Friday, September 27, 2019

The Mostly Open Road

For many years Bruce built restaurants for Darden in New England, falling in love with both the quaintness of the towns, and the rugged beauty, especially Vermont. And of course, during those years he was able to watch the leaves change, marveling every year. We discussed going there on a road trip, however, he's got a project at the church he's managing rendering that out of the question. Instead he suggested Asheville. Looking into it, I just wasn't feeling like we were meant to go there, so I suggested a cabin in Brevard, North Carolina coupled with some camping. Sounded good to him.
We took off early, a week ago Thursday with the plan of taking state roads.
 Before we left, however, we needed a tent which we bought last week at Dick's Sporting Goods, setting it up in the back yard to check it out.
Aside from a new stove and air mattress, Bruce had all the rest of the necessary supplies from previous camping trips. Had I ever been camping before? Only once about twenty plus years ago! Heading up 441 there was some traffic, however, once we passed Lake County, well, people seem to only use the interstates because we encountered few cars. While some folks love the flat Florida landscape, we were anxious to get out of the state, in part because we were hoping for some cooler weather. I took loads of photos along the way, but this one, taken in South Georgia, might interest you the most. A field of cotton as far as the eye can see. Up close it looks just like cotton balls on plants which sounds silly but I really was thinking it would be more complicated than that. :)
Just one of the joys of a road trip, seeing where our cotton comes from! Before leaving home, I'd become acquainted with the Georgia State Parks website, creating an account and finding our first place to camp at Gordonia Alatamaha State Park, a name which does not roll easily off the tongue. Unlike tents of old, this one sets up easily in no time.
Only slightly cooler, it still was easy to sleep on our air mattress without air conditioning.
I absolutely loved cooking on our little camp stove! The first night I brought along some pulled pork made previously and fried up some cornbread, also from our freezer.
Potato salad from Houndstooth Kitchen and Eatery, Monica and David's place, and we were all set. Marshmallows toasted over the open fire goes without saying. Speaking of Monica, she's back in the hair business, thank God! Unfortunately for me she could only get me in on Wednesday afternoon before the trip which left me scrambling to get ready. While I did forget a few things, at least I have some new hair!

After a hearty camp breakfast, the tent came down, we packed everything and hit guessed it, open road!
Do you see the beginning of a rise in the road? Some parts have two lanes while at other times it becomes four lanes.
Should you care to see our route, here's the map, although I use both the atlas, and the iPad to navigate our route; one for the small picture and one for the larger one. That's how we do it--Bruce drives, and I tell him where to go. It works for us!

He's super good about stopping places I find interesting...
of course it does give him time for a little nap! The buildings were colorfully painted,
with a mix of goods inside.
You cannot beat a bright red barn, white fence and hay bales in the fields for scenery.
We stopped to make a sandwich in the cute little town of Elberton before the final push to North Carolina. I love seeing the old movie theaters,
and signs painted on the back side of brick buildings.
Pecans trees beside our parking spot provided some much needed shade as it was still very warm.
Back on the road, finally we got to the corner of South Carolina we needed to cross.
Before long we crossed the Savanah River,  which flows through a dam project called Lake Hartwell. Absolutely lovely part of the state!
Oh my comes the mountains!!!
Bruce is a big fan of the show, Barnwood Builders, although they are in West Virginia, we saw plenty of old barns they probably could recycle.
About this time of the day, getting there is within sight, so pressing on, Bruce began the drive through the Mountain Bridge Wilderness Area, an apt name. Holy Moly, the road was full of this,
and this, something we were not expecting in South Carolina.
Nerve wracking to say the least! Bruce was a champ, taking every curve as it came. I was way more nervous and could never have done it.  Finally....
The North Carolina line begins where the wilderness area ends, and it was but another twenty or so miles and we found our little slice of heaven.
A one bedroom cabin set in the woods---perfect! I'd found Ash Grove Cabins and Camping on the North Carolina website, booking it for three nights, and it was all that we hoped it would be. We found some cooler weather, enjoyed the coziness, AND on Sunday night we were able to continue watching Ken Burn's Country Music documentary which is absolutely fantastic! Did you watch it? If not, it is being re-run this weekend.

Nest up---what we did while there. I will return to my London post soon!

your friend,


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