you are wondering, he is enjoying his retirement even though he is working a lot at the church. The truth is, he loves making or repairing things, and when there is no pressure, the pleasure is even greater. Some guys like to golf, Bruce likes using tools!

Thursday morning I was going to the downtown library to return an excellent book about adoption, Before We Were Yours. With all of the daily horrors we hear about these days, it is tempting to think that people used to be better, however, after reading the above book, it is a good reminder that some folks have always been horrible. None more so, however, than during WWII, the subject of a heart wrenching tale of five Jewish young adult siblings, and their parents, who with luck, and great determination and fortitude, managed to live through the Holocaust. Based on the authors grandparent's story, it was a remarkable read. We Were the Lucky Ones is perfectly titled. These rainy days are perfect for spending time with a good book.

Okay, back to the library trip. While I was perusing the books, Bruce was watching a big group of children gathered for a show. Actually, they were crazy loud, but I guess being quiet in a library is not so important anymore?  So, who were they waiting for? Why, Jiggle Man, that's who! I've included the link because it is pretty hard to describe, but it was so entertaining we, too, took a seat.
For most of the show he did pantomime while doing all sorts of crazy things, such as using a leaf blower to send toilet paper up into the rafters!
Kids and adults alike, including us, thoroughly enjoyed his antics. Eventually though, we thought our parking meter might be out of time and we made our way back to the car, parked along Rosalind. This parking garage art caught my eye,
and when we discovered we had about twenty minutes, left, we crossed the street for a better look. My impression? Weird.
It may have a bit of a 3-D effect, but seriously, a fox and a bear? We were standing in the sculpture park in front of the Orange County building and took some time to appreciate the latest batch.
From there we drove the few blocks to Lake Eola for a little walk around. I'd been wanting to see the new "tuxedo" swans that were brought in to mate. Unfortunately, and I don't know the details, but one of them has died. That beak has a bit of a Muscovey Duck look to me.
Marveling over how many Sundays we spent there selling my work, from the early days when no one came, to the later days when, despite huge crowds, we were just plain sick of it all. We were shocked, when we walked by my former booth area, to see that the best spot in the market is no longer so because several trees have been removed. Full on sun these days! Yikes!!!
New apartment buildings have gone up since those days.
Since we've been home, I've done my fair share of complaining about the restaurants, however, I think we've found one that hits on all cylinders. The Stubborn Mule was very, very tasty.
We've seen big crowds here and now I know why!

It pays to read the fine print folks, something I learned Friday morning. I'd seen this crazy offer of a dozen chocolate glazed chocolate doughnuts for $2 at Krispy Kreme.
Not so fast Gail, as I was to learn when Bruce returned to the car without any chocolate doughnuts. I'd had this idea that we would pick some up on our way to the Lake Apopka Wildlife drive and eat them on the way there. Not the whole dozen, mind you, but maybe two each. As I learned from my dear husband, that deal was if you were already buying a dozen. Two dozen would have fed us for, well, I guess until we left for London?

A more reasonable half dozen in the car, although it was raining, we hoped it would quit. And it did.
It seemed as if there was considerably more water than during our last visit with Matt and Tom. Furthermore, there were more gators with our count being 31, including this one that was fixing to cross the road right in front of our car. I poked my camera out the window!
There were also way more Osprey. I bet I saw at least 20, both flying, and perched in the trees.
And on telephone poles too.
We saw loads of jumping fish, and some caught fish.
I was delighted to see the Fulvous Whistling Duck pair, the same type duck that I had a very poor look at on our other visit.
Still not a great shot, but better than last time thanks to Bruce who saw them on his side of the car!

Perhaps this is a good time to include a link to an article about how good birdwatching is for folks.
Birdwatching is great!    With that in mind, after the excitement of seeing the two owls last week, I've been heading out back as the sun comes up,
hoping they would return. While two would be great, I'm just thrilled that at least one of them has returned most mornings.
I was even more thrilled the morning that the Wood duck family was close to shore, the owl in the tree, AND the small otter was playing in the water.

I swear, it's a wonder I ever get anything done! Oh wait, I don't!!

your friend,


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