Tuesday, December 10, 2019

One Thing After Another

I've been trying to get to my blog, really I have, but one thing after another has happened and my little space has gone empty. The truth is, I'm just not as fast as I once was, tasks seem to take longer, or I make silly mistakes that cost me time. For instance, earlier today I headed to the post office to mail a few packages, one domestic, and two international. I'd addressed them yesterday while waiting on our lunch guests and thought I'd gotten them right. Somehow, while filling out the customs forms, I thought I'd left off the postal code on the one heading to London. Duh! Texting Matt, I awaited his reply, although I knew it might be delayed as he was probably at work. Leaving the post office to visit Maureen, I vowed to return once he got back with me. He did, and I did. To make this long story short, it was on the envelope all of the time!!! Sometimes you just have to laugh at yourself!

Speaking of Maureen, and I so wanted to write about this immediately, when I visited last week there was such a pleasant surprise, something I don't type lightly as that sort of thing has been few and far between. Anyway, an entertainer arrived with his electric guitar, amp, and prerecorded music. What he lacked in musical talent, he more than made up for with his ability to connect with the residents, some of whom I've never before seen awake.
See the bright green shirted fellow at the end of the table? He sang along with every song! As did Maureen, who is pictured below in the plaid blouse.
He worked the crowd, going right up to them while singing his heart out. And then there were the nurses and aides who were dancing away.
In my year of visiting I've never seen everyone so engaged, which really made my heart soar. His rendition of "Red, Red, Wine" got everyone who could, tapping their toes, and "Oh Susannah" was a sing along favorite. They loved "Jailhouse Rock" too. Oh friends, the power of music is really something, isn't it?

As promised, the new car which Bruce just loves for all sorts of reasons.
The church is decorated,
as is the complex.
One afternoon I was one of several volunteers putting out 100 poinsettias around the grounds.
That is Susan, our association president who is a tireless worker, and in fact, had so much to do, she asked if I would take over the Resident Relations committee to which I could not find a way to say no. More on that in a minute.

Must have been this same afternoon that Bruce asked if I wanted to get our tree. Hopping in the car, we went down the street to our usual place, only to discover the trees, unlike last years beauty, were small and spotty because all the good ones had already been purchased! December 3, mind you. By that I mean more open spaces in the tree than is ideal. We went to another lot where the prices were out of our range. Think $150 for a seven foot tree that will be trashed in weeks. Not happening for this frugal couple. Returning to where we began, I chose a tree that I thought I might have to call my Charlie Brown tree.
Spending a night in water, first thing in the morning it looked like the above. An example of things taking way longer, the tree was finally ready to be plugged in, and not so bad after all.
A gazillion lights works wonders! Bruce got us all fancy outdoors.
Perhaps you notice the branches on our little tree on the left? My word has that thing grown like mad. My theory is that with the floodlight hitting it all night long it is as if it is on light steroids! From upstairs you can see how it has almost filled the space in eight short months!
On our way home from church one day we came across this cool mural, meeting the artist who was still working on a wall around it.
Another thing I've been wanting to share is a sighting of a lone duck in Lake Davis, one that I first saw in Vancouver. What do you suppose it is called?
If you guessed Goldeneye, you would be correct! I saw droves of them in Vancouver, but as far as I can remember, this sighting is a first for me here. Let's see, the photo below is not so much about the tree as it is about my exciting, at least to me, little vase collection with the morning sun streaming through.
What can I say except that I'm a simple girl who delights in the ordinary.

Friday evening I learned that our friend Sue was in town, just down the street at Johnny's Filling Station, and wanted us to come up and see her. You may recall that I was sad that she was moving to Lakeside, Montana, near Glacier National Park. Sad for me, glad for her. Anyway, in a rare nighttime outing, we popped over and I hit the dance floor with Kathy and Sue, pictured on the right.
Let me tell you, that place was hopping, with old folks like us who rarely get to dance anymore! The band was pretty good too.

During the week I was also busy with party preparations, one morning taken up by buying table lanterns, checking into the office to see how our RSVPs were going, and stressing over the quantity of food and beverages to purchase. Plus we were having a toy drive for a worthy cause, Nathanial's Hope; in lieu of charging admission, we wanted gifts for the needy. Some were dropped off at the office,
while others were brought to the party. As well, we wanted folks to bring an appetizer to share. Saturday Bruce asked how he could help, other than pick up the ice and chicken, which was huge already. I sent him into our kitchen to make some salami rolls, an old family favorite.
Rarely does Bruce make food, but when he does, you just know it will be perfect. The big bucket of pretzels were used as a method to see if there was enough horseradish in the mix. In Bruce's mind, there can never be enough!
Five o'clock rolled around and the tables were set, the coolers filled with beer and water, the DJ was in place and Michelle had all new decorations. People began arriving in absolute perfect weather.
There were 76 folks who said they were coming, and I think we got around that number, although I never counted. I have a great group of ladies who all pitched in, Patti, Michelle, Ellen and Jennifer. You know the saying, "many hands make light work" and that definitely held true on this night.
There was even a beautiful sunset.
How can this be? Two nights in a row of dancing? Loved it! Even more than I loved dancing myself, watching Matt and Violet take to the dance floor--now that was a blast. He asked me if I wanted to see his dance moves and naturally I emphatically replied yes!
All in all, it seemed to have gone smoothly. 

And then it was time to get ready for some Canadian friends who were coming for lunch on Monday while they were here for the day. I made a very old sugar cookie recipe which, much to my delight, suffered not from any of my silly mistakes. Taco salad was good too. Following lunch we walked around the grounds, ending up in our little back yard (if you will), where they agreed to a photograph with their favorite American project manager! That would be Zarita on the left, and Beth on the right, two ladies who were so good to me during our stay in their beautiful city.
With the Christmas cards nearly (finally!) done, it is time for me to gather some of the stored party items and return them to the office. Can't wait to learn what our final toy count was.

I'll let you know.

your friend,


p.s. I wanted to give a shout out regarding a new author to me...Nickolas Butler whose book, Little Faith was gentle and good. Thought provoking as well. If you enjoyed Marilynne Robinson's, Gilead, I think you will like him as well. He's not as remarkable an author as she is, but he's good in my eyes.

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